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Showing posts from February 23, 2024

How to Leach Vegetables | Miracle Drinks

  How to Leach Vegetables | Miracle Drinks  #MiracleDrinks -------------------------------------------------------------------- #MiracleDrinks is a unique Ayurvedic proprietary medicine for chronic health disorders,  invented by an IAS officer Dr. S. M. Raju. Manufacturing unit is located 70 kms from Bangalore and is equipped with a modern state of art facility.  Factory follows "Good Manufacturing Practices" (GMP)  and is compliant to WHO standards and is licensed under A U/S-932, Govt of Karnataka. Miracle Drinks is the brand name of a series of Herbal Dietary Health Supplements.  These supplements were created by keeping the future of Ayurveda in mind;  the age-old Vedic literature was referred to formulate the supplements  while the consumption guidelines were compiled to be at par with the 21st century. Contact Us : 📞808-69043800 For more information visit our website: Also Connect to us at: Facebook:   / mi...

What happens when someone falls in love?

Question - Gurudev, what happens when someone falls in love? Gurudev Sri Sri - After a while, the soap opera begins, you start demanding. When you start demanding, the love diminishes. The joy fades away. So then you say, "Oh I have made a mistake in this relationship." Then there's struggle and pain to get out of that relationship. After getting out of it, you get into one more and the same story repeats. Love is essential in relationships, not mere attraction. In love, there is submission. This is the difference between love and attraction. Though attraction forms the first step, you cannot remain on the first step for too long. You have to move on to the next. That is love. What is that you want to know about relationships? It is really to see how it can be long-lasting. Isn't it? Three things are essential in any relationship : 1. Right perception 2. Right observation 3. Right expression Often people say nobody understands them. Instead of saying, "No one und...

The Bhagavad Gita says that we are not the doer. Somebody else is acting through us, we are the medium. We say that the future is free will and the past is destiny. I feel this is a little contradictory. Can you please clarity?

Question - Gurudev, the Bhagavad Gita says that we are not the doer. Somebody else is acting through us, we are the medium. We say that the future is free will and the past is destiny. I feel this is a little contradictory. Can you please clarity? Gurudev Sri Sri - There are two things: one is the doer, and the other is the enjoyer, and they both go together. If you are a doer, then you are also the enjoyer. If you're not the doer, then you are also not enjoying. So, when you say, 'I have not done it', there is one aspect in you that remains untouched by the consequences as well as the actions. And there is another aspect in you that is doing everything, and also suffering or enjoying the consequences. So, there are two things inside you. There is a beautiful analogy in the Upanishad. On this tree of the universe, two birds are sitting. One is enjoying the fruits of action, and the other is just witnessing it. This is the depth of the philosophy. As you go deep in meditatio...

How do I satisfy my loved ones that are very demanding?

Question - Gurudev, how do I satisfy my loved ones that are very demanding? Gurudev Sri Sri - Sometimes, it is okay to be little insensitive. When the demands are not justified or not logical, you do not have to feel obliged about those demands, but you don't have to get upset either. Suppose you are not a doctor and someone is coming and demanding, "Give me medicine, give me medicine" What can you do? You will get upset? No, you will just smile and say, "Well I don't know. I am sorry, I am not a doctor, I can't treat you." But if you are upset, it is your problem, isn't it? Like that, we must find the inner strength. Once you find your inner strength, nobody can take away your calmness, your serenity, your peace. And when you are centered, you are able to manage any situation. However complex they are, however demanding they are, you can manage the situation. Got it? I was in a situation a few months ago. One gentleman I know him from long time, he ...

I don't speak out my problems to you knowing that you already know what is going on in my mind. I read a book where you said that a devotee must speak out his or her mind to the master without any hesitation regardless of how trivial the matter might be. Does this mean that I should be more vocal than I am at the moment or do silent prayers have effect?

Question - Gurudev, I don't speak out my problems to you knowing that you already know what is going on in my mind. I read a book where you said that a devotee must speak out his or her mind to the master without any hesitation regardless of how trivial the matter might be. Does this mean that I should be more vocal than I am at the moment or do silent prayers have effect? Gurudev Sri Sri - As long as the things are happening and you don't feel like verbalizing it, its fine. There is no need that you must say it out, but many times when you say it out, you feel lighter from the inside. That is why I say speak out. You don't need to hesitate.

Why is it necessary to do sadhana daily?

Question - Gurudev, why is it necessary to do sadhana daily?  Gurudev Sri Sri - When we say, "Do your sadhana," it means sadhana needs to be done daily. This is because there are millions of cells in our brain. Some work today, and others work tomorrow just like workers take shifts in a factory. The factory is running continually, but the workers have shifts - they come, work and leave. Similarly, in our brain, neurons work in shifts. There are millions of neurons in your brain. For them to gain knowledge, all the neurons need to be trained.

What are the methodologies that I need to use to overcome inefficiency at my workplace? I have many people who are unable to cope up with the client's expectation. This sometimes makes me really angry.

