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Showing posts from March 23, 2024

A man with honest approach can attain enlightenment by ordinary instructions. Without it even the life long curiosity is not going to help.॥1॥ Ashtavakra Gita

अष्टावक्र उवाच - यथातथोपदेशेन कृतार्थः सत्त्वबुद्धिमान्। आजीवमपि जिज्ञासुः परस्तत्र विमुह्यति॥१५- १॥ श्रीअष्टावक्र कहते हैं - सात्विक बुद्धि से युक्त मनुष्य साधारण प्रकार के उपदेश से भी कृतकृत्य(मुक्त) हो जाता है परन्तु ऐसा न होने पर आजीवन जिज्ञासु होने पर भी परब्रह्म का यथार्थ ज्ञान नहीं होता है॥१॥ Sri Ashtavakra says - A man with honest approach can attain enlightenment by ordinary instructions. Without it even the life long curiosity is not going to help.॥1॥ Ashtavakra Gita

Indifference in sense objects is liberation and interest in them is bondage. Knowing thus, do as you like.॥2॥

मोक्षो विषयवैरस्यं बन्धो वैषयिको रसः। एतावदेव विज्ञानं यथेच्छसि तथा कुरु॥१५- २॥ विषयों से उदासीन होना मोक्ष है और विषयों में रस लेना बंधन है, ऐसा जानकर तुम्हारी जैसी इच्छा हो वैसा ही करो॥२॥   Indifference in sense objects is liberation and interest in them is bondage. Knowing thus, do as you like.॥2॥ Ashtavakra Gita

Realizing the witness who is called God or Lord, I became indifferent to bondage or liberation and do not worry for my liberation.॥3॥

विज्ञाते साक्षिपुरुषे परमात्मनि चेश्वरे। नैराश्ये बंधमोक्षे च न चिंता मुक्तये मम॥१४- ३॥ साक्षी पुरुष रूपी परमात्मा या ईश्वर को जानकर मैं बंधन और मोक्ष से निरपेक्ष हो गया हूँ और मुझे मोक्ष की चिंता भी नहीं है॥३॥ Realizing the witness who is called God or Lord, I became indifferent to bondage or liberation and do not worry for my liberation.॥3॥ Ashtavakra Gita

The state which is without desires within, and is carefree outwardly just like a mad man, can only be recognized by someone in the same enlightened state.॥4॥

अंतर्विकल्पशून्यस्य बहिः स्वच्छन्दचारिणः। भ्रान्तस्येव दशास्तास्तास्- तादृशा एव जानते॥१४- ४॥ आतंरिक इच्छाओं से रहित, बाह्य रूप में चिंतारहित आचरण वाले, प्रायः मत्त पुरुष जैसे ही दिखने वाले प्रकाशित पुरुष अपने जैसे प्रकाशित पुरुषों द्वारा ही पहचाने जा सकते हैं॥४॥ The state which is without desires within, and is carefree outwardly just like a mad man, can only be recognized by someone in the same enlightened state.॥4॥ Ashtavakra Gita

He, who is thoughtless by nature and desires only very rarely becomes mostly free from the past memories as if a person from a dream when he wakes up.॥1॥

जनक उवाच - प्रकृत्या शून्यचित्तो यः प्रमादाद् भावभावनः। निद्रितो बोधित इव क्षीण- संस्मरणो हि सः॥१४- १॥ श्रीजनक कहते हैं - जो स्वभाव से ही विचारशून्य है और शायद ही कभी कोई इच्छा करता है वह पूर्व स्मृतियों से उसी प्रकार मुक्त हो जाता है जैसे कि नींद से जागा हुआ व्यक्ति अपने सपनों से॥१॥ Sri Janaka says - He, who is thoughtless by nature and desires only very rarely becomes mostly free from the past memories as if a person from a dream when he wakes up.॥1॥ Ashtavakra Gita

When I do not have any desires left, what will I do of wealth, friends, sensual satisfaction, scriptures or knowledge.॥2॥

क्व धनानि क्व मित्राणि क्व मे विषयदस्यवः। क्व शास्त्रं क्व च विज्ञानं यदा मे गलिता स्पृहा॥१४- २॥ जब मैं कोई इच्छा नहीं करता तब मुझे धन, मित्रों, विषयों, शास्त्रों और विज्ञान से क्या प्रयोजन है॥२॥ When I do not have any desires left, what will I do of wealth, friends, sensual satisfaction, scriptures or knowledge.॥2॥ Ashtavakra Gita

