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Showing posts from February 18, 2024

Shiva means that which is peaceful, that which is beautiful, that is all pervading.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in Satsang  "Shiva means that which is peaceful, that which is beautiful, that is all pervading. Shiva is like the sky. Shiva has no body. Shiva has never come on the planet as a person like Krishna, Rama. Shiva was not a personified person. It is energy, the universal energy is called Shiva. ‘lasha’ means enthusiasm. ‘Kailasha’ means only enthusiasm, that place which has only enthusiasm is called Kailasha. In that state of meditation, when you are inside you, in that state of mind when only happiness is there, that state of mind is called Shiva. The space in the air, fire, water, earth, in all five elements is Shiva, is the prana, mind. They are all forms of Shiva. Shiva doesn’t does not have any form, but He is exists in all the forms. And the trishul signifies going beyond the three states of waking, dreaming and sleeping. It is a sign of the fourth state.. We just break one coconut in the temple to satisfy God. How many of you don’t know wy we break coconu...

10 tips for a happy married life by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

1. Remember that marriage is a commitment to walk together “Marriage is an institution of patience, sacrifice, caring for each other, and sharing. Our ancient people spoke about saptapadi– the seven vows of marriage one takes in life. The hallmarks of a happy marriage are – a sense of commitment, co-operation, compassion, caring, and less ego. The relationship can bring us strength or weakness depending on the mind. If the mind is strong then relationships are a gift to us, but if the mind is weak and not in control, then relationships can feel like bondage. If you hold each other’s necks, it will feel like bondage. If you walk together, shoulder-to-shoulder with each other, it will serve as a support. So be a support to each other, be a companion, and move forward.” 2. Be available for each other instead of demanding “In a marriage, you should consider the other person as your own part – like your arm or leg. It’s two bodies, one mind, one soul. So, whatever your spouse desires, you m...

The Story of Devas and a Yaksha from Kena Upanishad ~ Sri Sri

The Story of Devas and a Yaksha from Kena Upanishad ~ Sri Sri    Once upon a time, the Devas began to feel that the whole world was theirs, so a Yaksha went to challenge them. The Devas sent Agni, the energy of the fire element to the challenge and to see who this Yaksha was. Agni said, “I can burn anything, I can transform anything.” So the Yaksha threw a blade of grass in front of Agniand challenged Agni to burn it, to transform it. However, Agni could not do anything. Agni affirmed again, “I am Agni, I am Chatur Veda, I am somebody.” That particular divine energy limited itself to be somebody, some particular energy. So what happened? Its power got diminished. It did not identify itself with Brahman, with the cosmic energy, but considered itself as a particular type of energy, a particular individual. It limited its power and capacity. The lesson here is practical: Do not underestimate anybody. Do not think that you are the only intelligent one, and do not underestimate any...


WHAT ARE THE COMPONENTS OF RUDRA PUJA? Shri Rudram consists of five major parts: Ganpati Atharvashirsha: Any puja or ritual would not start without invoking Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles. Ganpati Atharva is the oldest surviving text on Lord Ganesha that pays obeisance to the elephant-faced god. In this, Ganesha is described as the energy that is same to every other deity, as the ultimate reality and truth (brahman), as Atman (soul in oneself), and as Om, the building block of the universe.  Anganyas: Anganyas is the process in which one invokes the deity within themselves before they can pray to the deity outside them. Before the Shri Rudram starts, the person performing the puja offers flowers to all the gods and then puts some on their own head. This act is done to recognize that there is the energy of Rudra in themselves. Only after the invocation of Rudra in oneself, one becomes eligible to perform the Rudra Puja. Panchamrut Snanam: After Anganyas, the abhishekam (wors...

When you win over the mind, you win over the world!

When you win over the mind, you win over the world! ~ Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji From being an ancient spiritual pursuit for those seeking enlightenment, yoga has been absorbed into mainstream lifestyle by people from all cultures and backgrounds across the globe. Yoga became popular in the West as a solution to lose weight or as a physical exercise and people also found relief from many ills such as stress, anxiety, professional burnout, addictions and insomnia. In additions to its remedial properties, yoga is also a path to realize and harness your deepest potential. It has a profound impact on multiple levels of our existence. While stretches and postures make the body supple, pranayama and meditation take the mind deep within. An unknown dimension opens up within our being that enriches the experience of life in many ways. There are several benefits of yoga — it enhances health, improves memory and concentration, sharpens the intellect, de-stresses the system and increases energy level...

