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Showing posts from March 30, 2024

Treatment protocol for Kidney Stone

  Treatment protocol for Kidney Stone #MiracleDrinks -------------------------------------------------------------------- #MiracleDrinks is a unique Ayurvedic proprietary medicine for chronic health disorders,  invented by an IAS officer Dr. S. M. Raju. Manufacturing unit is located 70 kms from Bangalore and is equipped with a modern state of art facility.  Factory follows "Good Manufacturing Practices" (GMP)  and is compliant to WHO standards and is licensed under A U/S-932, Govt of Karnataka. Miracle Drinks is the brand name of a series of Herbal Dietary Health Supplements.  These supplements were created by keeping the future of Ayurveda in mind;  the age-old Vedic literature was referred to formulate the supplements  while the consumption guidelines were compiled to be at par with the 21st century. Contact Us : 📞808-69043800 For more information visit our website: Also Connect to us at: Facebook:   / miracledrinks...

The wise man stands out by being free from anticipation, without attachment to such things as children or wives, free from desire for the senses, and not even concerned about his own body.॥84॥

निःस्नेहः पुत्रदारादौ निष्कामो विषयेषु च। निश्चिन्तः स्वशरीरेऽपि निराशः शोभते बुधः॥१८- ८४॥ जो धीर पुरुष पुत्र-स्त्री आदि के प्रति आसक्ति से रहित होता है, विषय की उपलब्धि में उसकी प्रवृत्ति नहीं होती, अपने शरीर के लिए भी निश्चिन्त रहता है, सभी आशाओं से रहित होता है, वह सुशोभित होता है॥८४॥ The wise man stands out by being free from anticipation, without attachment to such things as children or wives, free from desire for the senses, and not even concerned about his own body.॥84॥ Ashtavakra Gita

Peace is everywhere for the wise man who lives on whatever happens to come to him, going to wherever he feels like, and sleeping wherever the sun happens to set.॥85॥

तुष्टिः सर्वत्र धीरस्य यथापतितवर्तिनः। स्वच्छन्दं चरतो देशान् यत्रस्तमितशायिनः॥१८- ८५॥ जहाँ सूर्यास्त हुआ वहां सो लिया, जहाँ इच्छा हुई वहां रह लिया, जो सामने आया उसी के अनुसार व्यवहार कर लिया। इस प्रकार धीर सर्वत्र संतुष्ट रहता है॥८५॥ Peace is everywhere for the wise man who lives on whatever happens to come to him, going to wherever he feels like, and sleeping wherever the sun happens to set.॥85॥ Ashtavakra Gita

He neither longs for possessions nor grieves at their absence. The calm mind of the sage is full of the nectar of immortality.॥81॥

नैव प्रार्थयते लाभं नालाभेनानुशोचति। धीरस्य शीतलं चित्तम- मृतेनैव पूरितम्॥१८- ८१॥ धीर का चित्त ऐसे शीतल रहता है जैसे वह अमृत से परिपूर्ण हो। वह न लाभ की आशा करता है और न हानि का शोक॥८१॥ He neither longs for possessions nor grieves at their absence. The calm mind of the sage is full of the nectar of immortality.॥81॥ Ashtavakra Gita

The dispassionate does not praise the good or blame the wicked. Content and equal in pain and pleasure, he sees nothing that needs doing.॥82॥

न शान्तं स्तौति निष्कामो न दुष्टमपि निन्दति। समदुःखसुखस्तृप्तः किंचित् कृत्यं न पश्यति॥१८- ८२॥ धीर पुरुष न संत की स्तुति करता है और न दुष्ट की निंदा। वह सुख-दुख में समान, स्वयं में तृप्त रहता है। वह अपने लिए कोई भी कर्तव्य नहीं देखता॥८२॥ The dispassionate does not praise the good or blame the wicked. Content and equal in pain and pleasure, he sees nothing that needs doing.॥82॥ Ashtavakra Gita

The wise man does not dislike samsara or seek to know himself. Free from pleasure and impatience, he is not dead and he is not alive.॥83॥

धीरो न द्वेष्टि संसारमा- त्मानं न दिदृक्षति। हर्षामर्षविनिर्मुक्तो न मृतो न च जीवति॥१८- ८३॥ धीर पुरुष न संसार से द्वेष करता है और न आत्म-दर्शन की इच्छा। वह हर्ष और शोक से रहित है। लौकिक दृष्टि से वह न तो मृत है और न जीवित॥८३॥ The wise man does not dislike samsara or seek to know himself. Free from pleasure and impatience, he is not dead and he is not alive.॥83॥ Ashtavakra Gita

Love always change?

