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Showing posts from March 27, 2024

See your life in comparison to the magnitude of creation, space and time

अपने जीवन को सृष्टि, आकाश और समय के परिमाण की तुलना में देखें। आपका जीवन महत्त्वहीन हो जाता है; अहंकार गायब हो जाता है।    ~ गुरुदेव श्री श्री रवि शंकर      See your life in comparison to the magnitude of creation, space and time. Your life becomes insignificant; The ego disappears.    ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Being aware of its nature is what attaining immortality is.

Question - Gurudev, you said that bravery is to realize the oneness of consciousness, that’s the essence of Upanishads, in the sense it leads to immortality. But, isn’t the nature of the soul to be immortal? That’s what I don’t understand. It seems to be contradictory. Gurudev Sri Sri - Yes, its nature is immortal, but being aware of its nature is what attaining immortality is.

How are the avatars different?

Question - Gurudev, it is said that God is in all. Then how are the avatars different?    Gurudev Sri Sri - Avatar means one who has come down. Those who want nothing, they come for the wellbeing of all. They haven’t come for themselves - either to enjoy or burn karmas. They have come for jankalyan (welfare of all).

Then, life is a celebration.

When you put on different colours, knowing they will be washed off, you play joyfully with them. Like that, know that all the emotions and events you go through in life will be washed off, you are untouched by them. Then, life is a celebration. ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Can you please bless me so that I can get good marks in exams?

Question - Gurudev, can you please bless me so that I can get good marks in exams?    Gurudev Sri Sri - Blessings are already in abundance, you go ahead and study first (laugh). You cannot expect blessings to work without hard work. A Food dish is already served to you; at least you go ahead and chew it. How can even I do that for you (laugh)? You chew it and enjoy the taste. It is said in Gita. You continue doing your work irrespective of the result you get. That is what Karma is.

Whenever you take a Sankalpa

Whenever you take a Sankalpa, you should always pray that – ‘I want this or anything better than this’. Nature is far more intelligent and would like to give you the best. When your vision is narrow and limited (to one’s own personal motives only), then you think this is the best for me. But the Universe knows better. If you deserve something better than that, it will surely give you that. ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

The stupid does not find peace because he is wanting it, while the wise discriminating the truth is always peaceful minded.॥39॥

न शान्तिं लभते मूढो यतः शमितुमिच्छति। धीरस्तत्त्वं विनिश्चित्य सर्वदा शान्तमानसः॥१८- ३९॥ अज्ञानी शांति नहीं प्राप्त कर सकता क्योंकि वह शांत होने की इच्छा से ग्रस्त है। ज्ञानी पुरुष तत्त्व का दृढ़ निश्चय करके सदैव शांत चित्त ही रहता है॥३९॥ The stupid does not find peace because he is wanting it, while the wise discriminating the truth is always peaceful minded.॥39॥ Ashtavakra Gita

How can there be self knowledge for him whose knowledge depends on what he sees. The wise do not see this and that, but see themselves as unending.॥40॥

क्वात्मनो दर्शनं तस्य यद् दृष्टमवलंबते। धीरास्तं तं न पश्यन्ति पश्यन्त्यात्मानमव्ययम्॥१८- ४०॥ अज्ञानी को आत्म-साक्षात्कार कैसे हो सकता है जब वह दृश्य पदार्थों के आश्रय को स्वीकार करता है। ज्ञानी पुरुष तो वे हैं जो दृश्य पदार्थों को न देखते हुए अपने अविनाशी स्वरूप को ही देखते हैं॥४०॥ How can there be self knowledge for him whose knowledge depends on what he sees. The wise do not see this and that, but see themselves as unending.॥40॥ Ashtavakra Gita

People cannot come to know themselves by practices - pure awareness, clear, complete, beyond multiplicity and faultless though they are.॥35॥