I lose nothing by sleeping and gain nothing by action or inaction. Hence I exist pleasantly in all situations abandoning the feelings of joy and sorrow.॥6॥

स्वपतो नास्ति मे हानिः सिद्धिर्यत्नवतो न वा। नाशोल्लासौ विहायास्- मदहमासे यथासुखम्॥१३- ६॥ सोने में मेरी हानि नहीं है और उद्योग अथवा अनुद्योग में मेरा लाभ नहीं है अतः हर्ष और शोक की प्रवृत्तियों को छोड़कर सभी स्थितियों में, मैं सुखपूर्वक विद्यमान हूँ॥६॥ I lose nothing by sleeping and gain nothing by action or inaction. Hence I exist pleasantly in all situations abandoning the feelings of joy and sorrow.॥6॥ Ashtavakra Gita

I understand by experience that pleasure and pain come and go again and again. Hence I exist pleasantly in all situations abandoning the feelings of auspicious(good) and inauspicious(bad).॥7॥

सुखादिरूपा नियमं भावेष्वालोक्य भूरिशः। शुभाशुभे विहायास्मादह- मासे यथासुखम्॥१३- ७॥ सुख, दुःख आदि स्थितियों के क्रम से आने के नियम पर बार बार विचार करके, शुभ(अच्छे) और अशुभ(बुरे) की  प्रवृत्तियों को छोड़कर सभी स्थितियों में, मैं सुखपूर्वक विद्यमान हूँ॥७॥ I understand by experience that pleasure and pain come and go again and again. Hence I exist pleasantly in all situations abandoning the feelings of auspicious(good) and inauspicious(bad).॥7॥  Ashtavakra Gita

I, actually, concur no benefit or loss while taking rest, moving, sleeping, sitting, walking or dreaming. Hence I exist pleasantly in all situations.॥5॥

अर्थानर्थौ न मे स्थित्या गत्या न शयनेन वा। तिष्ठन् गच्छन् स्वपन् तस्मादहमासे यथासुखम्॥१३- ५॥ विश्राम, गति, शयन, बैठने, चलने और स्वप्न में वस्तुतः मेरे लाभ और हानि नहीं हैं, अतः सभी स्थितियों में, मैं सुखपूर्वक विद्यमान हूँ॥५॥ I, actually, concur no benefit or loss while taking rest, moving, sleeping, sitting, walking or dreaming. Hence I exist pleasantly in all situations.॥5॥ Ashtavakra Gita

Vibhuti literally means miracle

Vibhuti literally means miracle, that which charms, is extraordinary. There is no dearth of miracles on the path of a sadhaka, yoga practitioner. The extraordinary abilities that exist in you can be invoked by doing samyama. Doing samyama on different aspects will give different results. Discipline for a sādhaka, is different from that of a siddha, a perfected being. A sādhaka has to be moderate in sleep, activity, and in just about everything but for a siddha there are no rules. He can do whatever he wants. ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Necessity is the mother of Invention

  Necessity is the mother of Invention  #MiracleDrinks -------------------------------------------------------------------- #MiracleDrinks is a unique Ayurvedic proprietary medicine for chronic health disorders,  invented by an IAS officer Dr. S. M. Raju. Manufacturing unit is located 70 kms from Bangalore and is equipped with a modern state of art facility.  Factory follows "Good Manufacturing Practices" (GMP)  and is compliant to WHO standards and is licensed under A U/S-932, Govt of Karnataka. Miracle Drinks is the brand name of a series of Herbal Dietary Health Supplements.  These supplements were created by keeping the future of Ayurveda in mind;  the age-old Vedic literature was referred to formulate the supplements  while the consumption guidelines were compiled to be at par with the 21st century. Contact Us : 📞808-69043800 For more information visit our website: Also Connect to us at: Facebook:   / miracl...

