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There is neither heaven nor hell nor even liberation during life. In a nutshell, in the sight of the seer nothing exists at all.॥80॥

न स्वर्गो नैव नरको जीवन्मुक्तिर्न चैव हि। बहुनात्र किमुक्तेन योगदृष्ट्या न किंचन॥१८- ८०॥ योगी के लिए न स्वर्ग है, न नरक और न जीवन्मुक्ति ही। इस सम्बन्ध में अधिक कहने से क्या लाभ है  योग की दृष्टि से कुछ भी नहीं है॥८०॥ There is neither heaven nor hell nor even liberation during life. In a nutshell, in the sight of the seer nothing exists at all.॥80॥ Ashtavakra Gita

A fool does not get rid of his stupidity even on hearing the truth. He may appear outwardly free from imaginations, but inside he is hankering after the senses still.॥76॥

मन्दः श्रुत्वापि तद्वस्तु न जहाति विमूढतां। निर्विकल्पो बहिर्यत्नाद- न्तर्विषयलालसः॥१८- ७६॥ अज्ञानी तत्त्व का श्रवण करके भी अपनी मूढ़ता का त्याग नहीं करता, वह बाह्य रूप से तो निसंकल्प हो जाता है पर उसके अंतर्मन में विषयों की इच्छा बनी रहती है॥७६॥ A fool does not get rid of his stupidity even on hearing the truth. He may appear outwardly free from imaginations, but inside he is hankering after the senses still.॥76॥ Ashtavakra Gita

Though in the eyes of the world he is active, the man who has shed action through knowledge finds no means of doing or speaking anything.॥77॥

ज्ञानाद् गलितकर्मा यो लोकदृष्ट्यापि कर्मकृत्। नाप्नोत्यवसरं कर्मं वक्तुमेव न किंचन॥१८- ७७॥ ज्ञान से जिसका कर्म-बंधन नष्ट हो गया है, वह लौकिक रूप से कर्म करता रहे तो भी उसके कुछ करने या कहने का अवसर नहीं रहता (क्योंकि वह अकर्ता और अवक्ता है)॥७७॥   Though in the eyes of the world he is active, the man who has shed action through knowledge finds no means of doing or speaking anything.॥77॥ Ashtavakra Gita

For the wise man who is always unchanging and fearless there is neither darkness nor light nor destruction, nor anything.॥78॥

क्व तमः क्व प्रकाशो वा हानं क्व च न किंचन। निर्विकारस्य धीरस्य निरातंकस्य सर्वदा॥१८- ७८॥ जो धीर सदा निर्विकार और भय रहित है, उसके लिए अन्धकार कहाँ, प्रकाश कहाँ और त्याग कहाँ? उसके लिए किसी का अस्तित्व नहीं रहता॥७८॥ For the wise man who is always unchanging and fearless there is neither darkness nor light nor destruction, nor anything.॥78॥ Ashtavakra Gita

There is neither fortitude, prudence nor courage for the yogi whose nature is beyond description and free of individuality.॥79॥

क्व धैर्यं क्व विवेकित्वं क्व निरातंकतापि वा। अनिर्वाच्यस्वभावस्य निःस्वभावस्य योगिनः॥१८- ७९॥ योगी को धैर्य कहाँ, विवेक कहाँ और निर्भयता भी कहाँ? उसका स्वभाव अनिर्वचनीय है और वह वस्तुतः स्वभाव रहित है॥७९॥ There is neither fortitude, prudence nor courage for the yogi whose nature is beyond description and free of individuality.॥79॥ Ashtavakra Gita

For him who shines with the radiance of Infinity and is not subject to natural causality there is neither bondage, liberation, pleasure nor pain.॥72॥

स्फुरतोऽनन्तरूपेण प्रकृतिं च न पश्यतः। क्व बन्धः क्व च वा मोक्षः क्व हर्षः क्व विषादिता॥१८- ७२॥ जो अनंत रूप से स्वयं स्फुरित हो रहा है और प्रकृति की पृथक् सत्ता को नहीं देखता है, उसके लिए बंधन कहाँ, मोक्ष कहाँ, हर्ष कहाँ और विषाद कहाँ॥७२॥ For him who shines with the radiance of Infinity and is not subject to natural causality there is neither bondage, liberation, pleasure nor pain.॥72॥ Ashtavakra Gita

Pure illusion reigns in samsara which will continue until self realisation, but the enlightened man lives in the beauty of freedom from me and mine, from the sense of responsibility and from any attachment. ॥73॥

बुद्धिपर्यन्तसंसारे मायामात्रं विवर्तते। निर्ममो निरहंकारो निष्कामः शोभते बुधः॥१८- ७३॥ बुद्धि के अंत तक ही संसार है और यह केवल माया का विवर्त है, इस तत्त्व को जानने वाला बुद्धिमान ममता, अहंकार और कामना से रहित होकर शोभित होता है॥७३॥ Pure illusion reigns in samsara which will continue until self realisation, but the enlightened man lives in the beauty of freedom from me and mine, from the sense of responsibility and from any attachment. ॥73॥ Ashtavakra Gita

