Rakta (Sanskrit: रक्त) is a Sanskrit term in Ayurveda
Rakta (Sanskrit: रक्त) is a Sanskrit term in Ayurveda that refers to blood or the blood tissue (raktadhatu). It is one of the seven bodily tissues (dhatus) and is responsible for nourishing and sustaining the body.
Rakta is associated with the Pitta dosha (fire and water elements) and is characterized by qualities such as:
- Hot, sharp, and fluid
- Red or crimson color
- Responsible for transportation of oxygen, nutrients, and hormones
- Influences skin health, immunity, and emotional well-being
Ayurvedic practitioners aim to maintain healthy Rakta through:
- Dietary modifications (e.g., avoiding excessive heat, spice, and alcohol)
- Herbal remedies (e.g., Manjishtha, Guduchi)
- Yoga and exercise (e.g., calming postures, breathing exercises)
- Stress reduction techniques (e.g., meditation, deep breathing)
- Panchakarma procedures (e.g., bloodletting, purgation)
By maintaining healthy Rakta, Ayurveda promotes overall physical and mental well-being, including:
- Healthy skin and complexion
- Robust immunity
- Emotional balance
- Vitality and energy
- Proper digestion and absorption
Imbalance or vitiation of Rakta can lead to various health conditions, such as anemia, skin issues, and emotional disturbances.