Delhi, India, 5th November, 1998 Chapter 1 - The You That You Want To Change Day 53 - Love (Continued) Question - Gurudev, must love always change? Gurudev Sri Sri - Love is your very nature. What is your nature cannot change. But the expression of love changes. Because love is your nature, you cannot but love. A mother has total love for her child. Sometimes she feeds the child, sometimes she is strict with the child. "Come on, sit and write".  She does this out of love, and these are all different modes of love. So the expression of love changes. But love itself does not change, because love is your nature. When someone expresses love to you, what do you do? - You do not know how to respond. - You feel obliged and bound. - You shrink or shy away. - You feel foolish and awkward. - You try to reciprocate even though it is not genuine. - You doubt the love expressed and you doubt your own worthiness. - You are afraid of losing respect because love does not allow distance and r...

Inspires and brings confidence.

Jaipur, India, 13th November 1997 Chapter 1 - The You That You Want To Change Day 54 - Love (Continued) An example inspires and brings confidence in the application of knowledge, and the visible sign of it is an undying smile. The self knows neither sorrow nor death, yet in it flow all the relative events. It is easy to be detached when you are not in love.  Being in utter love and yet undisturbed, caring yet not worried, persistent yet not perturbed, are all the obvious signs of the self shining through. Let love be. Do not give it a name. When you give love a name it becomes a relationship, and relationships restrict love.  There is love between you and me. Just let it be. If you give love a name, such as brother, sister, mother, father, Guru - you are making it into a relationship. Relationship restricts love. What is your relationship to yourself?  Are you your wife, brother, husband, Guru? Let love be. Do not give it a name. When love glows, it is bliss. When it flow...

Who has renounced can love

Montreal Ashram, Quebec, Canada, 9th July, 1997 Chapter 1 - The You That You Want To Change Day 55 - Love (Continued) Only who has renounced can love. To the degree you have renounced, to that degree will you have the ability to love. Often people think those who renounce cannot love, and those who love cannot renounce. This is because renunciates do not seem to be in love, and so-called lovers are possessive and needy.  True love is not possessive, it brings freedom, and renunciation is nothing but freedom. Only in freedom can love blossom fully. When you are in love you say, “I want nothing, I just want this”. Renunciation is, “I do not want anything. I am free”. In love there is no other need. Renunciation is having no need. Love and renunciation, although appearing to be opposites, are two sides of the same coin. Question - Gurudev, does this mean the lover renounces his beloved? Gurudev - You renounce the attachment, the possessiveness. Renunciation doesn’t diminish love, enha...


Highway 25, Between Boulder & Denver,  Colorad, United State 23rd July 1998 Chapter 1 - The You That You Want To Change Day 51 - Love I chant the name of my beloved in every breath. The beloved is faultless, perfect. But being in love I have lost my reputation. When there is so much love, you take total responsibility for any misunderstanding. For a moment you may express dismay on the surface but when you do not feel that dismay in your heart, you arrive at a perfect understanding.  You are in a state where all problems and all differences slide away and only love shines through. Usually we are stuck in our differences because we have lost sight of ourselves. In the name of love we try to manipulate and control the other person. It is natural that when we love someone, we want them to be perfect.  You can never see the holes in the ground from the top of a hill. From an airplane the earth looks so smooth. So also from a state of elevated consciousness, you do not see...

That love is not stable

Bangalore Ashram, India, 12th February 1999 Chapter 1 - The You That You Want To Change Day 52 - Love (Continued) If love is based on the qualities of a person, that love is not stable. After some time the qualities change and the love becomes shaky. Loving someone because of their greatness or uniqueness is third rate love. Loving someone because they belong to you, great or otherwise, is unconditional love.  Knowledge, sadhana, seva and satsang, spiritual practice, service and coming together in celebration help to bring about a sense of belonging. When love springs from a sense of belongingness, then the actions and qualities do not overshadow the love. Neither qualities nor actions can be perfect all the time. Only love and a feeling of kinship can be perfect.  Here are the signs of love. When you love someone you see nothing wrong with them. Even if you see a fault in them you justify it in some way “Everyone does that, it is normal”. You think you have not done enough fo...


