You forget about yourself and think of others That’s true seva
Karma Yoga
Chapter 3, Verse 25
yathā kurvanti bhārata
cikīrṣu loka-saṅgraham
Just as the ignorant act with attachment to their work, O Arjuna, so should the wise act without any attachment, and only for the welfare of the world.
Here again Krishna reminds Arjuna, “The ignorant one is attached to the action.” The ignorant one means people who seek gratification of the ‘I’, ‘I’, ‘I’. They are attached so much to what they are doing. And when they do something, they sing their own glory, ’I have done this. I have done that. I am the greatest one. There is no one better than me.’ Krishna says, “Oh wise Arjuna, if these tamasic-minded people can do like this, you can do the opposite. Be wise! The wise ones don’t sing the glorification of themselves. Rather they sing the glorification of the Lord, who is deeply rooted within the Self. There is no pride in such knowledge. There is no arrogance in it! There is no personal motive behind it, because you are thinking of the world. You are doing it for humanity, not for yourself. “
Christ also says that blessed is a true friend, who can give even his life for the sake of a friend. That’s a true friend! That’s what friendship means: you forget about yourself and think of others! That’s true seva! But the one who is ignorant, who has a tamasic motive – his goal is always personal. His mind is filled with pride. And his mind makes him sing his own glory.
Bhagavad Gita