शुद्धं बुद्धं प्रियं पूर्णं निष्प्रपंचं निरामयं। आत्मानं तं न जानन्ति तत्राभ्यासपरा जनाः॥१८- ३५॥ आत्मा के सम्बन्ध में जो लोग अभ्यास में लग रहे हैं, वे अपने शुद्ध, बुद्ध, प्रिय, पूर्ण, निष्प्रपंच और निरामय ब्रह्म-स्वरूप को नहीं जानते॥३५॥ People cannot come to know themselves by practices - pure awareness, clear, complete, beyond multiplicity and faultless though they are.॥35॥ Ashtavakra Gita

The stupid does not achieve liberation even through regular practice, but the fortunate remains free and actionless simply by discrimination.॥36॥

नाप्नोति कर्मणा मोक्षं विमूढोऽभ्यासरूपिणा। धन्यो विज्ञानमात्रेण मुक्तस्तिष्ठत्यविक्रियः॥१८- ३६॥ अज्ञानी मनुष्य कर्म रूपी अभ्यास से मुक्ति नहीं पा सकता और ज्ञानी कर्म रहित होने पर भी केवल ज्ञान से मुक्ति प्राप्त कर लेता है ॥३६॥ The stupid does not achieve liberation even through regular practice, but the fortunate remains free and actionless simply by discrimination.॥36॥ Ashtavakra Gita

The stupid does not attain Godhead because he wants to become it, while the wise man enjoys the Supreme Godhead without even wanting it.॥37॥

मूढो नाप्नोति तद् ब्रह्म यतो भवितुमिच्छति। अनिच्छन्नपि धीरो हि परब्रह्मस्वरूपभाक्॥१८- ३७॥ अज्ञानी को ब्रह्म का साक्षात्कार नहीं हो सकता क्योंकि वह ब्रह्म होना चाहता है। ज्ञानी पुरुष इच्छा न करने पर भी परब्रह्म बोध स्वरूप में रहता है॥३७॥ The stupid does not attain Godhead because he wants to become it, while the wise man enjoys the Supreme Godhead without even wanting it.॥37॥ Ashtavakra Gita

Even when living without any support and eager for achievement, the stupid are still nourishing samsara, while the wise have cut at the very root of its unhappiness.॥38॥

निराधारा ग्रहव्यग्रा मूढाः संसारपोषकाः। एतस्यानर्थमूलस्य मूलच्छेदः कृतो बुधैः॥१८- ३८॥ अज्ञानी निराधार आग्रहों में पड़कर संसार का पोषण करते रहते हैं। ज्ञानियों ने सभी अनर्थों की जड़ इस संसार की सत्ता का ही पूर्ण नाश कर दिया है॥३८॥ Even when living without any support and eager for achievement, the stupid are still nourishing samsara, while the wise have cut at the very root of its unhappiness.॥38॥ Ashtavakra Gita

The stupid does not attain cessation whether he acts or abandons action, while the wise man find peace within simply by knowing the truth.॥34॥

अप्रयत्नात् प्रयत्नाद् वा मूढो नाप्नोति निर्वृतिं। तत्त्वनिश्चयमात्रेण प्राज्ञो भवति निर्वृतः॥१८- ३४॥ मूढ़ पुरुष प्रयत्न से या प्रयत्न के त्याग से शांति प्राप्त नहीं करता पर प्रज्ञावान पुरुष तत्त्व के निश्चय मात्र से शांति प्राप्त कर लेता है॥३४॥ The stupid does not attain cessation whether he acts or abandons action, while the wise man find peace within simply by knowing the truth.॥34॥ Ashtavakra Gita

He whose mind does not set out to meditate or act, meditates and acts without an object.॥31॥

