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Cultivate a deeper connection with the divine through spiritual practices like yoga, meditation, and Sudarshan Kriya.

Question - Gurudev, outside of me, you appear as the scenery and within me, as the seer. I am inspired and joyed by both these forms. Is one of them the truth and the other maya?

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji - That maya is also divine. And it can be crossed over by grace alone. So don't worry! Be integrated both inside and outside.

A beautiful and profound question and answer!

The questioner is seeking clarity on the nature of reality, asking if the external world (scenery) and the internal self (seer) are both true, or if one is an illusion (maya).

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji's response is enlightening:

1. He acknowledges that maya (illusion) is also divine, indicating that the external world is not separate from the divine, but rather an expression of it.
2. He emphasizes that maya can be transcended by grace alone, suggesting that spiritual growth and self-realization require a deeper connection with the divine.
3. He encourages integration, advising the questioner to embrace both the internal and external aspects of reality, rather than seeing them as separate or conflicting.

Gurudev's wisdom reminds us that:

1. The external world is not an illusion, but rather a manifestation of the divine.
2. Spiritual growth requires a deepening connection with the divine, which can be facilitated by grace.
3. Integration of the internal and external aspects of reality is key to understanding and experiencing the truth.

It's a beautiful reminder to embrace the divine in both the external world and our internal experience, and to cultivate a deeper connection with the divine through spiritual practices like yoga, meditation, and Sudarshan Kriya.


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