Cell Wall Structure and Function

Cell Wall Structure and Function   What is Cell Wall? ➖ Cell wall is rigid and protective layer around the plasma membrane ➖ Discovered by Robert hooke in 1665 ➖ Cell wall non-living rigid structure ➖ Found in plants, fungi, prokaryotes and protists ➖ Composition of cell wall varies in different groups Characteristics of Cell Wall ➖ Cell wall is a rigid and protective layer around the plasma membrane ➖ It is a non-living structure ➖ Animal cells do not have a cell wall ➖ Found in in most plant cells, fungi, bacteria, algae, and some archaea ➖ Cell wall has many important functions in a cell including protection, structure, and support Cell Wall Structure Structure of Prokaryotes Cell Wall ➖ Cell wall is made up of peptidoglycon ➖ Peptidoglycan made up of polysaccharide chains cross-linked by unusual peptides containing D-amino acids ➖ A notable difference between the cell walls of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria is the substantially thicker peptidoglycan layer in gram...

Role of Nutrients

Role of Nutrients Various elements perform the following major role in the plants: (1) Construction of the plant body: The elements particularly C, H and O construct the plant body by entering into the constitution of cell wall and protoplasm. They are, therefore, referred to as frame work elements. Besides, these (C, H and O) N, P and S also enter in the constitution of protoplasm. They are described as protoplasmic elements. (2) Maintenance of osmotic pressure: Various minerals present in the cell sap in organic or inorganic form maintain the osmotic pressure of the cell. (3) Maintenance of permeability of cytomembranes: The minerals, particularly Ca++, K+ and Na+ maintain the permeability of cytomembranes. (4) Influence the pH of the cell sap: Different cations and anions influence on the pH of the cell sap. (5) Catalysis of biochemical reaction: Several elements particularly Fe, Ca, Mg, Mn, Zn, Cu, Cl act as metallic catalyst in biochemical reactions. (6) Toxic effects: Minerals li...

Genetics & Evolution

Genetics & Evolution  (i) Ancient theories of origin of life: Various theories have been put forward to explain the phenomenon of origin of life. A few of them were only speculations while others were based on scientific grounds. These theories are – (a) Theory of special creation. (b) Theory of spontaneous generation or Abiogenesis. (c) Biogenesis (d) Cosmozoic theory (e) Theory of sudden creation from inorganic material. (f) Naturalistic theory (ii) Oparin's Modern Theory: (a) Oparin (1924) proposed that “life could have originated from non-living organic molecules.” (b) He believed in Biochemical origin of life. Haldane (1929) also stated similar views. Oparin greatly expanded his ideas and presented them as a book “The origin of life” in 1936. (c) According to this theory, the Earth originated about 4,500 million years ago. When the earth was cooling down, it had a reduced atmosphere. In this primitive atmosphere nitrogen, hydrogen, ammonia, methane, carbon mono-oxide and ...

Cells and Tissues

Cells and Tissues    Cells are composed of their cytoplasm, which includes the cytosol and organelles;   the nucleus and the surrounding plasma membrane. You should know that the   plasma membrane is a double layer of phospholipid molecules and that these mol-  ecules have a hydrophilic end and a hydrophobic end. The plasma membrane con-  tains proteins including the ATPase (the sodium-potassium pump) which moves   sodium ions out of the cell while moving potassium ions into the cell. You should   know the names and function of some of the organelles. For example you should   know that mitochondria produce ATP and that ribosomes synthesise proteins from   amino acids.    You will become familiar with the names of many cells. Often a word can be   recognised as the name of a cell because it ends in “-cyte” or, if it is an immature   cell, by ending in “-blast”. Four maj...

Thyroid gland

Thyroid gland (1) The name "thyroid" was introduced by Thomas Wharton (1656). (2) It is derived from Greek "Thyreos" a shield. (3) Location: This is the largest endocrine gland of our body. It is located in our neck upon the ventral aspect of larynx (sound box or Adam's apple) and a few anterior most tracheal rings. It is a dark brown and H-shaped bilobed gland. (4) Hormones of thyroid: Thyroid gland secretes two iodinated hormones. (a) Thyroxine: It is an iodine containing (6% iodine) amine hormone which is derived from tyrosine amino acid. Chemically thyroxine is tetraidothyronine though also found as tri-iodothyronine. Secretion of thyroxine is inversely proportional to the blood level of thyroxine (feedback mechanism). (b) Thyrocalcitonin (TCT): It is a long peptide hormone secreted by parafollicular by cells of thyroid gland (C-cells). It secretion is regulated by increased plasma level of calcium by feedback mechanism. (5) Irregularities of thyroid gland (...