This is called Yoga Maya

You imagine that you are somebody special. Suddenly you think that you are a superstar. This is a problem with many people. Many seekers practice something and they get some visions. They get caught up in that vision because that vision is neither completely false, not completely true. It is a mixture of some truth, and some falsehood. So people try to hold on to it. Many cults have been formed because of this ातदशॅन. They have never really understood the obstacles that can come up in the path of Yoga. This is called Yoga Maya. Yoga Maya is a vision that brings a message; an intuitive message. You may be meditating and you will get an intuition to open the door because somebody is waiting for you. And when you do that, you really find that person waiting outside. And you will get very excited. You will think that God had told you about it. And this will happen again and again. This is because you are not completely hollow and empty. There are residues or traces of your desires, hatreds...


Memory makes you miserable or wise.  Memory of experiences and events in the ever-changing world, however good or bad, constricts the vastness of the Self. It binds you.  Memory of the non-changing Self expands and elevates awareness. This liberates you. You are what you are, because of your memory. If you are ignorant, it is because of your memory. If you are enlightened, it is also because of your memory.  *Forgetfulness of the Infinite is misery. Forgetfulness of the trivial is ecstasy.* *Question:* How do we get rid of unpleasant memories and limitations? *Gurudev:*  *•* Know the impermanent nature of the world and events.  *•* Realise that past events do not exist in the present.  *•* Accept the past and move on.  *•* Be dispassionate and centred.  *•* Be in the company of the Wise. In their presence, the Knowledge of the Self is gained.  *•* Increase prāna (life force energy).  *•* And if none of this works, then time will take car...

Time and Mind

When you are happy, the mind expands; then time appears too short. When you are unhappy, the mind contracts; then time appears too long.  When the mind is in equanimity, you transcend time.  To escape from time, many resort to alcohol, drugs, sleep, etc; but when the mind is dull or unconscious, it is unable to experience the Self.  Samādhi (no-mindedness, timelessness) is the real peace. A few moments of samādhi gives the mind a lot of energy. This is the greatest healer.  A thought is nothing but a ripple in this moment of time. This moment also has a mind of its own – a Big Mind which has infinite organizing power.  Before you fall into slumber and as soon as you wake up from sleep, in the moments of the twilight of consciousness, experience this timelessness beyond the mind! Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji

Liberation From Lust

This one mind of ours sees through the eyes, hears through the ears and tastes through the tongue. The same mind feels experiences in each and every part of the body - hands, legs and other limbs.  Who is experiencing all these sensations through the five senses? One mind experiences the world in five different ways, through the five doorways of the senses.  From this arose the five elements, which can be experienced on the physical level. Similarly, the mind thinks with the intellect and stores impressions in memory.  Ego is- "I should do this or that," or "I should be like this or like that." This is how its ideas get expressed. Like this, the whole world is made up of 24 elements or principles.  Some say it is 24, and others say 16. The counts are different in the various shastras. But all of these elements continue acting by themselves. The energy of an atom is the same everywhere, but the same atom is different in coal than it is in diamond.  You can make i...

Shri Jagannath means the Lord of the Worlds

Understanding Lord Jagannath आत्मानं रथिनं विद्धि शरीरं रथमेव तु। बुद्धिं तु सारथिं विद्धि मनः प्रगहमेव च॥ Katha Upanishad said Our body is the chariot and our very Self or soul is its charioteer, intellect is its driver, the mind is its reins, the sense organs are the horses pulling the chariot. The philosophical interpretation through Yogic practices this chariot will start its spiritual journey towards Paramatma, where lies the Parama Dhama, the abode of ever blissful state. The Yogic way in order to realize Lord Jagannath has to start the spiritual journey from the root chakra to the crown chakra raising the Kundalini to the Sahasrara where Lord Jagannath is placed on the Ratna Simhasana. Lord Shri Ram had 12 kalas, Shri Krishna had 16 and at present during Kaliyuga silently sitting and watching as Lord Jagannath; Jagath(world) + Nath (lord). Jagat is the spinal cord consisting of various Chakras starting from Muladhara Chakra up to Ajna Chakra and Natha is the Supreme Soul of the ...

