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Sudarshan Kriya cultivate sense of inner peace, abundance, and connection to one's nature.

Question - Gurudev, you travel so often and to so many places. Do you not get exhausted because of travel?

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji - Do you ask water if it gets tired of flowing? Do you ask the tree if it ever gets tired of standing all the time? Does it not wish to lie down for a while? These trees have been standing for so many years. Have you asked the Sun if it gets tired of shining all the time? Everything follows its own nature, and I am established in my nature. I do not do anything that is not my nature, and I do not do anything to influence someone else, that is not my nature. Nor do I do anything to especially endure any kind of lack or challenging time. This is why we never feel any lack at all. There is only abundance. Also, I never get wrongly influenced by anyone else because I remain steadily established in my nature.

 Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji's response is a beautiful example of his wisdom and spiritual perspective. He uses natural examples to illustrate his point, making it relatable and easy to understand.

He asks rhetorically if we expect water, trees, or the sun to get tired of performing their natural functions. Just as these elements continue to flow, stand, and shine without fatigue, Gurudev explains that he too operates within his own nature.

He emphasizes that he doesn't:

- Act against his nature
- Try to influence others against their nature
- Endure challenges or lack
- Get influenced by others

By being established in his nature, Gurudev experiences abundance and never feels lack. This is a powerful message about living in harmony with one's true self and the natural world.

Sudarshan Kriya, a technique taught by Gurudev, helps cultivate this sense of inner peace, abundance, and connection to one's nature. Regular practice can lead to a deeper understanding of oneself and the world around us, allowing us to embody the wisdom shared by Gurudev.


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