Breathing and Exchange of Gases

Breathing and Exchange of Gases Pulmonary Volumes and Capacities There are following respiratory volumes and capacity:  (i) Tidal volume (TV): It is volume of air normally inspired or expired in one breath (i.e. inspiration and expiration) without any extra effort. It is about 500 ml in normal healthy adult. In infants it is 15 ml and in fetus it is 0 ml. (ii) Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV) : By taking a very deep breath, you can inspire a good deal more than 500 ml. This additional inhaled air, called IRV is about 3000 ml. (iii) Expiratory reserve volume (ERV) : If you inhale normally & then exhale as forcibly as possible, you should be able to push out 1200 ml of air in addition to 500ml. of T.V. The extra 1200 ml is called ERV. (iv) Residual volume (RV): Even after expiratory reserve volume is expelled, considerable air remains in the lung, this volume, which cannot be measured by spirometry, and it is called residual volume is about 1200 ml.     (v) Dead sp...

Human Evolution

Human Evolution Humans are evolved by gradual evolution Human originated in east Africa Human evolution started 15 mya CHANGES OCCURRED IN HUMAN EVOLUTION ➖ Left the arboreal life ➖ Development of erect posture ➖ Bipedal locomotion ➖ Increase in the size of brain ➖ Development of intelligence ➖ Use of for limbs for on locomotory function STAGES IN ORIGIN OF MAN 1. Apes 2. Ape man 3. Primitive man 4. Modern man 1. APES ➖ 15 mya, primates called dryopithecus and ramapithecus were existing  DRYOPITHECUS ➖ Fossils of dryopithecus discovered by LSB Leaky in 1930 ➖ Dryopithecus is considered as ancestors of modern day apes ➖ They had semi erect posture, thick hair, larger and sharper teeth and vegetarian ➖ They were forest dwellers and spent most of time on trees  RAMAPITHECUS ➖ Fossils discovered from shivalik hills in India ➖ Rampithecus is considered as ancestors of man ➖ They had man like dentition & spent most of time on land 2. APE MAN ➖ This stage is intermediate between ...

Structure of a Sperm

Structure of a Sperm   ▪️ The body of sperm is covered by plasma membrane or cell membrane.  ▪️ Sperm can be divided into 4 parts namely: head, neck, middle piece and tail. The haploid nucleus is present in the head. Acrosome is the cap-like structure of head which helps it to fertilize the ovum.  ▪️ Acrosome is the cap-like structure present on the anterior-most end of the sperm head. It is filled with numerous enzymes like hyaluronic acid which are released upon encounter of egg in female oviduct. These enzymes function by digesting the membrane, thus allowing penetration of head and further release of male nuclei.  ▪️ Mitochondria are present in the middle piece of the sperm. They are essential for producing energy required for movement of tail. This is essential for movement through the genital tract and oviduct before sperm encounters the egg. Rakesh might have less or poorly functional mitochondria, which prevent his normal count of sperms from moving alon...

Medical Definitions

Medical Definitions 1. Abrasion: A cut or scrape that typically isn’t serious. 2. Abscess: A tender, fluid-filled pocket that forms in tissue, usually due to infection. 3. Acute: Signifies a condition that begins abruptly and is sometimes severe, but the duration is short. 4. Benign: Not cancerous. 5. Biopsy: A small sample of tissue that’s taken for testing. 6. Chronic: Signifies a recurring, persistent condition like heart disease. 7. Contusion: A bruise. 8. Defibrillator: A medical device that uses electric shocks to restore normal heartbeat. 9. Edema: Swelling caused by fluid accumulation. 10. Embolism: An arterial blockage, often caused by a blood clot. 11. Epidermis: The outer layer of the skin. 12. Fracture: Broken bone or cartilage. 13. Gland: An organ or tissue that produces and secretes fluids that serve a specific function. 14. Hypertension: High blood pressure. 15. Inpatient: A patient who requires hospitalization. 16. Intravenous: Indicates medication or fluid that’s d...

