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Showing posts from January 13, 2024

Your Nature is Shiva

Weekly Knowledge 348 Rishikesh 17 Mar 2002  India Your Nature is Shiva Peace is your nature, yet you remain restless. Freedom is your nature, yet you remain in bondage. Happiness is your nature, yet you become miserable for some reason or another. Contentment is your nature, yet you continue to reel in desires. Benevolence is your nature, yet you don’t reach out. Going towards your nature is Sadhana. Sadhana is becoming what you truly Are! Your true nature is Shiva. And Shiva is peace, infinity, beauty and the non-dual One. Ratri means "to take refuge." Shivaratri is taking refuge in Shiva. 🌻Jai Guru Dev🌻 Hindi translation साप्ताहिक ज्ञानपत्र ३४८ १६ मार्च, २००२ ऋषिकेश, भारत तुम शिव स्वरुप हो शांति तुम्हारा स्वभाव है फिर भी तुम बेचैन रहते हो। मुक्ति तुम्हारा स्वभाव है फिर भी तुम बंधन में रहते हो। आनंद तुम्हारा स्वभाव है फिर भी तुम किसी न किसी कारण से दुखी रहते हो। तृप्ति तुम्हारा स्वभाव है फिर भी तुम इच्छाओं के पीछे नाचते रहते हो। परोपकार तुम्हारा स्वभाव है फिर भ...

Praise the Fools!

Weekly Knowledge 349 Rishikesh 22 Mar 2002  India Praise the Fools! Praising the fool is beneficial for society! A fool when pleased might stop doing harm and start doing good work. In this sense it is wise to praise a fool as he needs motivation. So your praise is meaningful when it is directed towards a fool! A wise man by his very nature will keep doing good work. His attitude does not depend on someone’s praise or blame. So it does not serve any purpose to praise a wise man because your praise cannot make an impact on him. There are three types of people – the wise, the crooked and the immature.  Even if the wise man is scolded or praised, he continues doing good work. The crooked need to be praised to do good work. The immature however need to be both praised and scolded from time to time. 🌻Jai Guru Dev🌻  *Hindi translation*  साप्ताहिक ज्ञानपत्र ३४९  २२ मार्च , २००२ ऋषिकेश, भारत मूर्खो की प्रशंसा करो मूर्खो की प्रशंसा करना समाज के लिए हितकर है...


Weekly Knowledge 350 New Delhi 31 Mar 2002  India WHAT MAKES A REAL HOLIDAY? Rest and happiness make a real holiday. Often people go on a holiday and they come back tired and tanned, and needing a few more days to recuperate! A real holiday is that which energizes and does not wear you out. Remember, nothing energizes you like Wisdom. - Doubts and complaints are impediments for rest. - The moment you set out on your holiday, know that it has begun. Often people expect to find a pinnacle of happiness. Enjoy every moment of the journey as children do, do not wait for the destination. - If you cannot be happy in one place, you cannot be happy in any other place. If you do not know how to row one boat you will not be able to row any other boat. - To get maximum satisfaction out of your holiday you need to do something creative and engage in Seva. - Do not ever forget to make meditation and prayer a part of your holiday. If your days are Holy, then every day is a Hol...

Life is eternal

Life is eternal; we never give a thought to this truth. When someone dies we declare that the person is immortal, but the truth is we ourselves are immortal too.  That is why we do not feel that we have grown old. No matter how old a person is, he feels he is never going to die. If someone else dies, we say, ‘oh that poor fellow died’. ‘Everyone else dies but I won’t’, this feeling is there somewhere. There is a stream of awareness within us that cannot be destroyed. To acknowledge and observe that stream is spirituality – ‘I have not changed, I have not grown old, I am just the same‘. This brings such courage and strength in life that nothing can shake you. Examining your life, observing it is spirituality, it is ‘satsang’. Satsang is not just singing bhajans but pondering on the truths of life. What is the most important truth of life – there is an element within me that does not perish, does not diminish and is deathless. If you direct even the slightest attention to...


Weekly Knowledge 355 Palo Alto, California 11 May 2002  USA TWO TYPES OF KNOWLEDGE There are two types of knowledge. The first one is pure knowledge and the second one is applied knowledge. Applied knowledge may benefit you directly and immediately but pure knowledge benefits you indirectly in the long run. If there are some things that you have studied or understood that you are unable to put into practice, do not get disheartened. Sometime in the future, if you do not discard the knowledge you have as impractical, it will be of use to you. Often people discard the pure knowledge for its lack of immediate application. In fact these two types of knowledge compliment each other. Applied knowledge without pure knowledge remains weak. And pure knowledge without application will remain unfulfilled. Do not discard or label the knowledge as impractical. Do not label yourself as weak or unworthy because you are unable to apply the knowledge in your day-to-day life. Sometimes w...