Montreal Ashram, Quebec, Canada 18th June, 1997 Chapter 1 - The You That You Want To Change Day 48 - Compassion There are 2 types of compassion. One is the compassion of the wise, one is that of the ignorant. An ignorant person’s compassion is towards the fruit of an action to alleviate the sickness or suffering that he witnesses but a wise person’s compassion is toward the lack of knowledge to remedy the underlying reason for sickness or suffering.  Compassion for suffering shows ignorance. Suffering comes because of karma and if you believe in karma, where is compassion? You reap the fruit of your actions. If a judge has compassion for offenders, then the jails will be empty. But are judges cruel to offenders? No.  The judge’s compassion is for the lack of knowledge he sees, not for the suffering of the criminals. It is the criminal’s karma. Often people think compassion is an act, an action. Know that compassion is your very nature. Then you will see that karma and compassi...


Bangalore Ashram, India 15th September 1999 Chapter 1 - The You That You Want To Change Day 49 - Karmas Some karma can be changed and some cannot. When you prepare a dessert, if sugar or ghee is too little, you can add more. If some other ingredient is too much, it can all be adjusted and repaired. But once it is cooked, it cannot be reversed.  Milk can become sweet yogurt or sour yogurt, and sour yogurt can be sweetened but neither can be reversed back to milk. Sanchita karma can be changed and adjusted by Spiritual practices. Prarabdha karma cannot be changed. Satsang burns the seed of all negative karmas before they are given a chance to sprout. Strange are the ways of karma. The more you understand it, the more amazed you become. Karma brings people together and separates them.  It causes some to be weak and some to be strong. It makes some rich and some poor. All the struggles in the world, whatever they may be, are the bondage of karma. It cuts across all logic and reaso...


Bangalore Ashram, India 24th April, 1996 Chapter 1 - The You That You Want To Change Day 50 - Mercy Mercy indicates lack of intimacy, a distance, a lack of belonging. You do not have mercy on your loved ones. You do not hear parents say, “I have mercy on my children”. You have mercy on those whom you think are not yours. Mercy indicates anger, judgment and authority.  When you ask for mercy, you are self centered. You want to be excused from the law of cause and effect. It indicates lack of courage and valor. At times, mercy is an impediment to growth. Mercy, of course, brings some comfort and relief, but it can impair any transformation.  If the leaves were to ask for mercy from falling, they would not be transformed and then what would happen to the tree? Two of our devotees, high on bliss, did not stop at a stop sign, so the police mercilessly gave them a ticket. Victoria said, “Thank you,” but the police woman told her to go to court and beg for mercy.  You only ask f...


Weekly Knowledge 89 Guess Where? 19 Feb 1997 Guess Where? SEVA BLESSINGS When you do seva don't think you are doing a favor for somebody. You have done the seva and it has rewarded you immediately. Its reward is for sure and is always more than your doing. Your expectation of reward for the seva turns the seva into labor. If you think you have done a lot, you will do very little; if you see you have done a little, then you will do more. Seva is even when you don't see an immediate reward there is no complaint; labor is even after an immediate reward, there will be complaints. Be grateful for any opportunity to do the seva.


Weekly Knowledge 87 Your Home Town 07 Feb 1997  Your Country   UNKNOWN KNOWLEDGE Do you recall this from last week's Knowledge sheet? "P.S. Next week everyone write a knowledge sheet with your news flash and send it with your name on it. Fax or mail it to your national center." It seems that Guruji was serious. He was asked last night about the missing Knowledge and He said that He was looking forward to reading other people's Knowledge sheets rather than sending out one. He said that people read the Knowledge and forget it so He wants people to write their own this time. 🌸Jai Guru Dev🌸   साप्ताहिक ज्ञानपत्र ०८७ ३० जनवरी, १९९७ लॉस एंजेलेस, कैलिफ़ोर्निया  अज्ञात ज्ञान  पिछले सप्ताह गुरूजी का आदेश था कि सभी अपने अपने ज्ञान-पत्र बनायें। और गुरुदेव अटल रहे। इस सप्ताह उन्होंने ज्ञान-पत्र नहीं भेजा। इनका कहना है कि ज्ञानपत्रों को लोग पढ़ते है और भूल जाते है। इसलिए इस बार सब अपना ज्ञानपत्र लिखें। वे दूसरों के ज्ञान-पत्र पढ़ना चाहते है। भक्तों को ज्ञान-पत्रों में से एक.....