Human Body Facts

Human Body Facts 🔸 Largest and strongest Bone in the body: ➖ Femur (thigh bone) 🔸 Smallest Bone in the body ➖ Stapes in ear 🔸 Number of Cells in the body ➖ 75 trillion 🔸 Volume of Blood in the body ➖ 6 litres (in 70 kg body) 🔸 Number of Red Blood Cells(R.B.C.) ➖ In male: 5 to 6 million/cubic mm  ➖ In female: 4 to 5 million/cubic mm 🔸 Life span of Red Blood Cells(R.B.C.) ➖ 100 to 120 days 🔸 Life span of White Blood Cell(W.B.C.) ➖ 3-4 days 🔸 Normal White Blood Cell(W.B.C.) count ➖ 5000-10000/cubic mm 🔸 Time taken by R.B.C. to complete one cycle of circulation: ➖ 20 seconds 🔸 Other name of Red Blood Cell (R.B.C.): ➖ Erythrocytes 🔸 Largest White Blood Cells: ➖ Monocytes 🔸 Smallest White Blood Cells: ➖ Lymphocyte 🔸 Who discovered Blood Group: ➖ Karl Landsteiner 🔸 Blood Platelets count: ➖ 150,000 - 400,000 platelets per micro litre 🔸 Haemoglobin (Hb): ➖ In male: 14-15 gm/100 c.c. of blood ➖ In female: 11-14 gm/100 c.c. of blood 🔸 Hb content in body: ➖ 500-700 gm 🔸 pH of ...

Medical terms to know

Medical terms to know 1.Benign: Not cancerous 2.Malignant: Cancerous 3.Anti-inflammatory: Reduces swelling, pain, and soreness (such as ibuprofen or naproxen) 4.Body Mass Index (BMI): Body fat measurement based on height and weight 5.Biopsy: A tissue sample for testing purposes 6.Hypotension: Low blood pressure 7.Hypertension: High blood pressure 8.Lesion: Wound, sore, or cut 9.Noninvasive: Doesn’t require entering the body with instruments; usually simple 10.Outpatient: Check in and check out the same day 11.Inpatient: Plan to stay overnight for one or more days 12.In remission: Disease is not getting worse; not to be confused with being cured 13.Membrane: Thin layer of pliable tissue that serves as a covering or lining or connection between two structures 14 .Acute: Sudden but usually short (e.g., acute illness) 15.Angina: Pain in the chest related to the heart that comes and goes 16.Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD): Heartburn 17.Cellulitis: Inflamed or infected tissue beneath ...

Human Reproduction - Important points

  Important points - Human Reproduction  1 Uterus also called womb.   2 Longest unstripped muscles of the body are found in the walls of uterus. (During pregnancy)   3 Clitoris is a homologous to the penis in the male.   4 Bartholin Glands : It is homologous to Cowper's gland of male   5 A functional mammary gland is characteristic of all female mammals.   6 The milk produced during the initial few days of lactation is called colostrum which contains antibodies (IgA) absolutely essential to develop resistance for the new-born babies. 7 Liberation of sperms from Sertoli cells of seminiferous tubules is called spermiation.   8 Liberation of sperms from testes is called semination.   9 Liberation of sperms from body of male is called ejaculation .   10 Mammalian sperms are transfered to vagina of female by the process called insemination.   11 In 1 ml of semen, 20 to 120 millions of sperms are present in human being.   12 Leydig's...

Plants disease symptoms

Different types of disease symptoms Necrosis : It indicates the death of cells, tissues and organs resulting from infection by pathogen. Necrotic symptoms include spots, blights, burn, canker, streaks, stripes, damping-off, rot etc. Wilt : Withering and drooping of a plant starting from some leaves to growing tip occurs suddenly or gradually. Wilting takes place due to blockage in the translocation system caused by the pathogen.   Die-back: Drying of plant organs such as stem or branches which starts from the tip and progresses gradually towards the main stem or trunk is called die-back or wither tip.   Mildew: White, grey or brown coloured superficial growth of the pathogen on the host surface is called mildew.   Rusts : Numerous small pustules growing out through host epidermis which gives rusty (rust formation on iron) appearance of the affected parts.   Smuts : Charcoal-like and black or purplish-black dust like masses developed on the affecte...


Hemostasis Hemostasis or haemostasis is a process to prevent and stop bleeding, meaning to keep blood within a damaged blood vessel (the opposite of hemostasis is hemorrhage). It is the first stage of wound healing. This involves coagulation, blood changing from a liquid to a gel. Intact blood vessels are central to moderating blood's tendency to form clots. The endothelial cells of intact vessels prevent blood clotting with a heparin-like molecule and thrombomodulin and prevent platelet aggregation with nitric oxide and prostacyclin. When endothelial injury occurs, the endothelial cells stop secretion of coagulation and aggregation inhibitors and instead secrete von Willebrand factor, which initiate the maintenance of hemostasis after injury. Hemostasis has three major steps:  1) vasoconstriction,  2) temporary blockage of a break by a platelet plug, and 3) blood coagulati...