Question - Gurudev, what are the methodologies that I need to use to overcome inefficiency at my workplace? I have many people who are unable to cope up with the client's expectation. This sometimes makes me really angry. Gurudev Sri Sri - Do you know why people don't perform their jobs well, or learn slowly? This is because their mind is clouded. They have not rested well. They have no security inside them, and they are not happy. Teach them meditation. When they meditate, when they do a little breathing and meditation, they find calmness, happiness, and peace, and then they will be able to do so much better. Meals and meditation, make this part of your company. With some meditation, the mind relaxes and it becomes sharp, alert, and more energetic to do work. That is how it works. So meditation definitely helps to bring more productivity.

This world is so selfish. People only value money. How to find true love?

Question - Gurudev, this world is so selfish. People only value money. How to find true love? Gurudev Sri Sri - Come on, don't say that. In the world there are all kinds of people. Don't blame or label the whole world as selfish. That is not fair. You know, there are good people on the planet. In fact, in big numbers. The cheats are only a small number. Suppose if you are also branded as one of those unkind, ruthless, and selfish persons, would you like to accept that label? Ask yourself, ask your heart, your mind. No! You find that you are very good, you are very kind, but everybody else is bad? That is not correct. Got it? In this world, there are good people and there are people who do not express goodness. That is all. But even they are good. There is no bad creature on this planet. Everyone, intrinsically is good. If you go talk to the worst criminals in the prison, you will see in their eyes that they are also good human beings. If you see through my eyes, there are no ba...

How much money should a person earn in life? what is the difference between being resourceful and self sufficient?

Question - Gurudev, how much money should a person earn in life? what is the difference between being resourceful and self sufficient? Gurudev Sri Sri - See, put in all your efforts and earn as much as you can. But follow certain rules. It is not right to earn money by committing crimes, or through any other wrong means. If you do, then the result will only be misery and suffering. If you adopt wrong means to earn money, then your own conscience will prick you from within and, It will pinch you from within. So do not use wrong means of earning money.


Question - Gurudev, why should we donate? Gurudev Sri Sri - People are ready to buy expensive clothes for themselves, and people are ready to spend a huge amount on their holidays, but they are not ready to give one cent to others for a service project. At least 3 percent of what we earn, we should keep aside for charity work. This converts the 97% percent of your earnings into good money.

Is God present or not?

Question - Gurudev, is God present or not? Gurudev Sri Sri - Good, keep this question in your mind. However, if you know that God is present, then your life will change. As long as you are attached to material things, you won't find God. When you are tired of things here, when you have had enough, then you will find God. Then you will find maturity.

Why is it that when one becomes closer to the spiritual master, he is faced with more difficulties in life, and why does he not give up?

Question - Gurudev, why is it that when one becomes closer to the spiritual master, he is faced with more difficulties in life, and why does he not give up? Gurudev Sri Sri - Yes, there are some who like challenges, they love challenges. Otherwise why would people go on a sailboat around the world? Why would they go and start climbing Mount Everest? Because people like challenges. It is the ego which wants some big challenges. So, some people may want to do that, and they've chosen those difficult routes. Never mind, when you are on this path, you will do everything with a smile. That is the strength of the path.

Why should a sadhak never curse anyone?

Question - Gurudev, why should a sadhak never curse anyone? Gurudev Sri Sri - Whatever work we want to do, do it with good intentions. Nobody’s curse can affect you if your heart is pure. If your heart is impure then surely it will have an influence. Do not blame the world or curse the people around you. They are all a part of God’s wonderful creation. Everything here has a purpose, and everything here is to make you stronger - be it, friends or enemies. When people don't live up to your expectations, you get frustrated and you blame or curse them. By cursing, you lose your spiritual energy. When you bless, your energy goes up. Your own experience tells you time and time again that expectations reduce your enjoyment of life. Yet, most of us do not even realise, having too many expectations about everything, could be a reason for not being naturally happy. By cursing, you lose your spiritual energy. When you can bless, your energy goes up. When you are full, the need to give curse n...

I tend to hurt people whom I love and push them away. Why do I do so? I am scared of love now.

Question - Gurudev, I tend to hurt people whom I love and push them away. Why do I do so? I am scared of love now. Gurudev Sri Sri - Listen, these patterns will change, don't be scared. If you love somebody, serve them. Don't latch on to them, don't police them. Be centered. You go and tell someone, love you, I love you, I love you'. They say, 'Yes, okay' But then what will they do? They don't know how to respond, so they feel like running away from there. We should not express our love too much. If you express your love too much, the person to whom you express doesn't know how to handle it. If they are enlightened and centered, they can smile and they can take it. If they are not enlightened, they don't know how to handle the love. Like people don't know how to handle anger and hatred, they also don't know how to handle love. This is the reason why many times people run away. So, you should be very measured in your expression of love. Got it...

How important is having faith in life?