निर्ध्यातुं चेष्टितुं वापि यच्चित्तं न प्रवर्तते। निर्निमित्तमिदं किंतु निर्ध्यायेति विचेष्टते॥१८- ३१॥ जीवन्मुक्त का चित्त ध्यान से विरत होने के लिए और व्यवहार करने की चेष्टा नहीं करता है। निमित्त के शून्य होने पर वह ध्यान से विरत भी होता है और व्यवहार भी करता है॥३१॥ He whose mind does not set out to meditate or act, meditates and acts without an object.॥31॥ Ashtavakra Gita

A stupid man is bewildered when he hears the real truth, while even a clever man is humbled by it just like the fool.॥32॥

तत्त्वं यथार्थमाकर्ण्य मन्दः प्राप्नोति मूढतां। अथवा याति संकोचम- मूढः कोऽपि मूढवत्॥१८- ३२॥ अविवेकी पुरुष यथार्थ तत्त्व का वर्णन सुनकर और अधिक मोह को प्राप्त होता है या संकुचित हो जाता है। कभी-कभी तो कुछ बुद्धिमान भी उसी अविवेकी के समान व्यवहार करने लगते हैं॥३२॥ A stupid man is bewildered when he hears the real truth, while even a clever man is humbled by it just like the fool.॥32॥ Ashtavakra Gita

The ignorant make a great effort to practice one-pointedness and the stopping of thought, while the wise see nothing to be done and remain in themselves like those asleep.॥33॥

एकाग्रता निरोधो वा मूढैरभ्यस्यते भृशं। धीराः कृत्यं न पश्यन्ति सुप्तवत्स्वपदे स्थिताः॥१८- ३३॥ मूढ़ पुरुष बार-बार (चित्त की ) एकाग्रता और निरोध का अभ्यास करते हैं। धीर पुरुष सुषुप्त के समान अपने स्वरूप में स्थित रहते हुए कुछ भी कर्तव्य रूप से नहीं करते॥३३॥ The ignorant make a great effort to practice one-pointedness and the stopping of thought, while the wise see nothing to be done and remain in themselves like those asleep.॥33॥ Ashtavakra Gita

He who feels responsibility within, acts even when not acting, but there is no sense of done or undone for the wise man who is free from the sense of responsibility.॥29॥

यस्यान्तः स्यादहंकारो न करोति करोति सः। निरहंकारधीरेण न किंचिदकृतं कृतम्॥१८- २९॥ जिसके अन्तः करण में अहंकार विद्यमान है वह देखने में कर्म न करे तो भी करता है। पर जो धीर पुरुष निरहंकार है, वह सब कुछ करते हुए भी कर्म नहीं करता॥२९॥ He who feels responsibility within, acts even when not acting, but there is no sense of done or undone for the wise man who is free from the sense of responsibility.॥29॥ Ashtavakra Gita

The mind of the liberated man is not upset or pleased. It shines unmoving, desireless, and free from doubt.॥30॥

नोद्विग्नं न च सन्तुष्ट- मकर्तृ स्पन्दवर्जितं। निराशं गतसन्देहं चित्तं मुक्तस्य राजते॥१८- ३०॥ मुक्त पुरुष के चित्त में न उद्वेग है, न संतोष और न कर्तृत्व का अभिमान ही है उसके चित्त में न आशा है, न संदेह ऐसा चित्त ही सुशोभित होता है॥३०॥ The mind of the liberated man is not upset or pleased. It shines unmoving, desireless, and free from doubt.॥30॥ Ashtavakra Gita

He who acts without being able to say why, but not because he is a fool, he is one liberated while still alive, happy and blessed. He thrives even in samsara.॥26॥

अतद्वादीव कुरुते न भवेदपि बालिशः। जीवन्मुक्तः सुखी श्रीमान् संसरन्नपि शोभते॥१८- २६॥ सुखी और श्रीमान् जीवन्मुक्त विषयी के समान कार्य करता है, परन्तु विषयी नहीं होता है वह तो सांसारिक कार्य करता हुआ भी शोभा को प्राप्त होता है॥२६॥ He who acts without being able to say why, but not because he is a fool, he is one liberated while still alive, happy and blessed. He thrives even in samsara.॥26॥ Ashtavakra Gita