Weekly Knowledge 88 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 12 Feb 1997  USA BE LOVED You don't need to worry to maintain knowledge. When knowledge is lodged in you as wisdom, it will never leave you. Wisdom lodges itself in your heart. Make the Divine your Valentine (your sweet Beloved). This is the last thing to do and the first thing to do. Keep your heart in a safe place; it is too delicate. Events, small things make strong impressions on it. And you cannot find a better place than the Divine to keep your heart safe and your mind sane. When you keep your heart in the Divine, the moving time, the passing events, will not be able to touch it, will not create a scar. A precious stone needs a setting around it, gold or silver, to hold it and to wear it; so wisdom and knowledge are that setting around the heart which will hold it in the Divine. See the Divine in your Valentine and make the Divinity your Valentine (your sweet beloved). Just BE. . .and know that you are LOVED... That is BELOVED.

Guru bina gati nahin

*Guru bina gati nahin*  There can be no progress without the Guru. Let us say you have a lot of water lying on the floor. It will take a lot of time for it to evaporate and disappear, but if you take a wiper and spread the water out on the floor then it will easily evaporate. Isn't it? Similarly on your own no matter how much you try to dissolve your karmas, you infact create more karmas. But if you are in the presence of a gyani, then no matter what they are doing, yoga, knowledge or may be they are in silence, all your karmas start disappearing and evaporating. That is why it is said “Guru Bina Gati Nahin”.  ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji


Weekly Knowledge 82 Lake Lucerne 01 Jan 1997  Switzerland   NEW YEAR CELEBRATION The year 1997 is fortunate because you are living at this time. When you are living for the sake of the world, the world is fortunate. You are not living for yourself, but for the world. Whatever the world needs or wants, you are there for that. So the year is fortunate that you are on the earth at this point in time. Let the time celebrate your presence. You keep smiling as ever. Usually people make a wish for the New Year. This year, make no wish. Let the New Year celebrate you. If it wants to bring you nicer things, let it. It's up to it. Usually you are lost in celebration. When you let time celebrate you, you are a witness amidst celebration. 🌸Jai Guru Dev🌸   साप्ताहिक ज्ञानपत्र ०८२ १ जनवरी, १९९७ लेक लूसर्न, स्विट्ज़रलैंड  नव-वर्ष का उत्सव यह वर्ष १९९७, भाग्यशाली है, क्योकि आप सब इस समय है। जब आप संसार के लिए जीते है, संसार सौभाग्यशाली होता है। आप केवल अपने लिए नहीं जी रहे है , आप...


Weekly Knowledge 83 Bad Antogast 08 Jan 1997  Germany PADMANABHA -- THE LOTUS NAVEL Different organs of our body are governed by different devas. The solar plexus is connected with the sun, that's why it is called "solar" plexus. When the first rays of the sun fall on the solar plexus, it is very good for your body. Doing Surya Namaskar ("sun salutation") yoga asana in the early morning is very good.  The solar plexus has a profound impact on the central nervous system, optic nerves, stomach, and what we usually call "gut feeling." It is the second brain in your body. Usually the solar plexus is slightly bigger than an almond. Studies have shown that with the practice of yoga, meditation, and Sudarshan Kriya, the solar plexus can become as a large as the size of the palm. Then it performs better. It balances the body functions. When the solar plexus expands, the intuitive mind works better. The mind becomes clear and focussed. When the solar plexus con...


Weekly Knowledge 85 Dallas, Texas 22 Jan 1997  USA ACCEPT THE WORLD AT ITS WORST Suppose the worst of the world is given to you; what would you do with it now? You cannot complain if you get the worst. You can only complain if you don't get the worst. If the world is at its worst, then it can only get better and you are here to make it better. Jim: When things are at their very worst, then there is only time and space. (Laughter) Patty: When you see that life is suffering then you go within. Paula: It is like running out of breath and you have to inhale. What happens when you have to do it all by yourself -- no one comes to help? You do everything by yourself? There are three options: 1. Frustration and complaining. 2. Take credit that you did it by yourself -- thank others for not helping so that you could take all the credit. (Laughter) 3. Be grateful, pray deeply, and know that you get all the energy needed to do it all alone. There is only one doer. 🌸Jai Guru Dev🌸 साप्ताहिक ज...


