Yogi's personality has been transformed. He becomes humane, universal and divine.
Verse 4.29
प्रसंख्यानेऽप्यकुसीदस्य सर्वथा विवेकख्यातेः धर्ममेघस्समाधिः ॥२९॥
prasaṃkhyāne-api-akusīdasya sarvathā viveka-khyāteḥ dharma-meghaḥ samādhiḥ
Even when arriving at the right discriminating knowledge of the senses, he who gives up the fruits, unto him comes as the result of perfect discrimination, the Samadhi called the cloud of virtue.
When the stream of virtue pours in torrents and the mind is washed clean of bias, prejudice and ambition, the light of the soul dawns. This is dharma megha samadhi: the fruit of the practice of yoga.
If the yogi, knowing that the highest form of intelligence is also a hindrance, remains uninterested even in this enlightened wisdom as well as in spiritual attainments, virtuousness descends upon him like torrential rain, washing away his individual personality.
His only ambition now is to sustain spiritual health. He has purity and clarity. His personality has been transformed. He becomes humane, universal and divine.
He lives forever in dharma megha samadhi", unsurpassed bliss.
He has renounced everything, and is a viveki (one who distinguishes the invisible soul from the visible world), a jfianin (sage), a vairagin (renunciate} ,
and a bhaktan (divine devotee) . Now he has attained nirbija samadhi.