He who has had enough of endless considerations and has attained to peace, does not think, know, hear or see.॥27॥

नाविचारसुश्रान्तो धीरो विश्रान्तिमागतः। न कल्पते न जाति न शृणोति न पश्यति॥१८- २७॥ जो धीर पुरुष अनेक विचारों से थककर अपने स्वरूप में विश्राम पा चुका है, वह न कल्पना करता है, न जानता है, न सुनता है और न देखता ही है॥२७॥ He who has had enough of endless considerations and has attained to peace, does not think, know, hear or see.॥27॥ Ashtavakra Gita

He who is beyond mental stillness and distraction, does not desire either liberation or anything else. Recognising that things are just constructions of the imagination, that great soul lives as God here and now.॥28॥

असमाधेरविक्षेपान् न मुमुक्षुर्न चेतरः। निश्चित्य कल्पितं पश्यन् ब्रह्मैवास्ते महाशयः॥१८- २८॥ ऐसा ज्ञानी समाधि में आग्रह न होने के कारण मुमुक्षु नहीं और विक्षेप न होने के कारण विषयी नहीं है। मेरे अतिरिक्त जो कुछ भी दिख रहा है वह सब कल्पित ही है - ऐसा निश्चय करके सबको देखता हुआ वह ब्रह्म ही है॥२८॥ He who is beyond mental stillness and distraction, does not desire either liberation or anything else. Recognising that things are just constructions of the imagination, that great soul lives as God here and now.॥28॥ Ashtavakra Gita

He whose joy is in himself, and who is peaceful and pure within has no desire for renunciation or sense of loss in anything.॥23॥

कुत्रापि न जिहासास्ति नाशो वापि न कुत्रचित्। आत्मारामस्य धीरस्य शीतलाच्छतरात्मनः॥१८- २३॥ जिसका अंतर्मन शीतल और स्वच्छ है, जो आत्मा में ही रमण करता है, उस धीर पुरुष की न तो किसी त्याग की इच्छा होती है और न कुछ पाने की आशा॥२३॥ He whose joy is in himself, and who is peaceful and pure within has no desire for renunciation or sense of loss in anything.॥23॥ Ashtavakra Gita

For the man with a naturally empty mind, doing just as he pleases, there is no such thing as pride or false humility, as there is for the natural man.॥24॥

प्रकृत्या शून्यचित्तस्य कुर्वतोऽस्य यदृच्छया। प्राकृतस्येव धीरस्य न मानो नावमानता॥१८- २४॥ जिस धीर पुरुष का चित्त स्वभाव से ही निर्विषय है,  वह साधारण मनुष्य के समान प्रारब्ध वश बहुत से कार्य करता है पर उसका उसे न तो मान होता है और न अपमान ही॥२४॥ For the man with a naturally empty mind, doing just as he pleases, there is no such thing as pride or false humility, as there is for the natural man.॥24॥ Ashtavakra Gita

This action was done by the body but not by me'. The pure-natured person thinking like this, is not acting even when acting.॥25॥

कृतं देहेन कर्मेदं न मया शुद्धरूपिणा। इति चिन्तानुरोधी यः कुर्वन्नपि करोति न॥१८- २५॥ यह कर्म शरीर ने किया है, मैंने नहीं, मैं तो शुद्ध स्वरुप हूँ'  - इस प्रकार जिसने निश्चय कर लिया है, वह कर्म करता हुआ भी नहीं करता॥२५॥ This action was done by the body but not by me'. The pure-natured person thinking like this, is not acting even when acting.॥25॥ Ashtavakra Gita

The wise man who just goes on doing what presents itself for him to do, encounters no difficulty in either activity or inactivity.॥20॥

