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Showing posts from February 8, 2024

In 2-3 Days noticed symptomatic improvement from Brain Shrinkage | Brain Shrinkage | Miracle Drinks

  In 2-3 Days noticed symptomatic improvement from Brain Shrinkage | Brain Shrinkage | Miracle Drinks -  #MiracleDrinks -------------------------------------------------------------------- #MiracleDrinks is a unique Ayurvedic proprietary medicine for chronic health disorders,  invented by an IAS officer Dr. S. M. Raju. Manufacturing unit is located 70 kms from Bangalore and is equipped with a modern state of art facility.  Factory follows "Good Manufacturing Practices" (GMP)  and is compliant to WHO standards and is licensed under A U/S-932, Govt of Karnataka. Miracle Drinks is the brand name of a series of Herbal Dietary Health Supplements.  These supplements were created by keeping the future of Ayurveda in mind;  the age-old Vedic literature was referred to formulate the supplements  while the consumption guidelines were compiled to be at par with the 21st century. Contact Us : 📞808-69043800 For more information visit our website: https://mir...

Sugar level reduced to normal from 350 to 99 in a week | Diabetes | Miracle Drinks

  Sugar level reduced to normal from 350 to 99 in a week | Diabetes | Miracle Drinks  #MiracleDrinks -------------------------------------------------------------------- #MiracleDrinks is a unique Ayurvedic proprietary medicine for chronic health disorders,  invented by an IAS officer Dr. S. M. Raju. Manufacturing unit is located 70 kms from Bangalore and is equipped with a modern state of art facility.  Factory follows "Good Manufacturing Practices" (GMP)  and is compliant to WHO standards and is licensed under A U/S-932, Govt of Karnataka. Miracle Drinks is the brand name of a series of Herbal Dietary Health Supplements.  These supplements were created by keeping the future of Ayurveda in mind;  the age-old Vedic literature was referred to formulate the supplements  while the consumption guidelines were compiled to be at par with the 21st century. Contact Us : 📞808-69043800 For more information visit our website: Also...


Montreal Ashram, Canada, 2nd July 1997 Chapter 1 - The You That You Want To Change Day 6 - Lust In love even an object is elevated to life. Stones and trees speak to you, the sun, the moon, the entire creation becomes alive and divine. In lust even a living being becomes a mere object. You want to even use people like objects. Lust brings tension, love brings relaxation.  In lust there is cunningness and manipulation, in love there is playfulness. Lust focuses on a part, love focuses on the whole. In lust you want to grasp and possess, in love you want to give and surrender.  In lust there is effort, love is effortless. Lust brings violence, love brings sacrifice. Lust demands, love commands. In lust you are mixed up and confused in love you are focused and spaced out. Lust is dark and monotonous, love has many modes and colours.  Lust says, "All I want you to have is what I want". Love says, "I want you to have what you want". Lust causes feverishness a...


Bangalore Ashram, India, 6th March 1996 Chapter 1 - The You That You Want To Change Day 5 - Attachment Krishna means the most attractive. He is the divinity, the energy that attracts everything to it. Krishna is the formless centre that is everywhere. All attractions from anywhere come only from Krishna.  Often people fail to see the spirit behind the attraction, and merely hold onto the outer shell. The moment you try to possess the shell, you will see Krishna has played a trick, you will be left with an empty shell in your hands and tears in your eyes.  Do not be tricked by Krishna - be clever like Radha. Krishna could not escape from Radha because her whole world was filled with Krishna. If you can see that wherever there is an attraction there is Krishna, then you are Radha, you are in your centre.  The mind moves towards beauty, joy and truth. Krishna tells Arjuna, “I am the beauty in the beautiful , the strength in the strong, the wisdom in the wise.” In...


Rishikesh, India, 3 April 1997 Chapter 1 - The You That You Want To Change Day 4 - Desires Desires for sensory pleasure are electric in nature and these desires get neutralized as they move towards the object of your senses. If, by your skill, you could move your desires deeper within you towards the centre of your existence, another dimension of everlasting pleasure, thrill, bliss and undying love will be yours.  Lust, greed, power and jealousy are powerful because they are nothing but energy and you are the source of it - the pure electricity. Dedication and devotion maintain the purity of your electricity, moving you upward. When you realize you yourself are the electricity of pleasure, your cravings subside and serenity dawns.  Also, remembering that you will die makes you alive now, and frees you from cravings and aversions. The wise ones are always careful not to get their minds entangled and dizzy. This couplet needs to be pondered over and over - a whole li...


Los Angeles, California, United States, 16th June 1997 Chapter 1 - The You That You Want To Change Day 3 - Vices If you cannot eliminate vices, magnify them. Worry, pride, anger, lust, grief - give them a bigger dimension and a different direction.  What is the point of getting angry about small events? Be angry about the infinite, about Brahma. If you cannot get rid of pride, take pride in owning the Divine. If you are bothered by greed, be greedy for satsang. If cravings gnaw at you, crave the truth. If jealously haunts you, be jealous about seva. Be averse to aversions. Attach yourself to the Guru. Get intoxicated with the Divine. Joy is love for what is. Sorrow is love for what is not. Ref Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji Celebrating Silence


Montreal Ashram,  Quebec, Canada, 24th July 1995 Chapter 1 - The You That You Want To Change Day 2 - Habits How to get rid of vasanas (impressions)? This is a question for all those who want to come out of habits. You want to get rid of habits because they give you pain and restrict you. The nature of a vasana is to bother you - bind you - and wanting to be free is the nature of life. When a soul does not know how to be free, it wanders lifetimes craving freedom.  The way to come out of habits is vows. A vow should be time bound. For example, suppose someone says, "I will quit smoking" but cannot do it. He can take a time bound vow not to smoke for 5 days. If someone is used to cursing and swearing, he can take a vow not to use bad language for 10 days. Don't take a vow for a lifetime - you will break it immediately. If you happen to break it anyway, don't worry, just begin again. When you fulfil your vow, pick a new starting time and renew it again. Slowl...

The You That You Want To Change

13th March 1997, New Delhi Chapter 1 - The You That You Want To Change  Day 1 - Senses The senses are like fire. Whatever you put into your senses burns in this fire. A fire of toxic material creates pollution and bad smell. But if you burn sandalwood, it creates fragrance.  The same fire that supports life can also destroy. A fire can heat your home or burn it down. Celebration happens around a bonfire. Grief happens around the fire of cremation. A burning tire creates toxic fumes. A ghee lamp lights your way and purifies the surroundings. Does your fire create smoke and pollution - or are you like a camphor flame that creates light and fragrance? A saint creates light and the fragrance of love. He is the friend of life. A fire that creates light and warmth is of high quality. A fire that creates light and a little smoke is of medium quality. The fire that creates smoke and darkness is of low quality. Learn to distinguish these different fires. When your senses ar...

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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