Menopause, or Rajonivrutti, is a natural biological transition that typically occurs between 45-55 years of age. It is characterized by the absence of menstruation for 12 consecutive months. Common symptoms include:
- Hot flushes
- Vaginal discharge and dryness
- Mood swings
- Headaches
During this transition, the Vata dosha becomes aggravated, leading to an imbalance of the three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha). This imbalance can cause a decline in the body's vital tissues (dhatu shaya), leading to a range of physical and emotional symptoms.
Ayurveda recognizes menopause as a natural transition, but also offers guidance on managing its symptoms and promoting overall health and well-being during this time. By understanding the underlying doshic imbalance, Ayurvedic practitioners can recommend personalized diet, lifestyle, and therapeutic interventions to support women during this transition.