Weekly Knowledge 86 City of Angels -- Los Angeles, California 30 Jan 1997  USA INDIGESTION OF KNOWLEDGE Indigestion of knowledge leads to development of a false ego which has no cure. Knowledge must be digested properly. Indigestion of knowledge leads to: 1. False ego 2. Disinterestedness; taking for granted; lack of awareness 3. Familiarity without understanding, without depth -- flakiness 4. Tendency to preach 5. "Heart" burn 6. Using knowledge for their own small ends 7. Adamancy Your inability to do something (break a habit) can cause a pinch; when you are deeply pained by something, then that will rid you of that habit. If you are pained by your shortcomings, then you are sadhak. Pain takes you out of addiction. If you are in love with the divine, then you can digest the knowledge. Love is the appetizer -- seva is the exercise -- without love and seva, knowledge becomes indigestible. So everyone list the loving seva you have done for the world. Marielle: If love is the a...

My First Encounter With Gurudev At The Part 2 Program In Houston

I signed up for part 2 after my friend encouraged me to do so. Additionally, with Gurudev visiting Houston, I was curious to find out who this person was that had such a significant influence on people’s lives. The Part 2 program in Houston in October 2008 was nothing short of amazing.  Gurudev came in three times, gave discourses, conducted meditation, and even led Sports Yoga! I was in silence, standing by, when he was walking out after the discourse. I wanted to see him up close and take a detailed look at him. As he passed by, he looked at me and asked, “What is your name?” I couldn’t explain what went through my mind. It was a great experience, and I was totally transfixed, but I thoroughly enjoyed his presence and blurted out my full name, forgetting that I was supposed to be in silence. That moment, that question from him, made so many changes in me. I was taken aback by his knowledge and his spontaneous responses to questions. I look forward to having more interactions with...

The Divine Abode

Walking up the interlocked concrete roads, uphill, from the parking lot and past the divine stores, I am out of breath when I finally reach this sacred place. Grateful for a spot to sit and close my eyes, I take a moment to catch my breath as the cool breeze offers comfort to my wet back and shoulders. It has been quite a while since I last made eye contact with Gurudev, and I wait patiently, sometimes meditating with my eyes closed before opening them in anticipation of his arrival.  And finally, Gurudev arrives, holding a lotus in his right hand and dressed in full white, his hair waving rhythmically in the breeze. I kneel and wait for him to approach. As he draws nearer, I look up to him and he acknowledges me with raised eyebrows, which then turn into a smile. He pats my head with the lotus and moves on, the white angavastram caressing my face. On another day, after playing cricket with my new bat that cost only Rs. 3, I take my bat proudly and head home. Running on the rough h...

From Atheist To Priest: A Journey With Gurudev

I used to be an atheist and firmly believed that science alone created the world without the intervention of any god or guru. However, in April 1992, when my friends and I went to a nearby temple,  I stumbled upon a discourse by Sri Sri, without knowing who he was. I saw the bearded man on the stage distributing prasadam and everyone was happy. I too was drawn into the positive energy and decided to take his blessings before leaving. Years later, I found myself in the ashram doing the Part 1 course, followed by Part 2, DSN, and Sahaj. I couldn’t believe that Gurudev had transformed me from an atheist to a priest. I am still awed by the power that he exudes with just a glance. How did it all happen? Who knows? But I am grateful to have such a wonderful master, and it’s his grace that keeps me going. I love my master because he pulled me towards him when I knew nothing about him. Jai Guru Dev.  ~ Ravi  From Atheist to Priest: A Journey with Gurudev - Sri Sri Stories

Walking With Gurudev

Once in June 2014, as I walked from my room to the amphitheater for the evening Satang at the Art of Living Bangalore ashram, I stopped on the way as I noticed Gurudev’s car parked outside a hall which was under construction. Two people were waiting for him outside. I peeped in to take a look, there he was, small in height as compared to the tall men he was surrounded with, but towering above them all in demeanor. After a rather unhappy and emotionally turbulent day, I did not feel like going for Satsang. I just wanted to hide in my room and not bother anyone with the sadness and pain that I felt. But here I was, waiting for my Gurudev outside that hall. He was giving instructions for further construction of the hall. As he came out, a smile automatically came to my face and with folded hands, I just stood there looking at him. Once he was done with the inspection, he suddenly looked in my direction and gave a sweet smile and waved at me. I couldn’t utter a word. I continued to smile a...