प्रवृत्तौ वा निवृत्तौ वा नैव धीरस्य दुर्ग्रहः। यदा यत्कर्तुमायाति तत्कृत्वा तिष्ठते सुखम्॥१८- २०॥ तत्त्वज्ञ का प्रवृत्ति या निवृत्ति का दुराग्रह नहीं होता। जब जो सामने आ जाता है तब उसे करके वह आनंद से रहता है॥२०॥ The wise man who just goes on doing what presents itself for him to do, encounters no difficulty in either activity or inactivity.॥20॥ Ashtavakra Gita

He who is desireless, self-reliant, independent and free of bonds functions like a dead leaf blown about by the wind of causality.॥21॥

निर्वासनो निरालंबः स्वच्छन्दो मुक्तबन्धनः। क्षिप्तः संस्कारवातेन चेष्टते शुष्कपर्णवत्॥१८- २१॥ ज्ञानी कामना, आश्रय और परतंत्रता आदि के बंधनों से सर्वथा मुक्त होता है। प्रारब्ध रूपी वायु के वेग से उसका शरीर उसी प्रकार गतिशील रहता है जैसे वायु के वेग से सूखा पत्ता॥२१॥ He who is desireless, self-reliant, independent and free of bonds functions like a dead leaf blown about by the wind of causality.॥21॥ Ashtavakra Gita

There is neither joy nor sorrow for one who has transcended samsara. He lives always with a peaceful mind and as if without a body.॥22॥

असंसारस्य तु क्वापि न हर्षो न विषादिता। स शीतलहमना नित्यं विदेह इव राजये॥१८- २२॥ जो संसार से मुक्त है वह न कभी हर्ष करता है और न विषाद। उसका मन सदा शीतल रहता है और वह (शरीर रहते हुए भी) विदेह के समान सुशोभित होता है॥२२॥ There is neither joy nor sorrow for one who has transcended samsara. He lives always with a peaceful mind and as if without a body.॥22॥ Ashtavakra Gita

He by whom the Supreme Brahma is seen may think 'I am Brahma', but what is he to think who is without thought, and who sees no duality.॥16॥

येन दृष्टं परं ब्रह्म सोऽहं ब्रह्मेति चिन्तयेत्। किं चिन्तयति निश्चिन्तो यो न पश्यति॥१८- १६॥ जिसने अपने से भिन्न परब्रह्म को देखा हो, वह चिंतन किया करे कि वह ब्रह्म मैं हूँ पर जिसे कुछ दूसरा दिखाई नहीं देता, वह निश्चिन्त क्या विचार करे॥१६॥ He by whom the Supreme Brahma is seen may think 'I am Brahma', but what is he to think who is without thought, and who sees no duality.॥16॥ Ashtavakra Gita

He by whom inner distraction is seen may put an end to it, but the noble one is not distracted. When there is nothing to achieve, what is he to do? ॥17॥

दृष्टो येनात्मविक्षेपो निरोधं कुरुते त्वसौ। उदारस्तु न विक्षिप्तः साध्याभावात्करोति किम्॥१८- १७॥ जिसने अपने स्वरुप में कभी कोई विक्षेप देखा हो वह उसको रोके। तत्त्व को जानने वाले का विक्षेप कभी होता ही नहीं है, किसी साध्य के बिना वह क्या करे॥१७॥ He by whom inner distraction is seen may put an end to it, but the noble one is not distracted. When there is nothing to achieve, what is he to do? ॥17॥ Ashtavakra Gita

wise man, does not see inner stillness unlike the worldly man, does not see inner stillness, distraction or fault in himself, even when living like a worldly The man.॥18॥

धीरो लोकविपर्यस्तो वर्तमानोऽपि लोकवत्। नो समाधिं न विक्षेपं न लोपं स्वस्य पश्यति॥१८- १८॥ तत्त्वज्ञ तो सांसारिक लोगों से उल्टा ही होता है, वह सामान्य लोगों जैसा व्यवहार करता हुआ भी अपने स्वरुप में न समाधि देखता है, न विक्षेप और न लय ही॥१८॥ wise man, does not see inner stillness unlike the worldly man, does not see inner stillness, distraction or fault in himself, even when living like a worldly The man.॥18॥ Ashtavakra Gita