Question - Gurudev, how important is having faith in life? Gurudev Sri Sri - You cannot exist without faith. Listen, suppose you have come here in a car and you have parked the car in the parking area. Now when you are sitting here you have faith that the car will be there when you go back, isn't it?! So, without this faith can you exist? No, first of all, you should have faith in yourself. There are three types of faith which are important : 1. Faith in yourself. If you do not have faith in yourself it is called paranoia. It is a disease. 2. Faith in the goodness of people around you. There are good people in the world, you should have that faith, otherwise you cannot move one inch in society. 3. Faith in the unknown, faith in the abstract power which seems to be running everything. That is the third type of faith. So, of these three faiths, the first two are very essential, the third will make life much better.

I want to come to you when you are passing by but there is so much crowd. If I am not running to you, does that mean I don’t have devotion and love?

Question - Gurudev, I want to come to you when you are passing by but there is so much crowd. If I am not running to you, does that mean I don’t have devotion and love? Gurudev Sri Sri - You don’t have to copy anyone else’s expression or behaviour. Wherever you are, I know your heart, I think sometimes better than you do. So you don’t need to worry about anything. You be relaxed and keep smiling and just ‘be’, that’s all. Keep doing what you need to do, and if you feel like coming to me, just come, no problem. My car goes quite slow and stops. I have no control over my journey as well! If someone comes, I have to stop. I have never ignored any person and gone. It’s not in my nature. I attend to people, as much as I can physically, but otherwise, I do attend to people in other ways too. Other ways are also there. No need for elaborating these things. Some things we should not elaborate, this is one of them. There are many ways you can connect with each other in the subtle. So your smile...

Who visit the Tirupati temple donate their hair as offering at the shrine. Also, in India there is a tradition of shaving off one's head when a dear one passes away. Why is this so, and what does shaving off one's head have to do with our mind and our actions?

Question - Gurudev, devotees who visit the Tirupati temple donate their hair as offering at the shrine. Also, in India there is a tradition of shaving off one's head when a dear one passes away. Why is this so, and what does shaving off one's head have to do with our mind and our actions? Gurudev Sri Sri - This is more of a conventional norm that has become a tradition over the years. It is not prescribed as mandatory by our scriptures anywhere. There are two aspects to any ritual in India. One is that prescribed as a norm or a social convention, the other is that which is mentioned and prescribed elaborately in our scriptures, which becomes tradition and for which the scriptures also narrate the benefits of practicing that particular ritual or practice. For example, many people wear collared T-shirts. Why is the collar there and what is its purpose? In winters, in the foreign countries, people fold the collar up and protect themselves from the cold, and in the summers, people ...

For how long will this leela continue?

Question - Gurudev, for how long will this leela continue? Gurudev Sri Sri - Now that is hard to tell. No one knows for certain when it started, and so no one knows when it will end. As long as you are a part of this leela, just enjoy yourself. When we land up in a problem that is when we ask, 'When will this end?' But when we are having fun or enjoying ourselves, we never question, 'When will the enjoyment end?' Do we do that? No. So when life appears burdensome and a bondage, only then do we think to ourselves, 'When will we be free from this?' Do not think that you will become free sometime in the future. You are free this very moment. Just take this for granted and move ahead. All this is just a game and events keep happening. Many thoughts come and go in the mind. You would be surprised at the kind of thoughts that come to your mind. You become so nervous due to some thoughts of your mind. But you should know that thoughts come and go. So it does not carry ...

It is said that whatever had to be said has already been said, but the point is, have people heard it? Is this why so many enlightened masters have to come again and again. How to make sure this time people listen.

Question - Gurudev, it is said that whatever had to be said has already been said, but the point is, have people heard it? Is this why so many enlightened masters have to come again and again. How to make sure this time people listen. Gurudev Sri Sri - A farmer knows the answer to this question very well. See, what does a farmer do? He takes the seeds, ploughs the field and then throws the seeds. Some seeds sprout and some don't. He does not worry and think, Oh, this seed has not sprouted, that has sprouted.' He just puts the seed and whichever sprouts, sprouts, and whichever doesn't, it doesn't. Usually most of the seeds sprout if it has been ploughed properly. And if the farmer has sown the seed at the right time, it does grow. That is what we should all do. Don't worry about how many will reach the goal and how many will not. You do your job. A musician simply sings, he doesn't see how many people are listening. If someone is playing the flute or the sitar, t...

B3C4 Vegetable Juice Preparation | Miracle Dinks

  B3C4 Vegetable Juice Preparation | Miracle Dinks  #MiracleDrinks -------------------------------------------------------------------- #MiracleDrinks is a unique Ayurvedic proprietary medicine for chronic health disorders,  invented by an IAS officer Dr. S. M. Raju. Manufacturing unit is located 70 kms from Bangalore and is equipped with a modern state of art facility.  Factory follows "Good Manufacturing Practices" (GMP)  and is compliant to WHO standards and is licensed under A U/S-932, Govt of Karnataka. Miracle Drinks is the brand name of a series of Herbal Dietary Health Supplements.  These supplements were created by keeping the future of Ayurveda in mind;  the age-old Vedic literature was referred to formulate the supplements  while the consumption guidelines were compiled to be at par with the 21st century. Contact Us : 📞808-69043800 For more information visit our website: Also Connect to us at: Facebook: ...

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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