For the seer who knows himself as imperishable and beyond pain there is neither knowledge, a world nor the sense that I am the body or the body mine.॥74॥

अक्षयं गतसन्ताप- मात्मानं पश्यतो मुनेः। क्व विद्या च क्व वा विश्वं क्व देहोऽहं ममेति वा॥१८- ७४॥ जो मुनि संताप से रहित अपने अविनाशी स्वरुप को जानता है, उसके लिए विद्या कहाँ और विश्व कहाँ अथवा देह कहाँ और मैं-मेरा कहाँ॥७४॥ For the seer who knows himself as imperishable and beyond pain there is neither knowledge, a world nor the sense that I am the body or the body mine.॥74॥ Ashtavakra Gita

No sooner does a man of low intelligence give up activities like the elimination of thought than he falls into mental chariot racing and babble.॥75॥

निरोधादीनि कर्माणि जहाति जडधीर्यदि। मनोरथान् प्रलापांश्च कर्तुमाप्नोत्यतत्क्षणात्॥१८- ७५॥ जड़ बुद्धि वाला यदि निरोध आदि कर्मों को छोड़ देता है तो अगले क्षण बड़े-बड़े मनोरथ बनाने और प्रलाप करने लगता है॥७५॥ No sooner does a man of low intelligence give up activities like the elimination of thought than he falls into mental chariot racing and babble.॥75॥ Ashtavakra Gita

What remains to be done by the man who is pure awareness and has abandoned everything that can be expressed in words from the highest heaven to the earth itself?॥69॥

महदादि जगद्द्वैतं नाममात्रविजृंभितं। विहाय शुद्धबोधस्य किं कृत्यमवशिष्यते॥१८- ६९॥ महतत्त्व से लेकर सम्पूर्ण द्वैतरूप दृश्य जगत नाम मात्र का ही विस्तार है। शुद्ध बोध स्वरुप धीर ने जब उसका भी परित्याग कर दिया फिर भला उसका क्या कर्तव्य शेष है॥६९॥ What remains to be done by the man who is pure awareness and has abandoned everything that can be expressed in words from the highest heaven to the earth itself?॥69॥ Ashtavakra Gita

The pure man who has experienced the Indescribable attains peace by his own nature, realizing that all this is nothing but illusion, and that nothing is.॥70॥

भ्रमभृतमिदं सर्वं किंचिन्नास्तीति निश्चयी। अलक्ष्यस्फुरणः शुद्धः स्वभावेनैव शाम्यति॥१८- ७०॥ यह सम्पूर्ण दृश्य जगत भ्रम मात्र है, यह कुछ नहीं है - ऐसे निश्चय से युक्त पुरुष दृश्य की स्फूर्ति से भी रहित हो जाता है और स्वभाव से ही शांत हो जाता है॥७०॥ The pure man who has experienced the Indescribable attains peace by his own nature, realizing that all this is nothing but illusion, and that nothing is.॥70॥ Ashtavakra Gita

There are no rules, dispassion, renunciation or meditation for one who is pure receptivity by nature, and admits no knowable form of being॥71॥

शुद्धस्फुरणरूपस्य दृश्यभावमपश्यतः। क्व विधिः क्व वैराग्यं क्व त्यागः क्व शमोऽपि वा॥१८- ७१॥ जो शुद्ध स्फुरण रूप है, जिसे दृश्य सत्तावान नहीं मालूम पड़ता, उसके लिए विधि क्या, वैराग्य क्या, त्याग क्या और शांति भी क्या॥७१॥ There are no rules, dispassion, renunciation or meditation for one who is pure receptivity by nature, and admits no knowable form of being॥71॥ Ashtavakra Gita

Blessed is he who knows himself and is the same in all states, with a mind free from craving whether he is seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling or tasting.॥65॥

स एव धन्य आत्मज्ञः सर्वभावेषु यः समः। पश्यन् शृण्वन् स्पृशन् जिघ्रन्न् अश्नन्निस्तर्षमानसः॥१८- ६५॥ वह आत्मज्ञानी धन्य है जो सभी स्थितियों में समान रहता है। देखते, सुनते, छूते, सूंघते और खाते-पीते भी उसका मन कामना रहित होता है॥६५॥ Blessed is he who knows himself and is the same in all states, with a mind free from craving whether he is seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling or tasting.॥65॥ Ashtavakra Gita

There is no man subject to samsara, sense of individuality, goal or means to the goal for the wise man who is always free from imaginations, and unchanging as space.॥66॥