Arjuna Vishada Yoga Originally published on | Sri Sri Stories

I was attending a 7-day Advanced Meditation Program with Bhagavad Gita Live discourse by Gurudev at our Bangalore Ashram. As I made my way to Saraswathi Hall for the Gita session, my mind and heart were at war. It seemed like I might have to forego serving the vision of my Guru due to a family situation. As I reached the hall, I found two corner chairs vacant in the second row, which was a wonder considering the hall was already overfull. Overcome with stress,  I dozed off during the Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya chanting, missing the moment when Gurudev walked in and the discourse started. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my right shoulder, and when I turned to look, there was no one there. I was wide awake, and I felt Gurudev’s piercing eyes staring right at me, saying, “Arjuna, keep me with you and fight the war.” All my misery dissolved in that very instant, and I realized that He had heard my prayers. Although I may have to attend to family priorities for a short spell of time, my sev...

Compassion For Prison Inmates

I first attended the Art of Living basic course (now called the Happiness Program) way back in January 1999 in Abu Dhabi, UAE. Though I joined reluctantly, I gave my 100% to all the processes and continued the practice diligently. Doing the course turned out to be a great blessing. I used to suffer from migraine and sinusitis since my school days. It meant living in misery for at least a week as the seasons changed. To my great relief,  I realized after about a year of doing the basic course that I was completely free from migraine and sinusitis. Upon retirement and my return to Bangalore, I started doing seva in the city’s central jail, conducting courses for male inmates. I started earning their trust and love, and eventually crafted a rehabilitation program. It was one of the most fulfilling and satisfying acts of service. I could feel compassion for the inmates, and Gurudev’s words resonated in my heart: “Behind every culprit is a victim crying for help.” I am grateful to Gurud...

Gratitude For Beloved Gurudev

Words are not enough to express my gratitude and grace for our beloved Gurudev who has given us such wonderful courses for life. He is my precious love, my God, my everything. I have been helped in many ways, even when I was unaware of it.  I consider myself lucky and blessed to have such a great and wonderful master who has been my strength and support throughout. He chose me and led me to this path, taking care of me even before I knew him. Gurudev has been a constant presence in my life, guiding and shaping me into the person I am today. I am forever grateful for his unconditional love and support. Thank you, Gurudev, for everything. ~ Reshma Murthy Gratitude for Beloved Gurudev - Sri Sri Stories

Finding Peace And Joy Through Meditation

My name is Uthama Shankar, and I am a teacher by profession and a proud mother of two lovely kids. In 2005, my brother introduced me to the Art of Living Program, which I enjoyed immensely. I was actively involved in Seva projects and Satsangs, but after getting married and having children, I couldn’t continue my practice actively. However, in 2017, I met AnupUnnikrishnan Ji, who helped me return to my path of meditation with his constant support and loving guidance. During the lockdown in 2020, I also completed the Sri Sri Sanskar Kendra Teachers’ Training Program, which helped me learn how to nurture children and inculcate Indian cultural values in them.  My own children attended the Sanskar Kendra classes, and I noticed a significant difference in their behavior. They now enjoy sitting and chanting for a few minutes every day, and they’re eager to hear stories from Indian scriptures. As a parent, I’ve learned to appreciate my children as individual divine souls and communicate m...

Gurudev Is Truly Divine

I was not mainly a devotee of Guruji, but on December 26, 2013, I lost my brother-in-law to mouth cancer. My sister was grieving, as was my entire family. Due to my sister’s unstable emotional state, she drove me out of her house. I was visiting her from the U.S., and at that time, I decided to go and stay at the Bangalore ashram. I went every evening to Vishalakshi Mantap, the main meditation hall (or the lotus hall, as I like to call it), and Guruji was there every day in January 2014. I enjoyed my Ayurvedic treatment and the Sudarshan Kriya. I had learned the kriya while in the US when I was forced by friends a couple of years earlier but was not practicing it. I felt different doing the kriya at the ashram. I felt as if I was happy for no reason. I had dreams of Guruji during my Ayurvedic treatments. In mid-January, I entered the hall with my mother, who had come to visit me at the ashram. Guruji asked if it was anyone’s birthday during that week. I celebrated my own birthday recen...

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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