Nothing is done by him who is free from being and non-being, who is contented, desireless and wise, even if in the world's eyes he does act.॥19॥

भावाभावविहीनो यस्- तृप्तो निर्वासनो बुधः। नैव किंचित्कृतं तेन लोकदृष्ट्या विकुर्वता॥१८- १९॥ तत्त्वज्ञ भाव और अभाव से रहित, तृप्त और कामना रहित होता है। लौकिक दृष्टि से कुछ उल्टा-सीधा करते हुए भी वह कुछ भी नहीं  करता॥१९॥   Nothing is done by him who is free from being and non-being, who is contented, desireless and wise, even if in the world's eyes he does act.॥19॥ Ashtavakra Gita

There is nothing needing to be done, or any attachment in his heart for the yogi liberated while still alive. Things are just for a lifetime.॥13॥

कृत्यं किमपि नैवास्ति न कापि हृदि रंजना। यथा जीवनमेवेह जीवन्मुक्तस्य योगिनः॥१८- १३॥ जीवन्मुक्त योगी का न तो कुछ कर्तव्य है और न ही उसके ह्रदय में कोई अनुराग है। जैसे भी जीवन बीत जाये वैसे ही उसकी स्थिति है॥१३॥ There is nothing needing to be done, or any attachment in his heart for the yogi liberated while still alive. Things are just for a lifetime.॥13॥ Ashtavakra Gita

There is no delusion, world, meditation on That, or liberation for the pacified great soul. All these things are just the realm of imagination.॥14॥

क्व मोहः क्व च वा विश्वं क्व तद् ध्यानं क्व मुक्तता। सर्वसंकल्पसीमायां विश्रान्तस्य महात्मनः॥१८- १४॥ जो महात्मा सभी संकल्पों की सीमा पर विश्राम कर रहा है, उसके लिए मोह कहाँ, संसार कहाँ, ध्यान कहाँ और मुक्ति भी कहाँ?॥१४॥ There is no delusion, world, meditation on That, or liberation for the pacified great soul. All these things are just the realm of imagination.॥14॥ Ashtavakra Gita

He by whom all this is seen may well make out he doesn't exist, but what is the desireless one to do? Even in seeing he does not see.॥15॥

येन विश्वमिदं दृष्टं स नास्तीति करोतु वै। निर्वासनः किं कुरुते पश्यन्नपि न पश्यति॥१८- १५॥ जिसने इस संसार को वास्तव में देखा हो वह कहे कि यह नहीं है, नहीं है। जो कामना रहित है, वह तो इसको देखते हुए भी नहीं देखता॥१५॥ He by whom all this is seen may well make out he doesn't exist, but what is the desireless one to do? Even in seeing he does not see.॥15॥ Ashtavakra Gita

There is no religion, wealth, sensuality or discrimination for a yogi free from the pairs of opposites such as 'I have done this' and 'I have not done that'.॥12॥

क्व धर्मः क्व च वा कामः क्व चार्थः क्व विवेकिता। इदं कृतमिदं नेति द्वन्द्वैर्मुक्तस्य योगिनः॥१८- १२॥ यह कर लिया और यह कार्य शेष है, इन द्वंद्वों से जो मुक्त है, उसके लिए धर्म कहाँ, कर्म कहाँ, अर्थ कहाँ और विवेक कहाँ॥१२॥ There is no religion, wealth, sensuality or discrimination for a yogi free from the pairs of opposites such as 'I have done this' and 'I have not done that'.॥12॥ Ashtavakra Gita

Knowing himself to be God and being and non-being just imagination, what should the man free from desire learn, say or do?॥8॥