क्व संसारः क्व चाभासः क्व साध्यं क्व च साधनं। आकाशस्येव धीरस्य निर्विकल्पस्य सर्वदा॥१८- ६६॥ धीर पुरुष सदा आकाश के समान निर्विकल्प रहता है। उसकी दृष्टि में संसार कहाँ और उसकी प्रतीति कहाँ? उसके लिए साध्य क्या और साधन क्या?॥६६॥ There is no man subject to samsara, sense of individuality, goal or means to the goal for the wise man who is always free from imaginations, and unchanging as space.॥66॥ Ashtavakra Gita

Glorious is he who has abandoned all goals and is the incarnation of satisfaction, his very nature, and whose inner focus on the Unconditioned is quite spontaneous.॥67॥

स जयत्यर्थसंन्यासी पूर्णस्वरसविग्रहः। अकृत्रिमोऽनवच्छिन्ने समाधिर्यस्य वर्तते॥१८- ६७॥ जिस सन्यासी को अपने अखंड स्वरुप में सदा स्वाभाविक रूप से समाधि रहती है, जो पूर्ण स्वानंद स्वरूप है, वही विजयी है॥६७॥ Glorious is he who has abandoned all goals and is the incarnation of satisfaction, his very nature, and whose inner focus on the Unconditioned is quite spontaneous.॥67॥ Ashtavakra Gita

the great-souled man who has come to know the Truth is without desire for either pleasure or liberation, and is always and everywhere free from attachment.॥68॥

बहुनात्र किमुक्तेन ज्ञाततत्त्वो महाशयः। भोगमोक्षनिराकांक्षी सदा सर्वत्र नीरसः॥१८- ६८॥ बहुत कहने से क्या लाभ? महात्मा पुरुष भोग और मोक्ष दोनों की इच्छा नहीं करता और सदा-सर्वत्र रागरहित होता है॥६८॥ In brief, the great-souled man who has come to know the Truth is without desire for either pleasure or liberation, and is always and everywhere free from attachment.॥68॥ Ashtavakra Gita

A fool often shows aversion towards his belongings, but for him whose attachment to the body has dropped away, there is neither attachment nor aversion.॥62॥

परिग्रहेषु वैराग्यं प्रायो मूढस्य दृश्यते। देहे विगलिताशस्य क्व रागः क्व विरागता॥१८- ६२॥ अज्ञानी पुरुष प्रायः गृह आदि पदार्थों से वैराग्य करता दिखाई देता है पर जिसका देह-अभिमान नष्ट हो चुका है, उसके लिए कहाँ राग और कहाँ विराग॥६२॥ A fool often shows aversion towards his belongings, but for him whose attachment to the body has dropped away, there is neither attachment nor aversion.॥62॥ Ashtavakra Gita

The mind of the fool is always caught in an opinion about becoming or avoiding something, but the wise man's nature is to have no opinions about becoming and avoiding.॥63॥

भावनाभावनासक्ता दृष्टिर्मूढस्य सर्वदा। भाव्यभावनया सा तु स्वस्थस्यादृष्टिरूपिणी॥१८- ६३॥ अज्ञानी की दृष्टि सदा भाव या अभाव में लगी रहती है, पर धीर पुरुष तो दृश्य को देखते रहने पर भी आत्म स्वरूप को देखने के कारण कुछ नहीं देखती॥६३॥ The mind of the fool is always caught in an opinion about becoming or avoiding something, but the wise man's nature is to have no opinions about becoming and avoiding.॥63॥ Ashtavakra Gita

For the seer who behaves like a child, without desire in all actions, there is no attachment for such a pure one even in the work he does.॥64॥

सर्वारंभेषु निष्कामो यश्चरेद् बालवन् मुनिः। न लेपस्तस्य शुद्धस्य क्रियमाणोऽपि कर्मणि॥१८- ६४॥ जो धीर पुरुष सभी कार्यों में एक बालक के समान निष्काम भाव से व्यवहार करता है, वह शुद्ध है और कर्म करने पर भी उससे लिप्त नहीं होता॥६४॥ For the seer who behaves like a child, without desire in all actions, there is no attachment for such a pure one even in the work he does.॥64॥ Ashtavakra Gita

Even abstention from action leads to action in an ignorant man, while even the action of the wise man brings the fruits of inaction.॥61॥

निवृत्तिरपि मूढस्य प्रवृत्ति रुपजायते। प्रवृत्तिरपि धीरस्य निवृत्तिफलभागिनी॥१८- ६१॥ मूढ़ में निवृत्ति से भी प्रवृत्ति उत्पन्न हो जाती है और धीर पुरुष की प्रवृत्ति भी निर्वृत्ति के समान फलदायिनी है॥६१॥ Even abstention from action leads to action in an ignorant man, while even the action of the wise man brings the fruits of inaction.॥61॥ Ashtavakra Gita

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