Weekly Knowledge 360 Washington DC 02 Jul 2002  USA GURU’S TIDBITS 1. What to do if your commitment is boring? Commitment has value when things are not so charming. When things are interesting you do not need commitment at all. You never say you are committed to doing something that is very interesting or charming. 2. Learning is inevitable. By doing things right you learn, and by doing things wrong you also learn. From every situation, from everybody, you learn either what to do or what not to do. Either by mistakes or by doing things correctly, you cannot but learn. Learning is inevitable. It is only when you sleep that you do not learn. And if you are asleep in your life, there is neither pain nor pleasure nor learning. Most people are in such deep slumber. That is why many people do not even make an effort to get out of pain. 3. Question: How to improve patience? Sri Sri: Can I tell you next year? (Laughter) 4. Question: How to improve memory? Sri Sri: Ask me this q...

Wake up and Transcend

Weekly Knowledge 362 Undisclosed 11 Jul 2002  USA Wake up and Transcend The foolish one uses the spiritual power to gain material comfort. An intelligent one uses the material world to rise high in the spirit. When you transcend the intellect you allow yourself to be used by the spirit. One who is awake neither uses anything nor loses anything. Become intelligent, transcend and wake up. 🌻Jai Guru Dev🌻  *Hindi translation* साप्ताहिक ज्ञानपत्र ३६२ ११ जुलाई, २००२ यूनाइटेड स्टेट्स जागो और तर जाओ मुर्ख अध्यात्म की शक्ति का उपयोग सांसारिक सुखों और संसाधनों के लिए करते है। ज्ञानी भौतिक जगत का उपयोग आत्मा के उत्थान के लिए करते है। बुद्धि के परे जाने से तुम आत्मा के लिए उपयोगी हो पाते हो। जो जग गया है वह न ही किसी का उपयोग करता है और न ही वियोग करता है। ज्ञानी बनो, तर जाओ और जग जाओ। 🌻जय गुरुदेव🌻


Weekly Knowledge 364 North American Ashram, Montreal 17 Jul 2002  Canada KNOW YOUR GROUP TYPE Normally in the world people with similar tendencies group together; intelligent people group together, fools get together, happy people get together, ambitious people get together and disgruntled people also group together to celebrate their problems! (Laughter) There is a saying, “Birds of a feather flock together.” The disgruntled people get together, they complain and pull each other down. A frustrated person cannot be with someone happy because the other is not dancing to their tune. You only feel comfortable when the other person is in tune with you. Intelligent people do not feel at home with foolish people. Foolish people feel that intelligent ones are not humane. One with wisdom feels at home with the disgruntled as well as the happy, foolish and intelligent. Similarly, people with all these tendencies also feel at home with the wise. Just turn around and look at what ...


Weekly Knowledge 365 New Delhi 05 Sep 2002  India FREE WILL AND DESTINY When people consider the past as free will they are filled with remorse and regret. When they consider the future as destiny, lethargy and inertia set in. A wise person will consider the past as destiny and the future as free will. When you consider the past as destiny, no more questions are raised and the mind is at ease. And when you consider the future as free will you are filled with enthusiasm and dynamism. Of course there will be some uncertainty when you consider the future as free will, and some anxiety, but it can also bring alertness and creativity. Consider the past as destiny, the future as free will and the present moment as Divinity. Question: How do we remove the anxiety? Answer: By having faith in the Divine and doing sadhana. 🌻Jai Guru Dev🌻  *Hindi translation* साप्ताहिक ज्ञानपत्र ३६५ ०५ सितंबर, २००२ नई दिल्ली, भारत पुरुषार्थ और भाग्य जब लोग भूतकाल को पुरुषार्थ का फल मानते है...


Weekly Knowledge 8 Connecticut 30 Jul 1995  USA HABITS AND VOWS  How to get rid of vasanas (impressions)? This is a question for all those who want to come out of habits.  You want to get rid of habits because they give pain and restrict you. The nature of vasana is to bother you, or bind you, and wanting to be free is the nature of life. Life wants to be free and when a soul doesn't know how to be free, it wanders through lifetimes wanting freedom.  The way to come out of habits is vows. This is samyama. Everybody is endowed with a little samyama.  A vow should be time bound. This would bring good conduct and save you from being wayward. Consider the time and place for vows to be taken.  When the mind dwells on useless thoughts, then two things happen. One is that all those old patterns come up and you feel discouraged by them. You blame yourself and feel that you have not made any progress.  The second thing is that you see it as an oppo...


Weekly Knowledge 9 Braunlage 10 Aug 1995  Germany DEALING WITH BLAME  When someone blames you, what do you usually do? Blame them back or you put up resistance in yourself. When someone blames you, they actually take away some negative karma from you. If you understand this and don't put up resistance and feel happy about it, then you drop your resistance. "Oh, good. That person is blaming me. Good. Something is going away." And when you drop the resistance, your karma goes away. Do you see what I'm saying?  So when someone blames you and you put up resistance in your mind, and you don't react, then you are not allowing them to take the negative karma. Outside you may resist, but inside if you don't resist, and feel happy, "Oh, good, somebody is there to blame me and take some negative karma," you will feel immediately lighter.  How does it feel to you when someone blames you? Do you feel some heaviness? Usually, when someone blames you, ...