Blood Group

Blood Group Introduction ➖Based on the presence and absence of antibodies, the blood is classified into different groups. ➖Further, while classification, the presence and absence of the inherited antigenic substances also considered. ➖The types of blood groups are inherited and represent contributions from both the father and the mother. ABO Blood Group System ➖In human blood, usually, there are two antigens and antibodies. ➖The two antigens are antigen A and antigen B. ➖The two antibodies are antibody A and antibody B. ➖The antigens are remaining in the red blood cells, whereas the antibodies are found in the serum. ➖Based on the antigen property, the blood group of all human beings can be classified as −  Blood Group A − antigen A and antibody B  Blood Group B − antigen B and antibody A  Blood Group AB − antigen A and antigen B and no antibody  Blood Group O − no antigen, but antigen A as well as antibody B ➖Consideration of the ABO system is the most imperative wh...

Human Health and Disease

Human Health and Disease Types of Diseases The diseases may be broadly classified into two types: Congenital and acquired. (i) Congenital Diseases: These are anatomical or physiological abnormalities present from birth. They may be caused by (i) a single gene mutation (alkaptonuria, phenylketonuria, albinism, sickle-cell anaemia, haemophilia, colour blindness); (ii) chromosomal aberrations (Down’s syndrome, Klinefelter’s syndrome, Turner’s syndrome); or (iii) environmental factors (cleft palate, harelip). Unlike the gene-and chromosome-induced congenital defects, environmentally caused abnormalities are not transmitted to the children. (ii) Acquired Diseases: These diseases develop after birth. They are further of two types: communicable and non-communicable. (a) Communicable (Infectious) Diseases: These diseases are caused by viruses, rickettsias, bacteria, fungi, protozoans and worms. (b) Noncommunicable (Noninfectious) Diseases: These diseases remain confined to the person who devel...

Solar energy

Solar energy Light energy and heat energy from the sun are known as solar energy. Sun has been radiating energy from the past 5 billion years and will continue to do so at the same rate for another 5 billion years or more. We must find ways to harness the energy with maximum efficiency, although only a small fraction of the solar energy reaches the earth’s surface Solar cooker Solar cookers and water heaters use solar energy to operate. Black surfaces absorb more energy than other surfaces and solar cookers use this property by coating their insides black. They use reflecting surfaces like mirrors to focus the sun’s rays. The device is covered with a glass plate thereby establishing the greenhouse effect by trapping heat inside the cooker. Solar cell A device that converts solar energy into electricity is known as a solar cell. A typical solar cell produces a voltage of 0.5 1 V and 0.7 W of electrical power. A large number of such cells can combine to form a solar panel which can gener...

Human Brain

Human Brain The brain of a human being is the central organ of the nervous system. The human brain consists of three parts namely the cerebrum, the brainstem and the cerebellum. The brain of a human being plays significant role, as it controls most of the activities of the human body. The brain is located inside the head, and protected by the skull bones. The brain consists of more than 86 billion neurons and almost equal number of other cells as well. Brain activity is made possible because of the interconnections of all the neurons that are linked together. The study of brain functions is known as neuroscience. An adult human brain weighs about 1.2 to 1.4 kg (i.e. average weight); which is about 2% of the total body weight. Parts of Human Brain A human brain is primarily classified as the −  Forebrain  Midbrain  Hindbrain Forebrain is largely made up of cerebrum, thalamus, hypothalamus and pineal gland. Midbrain is largely made up of a portion of the brainstem. Hindbrai...


Organ of Sight − Eye External layer :- Sclera Protects and maintain shape of the eye ball. Cornea :- Absorb O2 from the air, helps to focus light rays. 2. Middle layer :-  Choroid :- Absorb light and prevent light from being  reflected within the eye ball. Ciliary body :- Holds lens, regulate shape of the lens. Iris :- Control amount of light entering 3. Inner layer:- Ratina:- Vision in dim light, colour vision, vision in bright light.

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