आत्मा ब्रह्मेति निश्चित्य भावाभावौ च कल्पितौ। निष्कामः किं विजानाति किं ब्रूते च करोति किम्॥१८- ८॥ आत्मा ही ब्रह्म है और भाव-अभाव कल्पित हैं - ऐसा निश्चय हो जाने पर निष्काम ज्ञानी फिर क्या जाने, क्या कहे और क्या कहे॥८॥ Knowing himself to be God and being and non-being just imagination, what should the man free from desire learn, say or do?॥8॥ Ashtavakra Gita

Considerations like 'I am this' or 'I am not this' are finished for the yogi who has gone silent realising 'Everything is myself'.॥9॥

अयं सोऽहमयं नाहं इति क्षीणा विकल्पना। सर्वमात्मेति निश्चित्य तूष्णींभूतस्य योगिनः॥१८- ९॥ सब आत्मा ही है - ऐसा निश्चय करके जो चुप हो गया है, उस पुरुष के लिए यह मैं हूँ, यह मैं नहीं हूँ आदि कल्पनाएँ भी शांत हो जाती हैं॥९॥ Considerations like 'I am this' or 'I am not this' are finished for the yogi who has gone silent realising 'Everything is myself'.॥9॥ Ashtavakra Gita

For the yogi who has found peace, there is no distraction or one-pointedness, no higher knowledge or ignorance, no pleasure and no pain.॥10॥

न विक्षेपो न चैकाग्र्यं नातिबोधो न मूढता। न सुखं न च वा दुःखं उपशान्तस्य योगिनः॥१८- १०॥ अपने स्वरुप में स्थित होकर शांत हुए तत्त्व ज्ञानी के लिए न विक्षेप है और न एकाग्रता, न ज्ञान है और न अज्ञान, न सुख है और न दुःख॥१०॥ For the yogi who has found peace, there is no distraction or one-pointedness, no higher knowledge or ignorance, no pleasure and no pain.॥10॥ Ashtavakra Gita

The dominion of heaven or beggary, gain or loss, life among men or in the forest, these make no difference to a yogi whose nature it is to be free from distinctions.॥11॥

स्वाराज्ये भैक्षवृत्तौ च लाभालाभे जने वने। निर्विकल्पस्वभावस्य न विशेषोऽस्ति योगिनः॥१८- ११॥ जो योगी स्वभाव से ही विकल्प रहित है, उसके लिए अपने राज्य में या भिक्षा में, लाभ-हानि में, भीड़ में या सुने जंगल में कोई अंतर नहीं है॥११॥ The dominion of heaven or beggary, gain or loss, life among men or in the forest, these make no difference to a yogi whose nature it is to be free from distinctions.॥11॥ Ashtavakra Gita

The realm of one's own self is not far away, and nor can it be achieved by the addition of limitations to its nature. It is unimaginable, effortless, unchanging and spotless.॥5॥

न दूरं न च संकोचाल्- लब्धमेवात्मनः पदं। निर्विकल्पं निरायासं निर्विकारं निरंजनम्॥१८- ५॥ आत्मा न तो दूर है और न पास, वह तो प्राप्त ही है, तुम स्वयं ही हो उसमें न विकल्प है, न प्रयत्न, न विकार और न मल ही॥५॥ The realm of one's own self is not far away, and nor can it be achieved by the addition of limitations to its nature. It is unimaginable, effortless, unchanging and spotless.॥5॥ Ashtavakra Gita

By the simple elimination of delusion and the recognition of one's true nature, those whose vision is unclouded live free from sorrow.॥6॥

व्यामोहमात्रविरतौ स्वरूपादानमात्रतः। वीतशोका विराजन्ते निरावरणदृष्टयः॥१८- ६॥ अज्ञान मात्र की निवृत्ति और स्वरुप का ज्ञान होते ही दृष्टि का आवरण भंग हो जाता है और तत्त्व को जानने वाला शोक से रहित होकर शोभायमान हो जाता है॥६॥ By the simple elimination of delusion and the recognition of one's true nature, those whose vision is unclouded live free from sorrow.॥6॥ Ashtavakra Gita