Weekly Knowledge 10 Rotterdam 16 Aug 1995  Netherlands TODAY IS KRISHNA'S BIRTHDAY BIRTH OF THE CENTER OF ATTRACTION  Krishna means the most attractive . . . It is the divinity that is the most attractive; the energy that pulls everything to it. Krishna is the formless center which is everywhere. Any attraction from anywhere is coming only from Krishna. Often people fail to see the spirit behind the attraction and merely hold on to the outer shell. And the moment you try to possess the shell, you will see Krishna has played a trick and you will be left with an empty shell in your hands and tears in your eyes. Be clever like Radha -- don't be tricked by Krishna. Krishna could not escape from Radha, for her whole world was filled with Krishna. If you can see that wherever there is an attraction, there is Krishna; then you are Radha, you are in your center. The mind moves towards beauty, joy and truth. Krishna tells Arjuna, "I am the beauty in the Beautiful, the strength in t...


Weekly Knowledge 11 London 24 Aug 1995  United Kingdom ANASUYA  Knowledge will be different at different levels of consciousness. At a particular level of consciousness you will become anasuya. Anasuya is devoid of fault-finding eyes. If a mirror is dusty, you need a duster to clean it. But if your eyes have a cataract, any amount of dusting will not help. So first you have to remove the cataract. Then you can see that the mirror is already clean.  There is a certain mind set that always finds fault, even in the best conditions in the world. When you give a person with this mind set the best, they still find faults. Even with the best possible companion, or the most beautiful painting, they will still find something wrong. That kind of mind set cannot know the sacred Knowledge. Krishna tells Arjuna that he is giving him the Royal Secret, because he is anasuya. "You are not finding fault in Me, even though you are so close." From a distance, even craters cannot...


Weekly Knowledge 12  Bangalore Ashram 31 Aug 1995 India THE LOVE OF THE IGNORANT AND THE ANGER OF THE ENLIGHTENED  The love of the ignorant can be harmful yet even the anger of the Enlightened is not harmful. It can be only good!  An example is the school at the Art of Living Ashram in Bangalore. 250 children are enrolled but only 200 come to class on any given day. Fifty children don't show up. Why? They cry at home, "Mother, I don't want to go to school."  The mother says, "Oh, la la, don't cry . . . ok." She thinks, "No child in the world is like my child." And so she sticks up for the child and begins to speak for him. She does not see the teacher's point of view. The mother asks the teacher, "Why are you not teaching my child properly? He is so innocent, so lovely." So, what happens -- the child grows up spoiled. The love in the mother's ignorance has spoiled the child. The child will never learn the alphabet, never learn...


Weekly Knowledge 13 Bangalore Ashram 06 Sep 1995  India A LIAR IS INNOCENT  A dear person whom you trust lies to you and gets caught. What do you feel? 1. Sadness 2. Anger 3. Cheated 4. Disappointment 5. Compassion 6. Let down 7. Loss of respect 8. Wonder 9. Shock 10. Embarrassment Recently when someone lied to me, I felt happy and more love, for they were not a good liar. Had they been a good liar, they would not have been caught. I thought they were so innocent that they could not even lie properly. They lie and get caught. If they had not been caught, how would you know they were a liar? So . . . you can never know a good liar. The person you call a liar is not a good liar and they are innocent. Aren't they? And so . . . ha ha (laugh). You need not go through all the listed mental gymnastics. Instead melt and dissolve in Love. 🌸Jai Guru Dev🌸 साप्ताहिक ज्ञानपत्र ०१३ ६ सितम्बर,१९९५ आश्रम बंगलौर, भारत एक झूठा मासूम है एक प्रिय व्यक्ति, जिस पर तुम्हें विश्वास है,...

ಈ ಒಂದು ಆಹಾರ ಪಥ್ಯವು ನಿಮ್ಮ CKD ಕಾಯಿಲೆಗೆ ನೈಸರ್ಗಿಕವಾಗಿ ಚಿಕಿತ್ಸೆ ನೀಡಬಹುದು

ಈ ಒಂದು ಆಹಾರ ಪಥ್ಯವು ನಿಮ್ಮ CKD ಕಾಯಿಲೆಗೆ ನೈಸರ್ಗಿಕವಾಗಿ ಚಿಕಿತ್ಸೆ ನೀಡಬಹುದು #CKDDietKannada #KidneyHealth #HealthyEating Welcome to the Ultimate Guide on CKD Diet in Kannada.You are struggling to manage your kidney health? Confused about what to eat and what to avoid? Look no further! This video is your comprehensive guide to understanding and implementing a Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) diet in Kannada.  📝 Key Highlights: - Detailed explanation of CKD and its dietary implications. - Expert tips on managing kidney health through diet. - A step-by-step guide to creating delicious, kidney-friendly meals. - Kannada-specific dietary advice for easy understanding. 💡 Why Watch This Video? - Tailored for Kannada-speaking audience. - Backed by scientific research and expert opinions. - Packed with practical tips and easy-to-follow advice. - A holistic approach to improving kidney health through diet. 🔍 In this Video: Introduction to CKD Diet in Kannada Understanding CKD: Symptoms and Causes T...

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