In Giving A Gift, I Received The Biggest Gift Of Gurudev’s Blessings

In the year 2016, I came to know that Gurudev will be coming to Gujarat for Diwali (a Hindu mega festival) celebrations. My heart leaped with joy. I had an intense longing to meet Him personally and offer him a gift. I shared my desire with my Art of Living teacher and she told me “Take Sankalpa (an intention to do a good deed backed by a strong willpower) and you will surely get to meet Him”. I went to Ahmedabad to attend the event. Gurudev came on the Darshan ramp. Now, I could give the gift to a volunteer standing nearby who would have forwarded it to Gurudev. However, my heart still wanted to present this gift to Him personally so I just watched Gurudev and decided to instead go to Vasad (Art of Living Ashram in Gujarat),  where His next event was scheduled. Just before I was about to leave for Vasad, I was told that my bus has been cancelled! I was heart-broken. I returned to my home and prayed to Gurudev “Either I will gift this to You personally or I’ll keep it with me forev...

The whole world is mine

If I say that I am grateful, I am thankful or anything else for that matter, it does not suffice. Nothing that I say can ever express the love that I feel for Gurudev. I was suffering for 2 long years with bleeding in my intestines. Surgery did not help, and neither did the various medicines that I kept trying. I ate healthy and worked out, but all in vain. On the outside I was a fit young lady, but inside I was broken. The breaking point came when one day, in January 2013, I suddenly could not breathe. As my husband rushed me to the hospital, my breathing became very laborious and my body became paralyzed. But through my struggle to breathe, I kept hearing a voice telling me not to worry as I had experienced something similar (fast breathing) in the Sudershan Kriya. It kept getting tougher and tougher to breathe, with each breath. In a matter of minutes, I could see my world crashing and I quickly started bidding goodbye to my husband and my young children. In my mind, I surrendered a...

Asplenium nidus commonly known as the Bird's nest fern

It is so common to see this fern in Singapore, commonly growing as an epiphyte, nested between tree branches. Asplenium nidus commonly known as the Bird's nest fern has its name's origin to the words Asplenium, meaning without spleen and is usually a reference for the fern to cure spleen ailments. The species nidus (meaning nest) gives reference to the common name "Bird's Nest Fern" as it means "Nest-of-fledglings". Asplenium nidus forms large simple fronds visually similar to banana leaves, with the fronds growing to 50–150 cm long and 10–20 cm broad. They are light green, often crinkled, with a black midrib, and exhibit circinate vernation. Spores develop in sori on the underside of the fronds.  The leaves of this fern are edible and the infusion of the leaves has been used to ease labor pains and the lotion obtained from the leaves has been known to be used to treat fever. This information is not meant to be substituted for medical advice. Always cons...

Happiness and Wellness

Happiness and Wellness 🤸 🤸Never mistake a yoga asana to be simply a physical act, It's more than just physical.  🤸When you balance your body you balance your emotions,  🤸Forward bends allow you to become more understanding n flexible to people n situations. 🤸Backward bends give you strength n courage to face n overcome the setbacks in life,  🤸Twisting releases all fears n inhibitions that stop you from moving forward, Pranayama gives you the inner mental stamina to give your best effort in personal n professional life,  🤸Daily dhyana n meditation develops intuition so that you can feel inner voice n choose on what can lead you towards joy n happiness.   🤸All these life changes happen during your asana practice.  🤸Never mistake yoga to be just a physical act.


  Treatment protocol to be followed for Cervical Spondylosis #MiracleDrinks -------------------------------------------------------------------- #MiracleDrinks is a unique Ayurvedic proprietary medicine for chronic health disorders,  invented by an IAS officer Dr. S. M. Raju. Manufacturing unit is located 70 kms from Bangalore and is equipped with a modern state of art facility.  Factory follows "Good Manufacturing Practices" (GMP)  and is compliant to WHO standards and is licensed under A U/S-932, Govt of Karnataka. Miracle Drinks is the brand name of a series of Herbal Dietary Health Supplements.  These supplements were created by keeping the future of Ayurveda in mind;  the age-old Vedic literature was referred to formulate the supplements  while the consumption guidelines were compiled to be at par with the 21st century. Contact Us : 📞808-69043800 For more information visit our website: Also Connect to us at: Facebook: ...

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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