Knowing everything as just imagination, and himself as eternally free, how should the wise man behave like a fool?॥7॥

समस्तं कल्पनामात्र- मात्मा मुक्तः सनातनः। इति विज्ञाय धीरो हि किमभ्यस्यति बालवत्॥१८- ७॥ सब कुछ कल्पना मात्र है और आत्मा नित्य मुक्त है, धीर पुरुष इस तथ्य को जान कर फिर बालक के समान क्या अभ्यास करे?॥१७॥ Knowing everything as just imagination, and himself as eternally free, how should the wise man behave like a fool?॥7॥ Ashtavakra Gita

One may indulge in all sorts of pleasure by acquiring various objects of enjoyment, but one cannot be truly happy without their inner renunciation.॥2॥

अर्जयित्वाखिलान् अर्थान् भोगानाप्नोति पुष्कलान्। न हि सर्वपरित्याजम- न्तरेण सुखी भवेत्॥१८- २॥ जगत के सभी पदार्थों को प्राप्त  करके कोई बहुत से भोग प्राप्त कर सकता है पर उन सबका आतंरिक त्याग किये बिना सुखी नहीं हो सकता॥२॥ One may indulge in all sorts of pleasure by acquiring various objects of enjoyment, but one cannot be truly happy without their inner renunciation.॥2॥ Ashtavakra Gita

How can there be happiness, for one whose mind is burnt by the intense flame of what to be done and what not to be done. How can one attain bliss of the nectar-stream of peace without being desire-less?॥3॥

कर्तव्यदुःखमार्तण्डज्वाला दग्धान्तरात्मनः। कुतः प्रशमपीयूषधारा- सारमृते सुखम्॥१८- ३॥ जिसका मन यह कर्तव्य है और यह अकर्तव्य आदि दुखों की तीव्र ज्वाला से झुलस रहा है, उसे भला कर्म त्याग रूपी शांति की अमृत-धारा का सेवन किये बिना सुख की प्राप्ति कैसे हो सकती है॥३॥ How can there be happiness, for one whose mind is burnt by the intense flame of what to be done and what not to be done. How can one attain bliss of the nectar-stream of peace without being desire-less?॥3॥ Ashtavakra Gita

This existence is just imagination. It is nothing in reality, but there is no non-being for natures that know how to distinguish being from non being.॥4॥

भवोऽयं भावनामात्रो न किंचित् परमर्थतः। नास्त्यभावः स्वभावनां भावाभावविभाविनाम्॥१८- ४॥ यह संसार केवल एक भावना मात्र है, परमार्थतः कुछ भी नहीं है। भाव और अभाव के रूप में स्वभावतः स्थित पदार्थों का कभी अभाव नहीं हो सकता॥४॥ This existence is just imagination. It is nothing in reality, but there is no non-being for natures that know how to distinguish being from non being.॥4॥ Ashtavakra Gita

Ashtavakra says - Salutations to that blissful, serene light like awareness after knowing which all this(world) seems like dream ॥1॥

अष्टावक्र उवाच - यस्य बोधोदये तावत्- स्वप्नवद् भवति भ्रमः। तस्मै सुखैकरूपाय नमः शान्ताय तेजसे॥१८- १॥ अष्टावक्र कहते हैं - जिस बोध का उदय होने पर, जागने पर स्वप्न के समान भ्रम की निवृत्ति हो जाती है, उस एक, सुखस्वरूप शांत प्रकाश को नमस्कार है॥१॥ Ashtavakra says - Salutations to that blissful, serene light like awareness after knowing which all this(world) seems like dream ॥1॥ Ashtavakra Gita

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