Meditation Yoga
Chapter 6, Verse 22yaṁ labdhvā cāparaṁ lābhaṁ
manyate nādhikaṁ tataḥ
yasmin sthito na duḥkhena
guruṇā’pi vicālyate
That is the greatest of all gains and the treasure beside which all things lose their value. Established therein, he is not disturbed by the assault of mental grief.
The greatest enjoyments in the world and the greatest glories in the world appear tasteless and insignificant to a realised soul. One perceives God as everything, “the treasure beside which all things lose their value.” One is not shaken from the state of equilibrium if the world brings one failure or success, pain or pleasure. Therefore, God-Realisation is the greatest gift, the greatest of all gains. And when one gains God-Realisation, everything else becomes secondary or tertiary.
“Established therein, he is not disturbed by the assault of mental grief.” When the mind of normal worldly people gets disturbed, when the mind says, “What am I getting, what am I not getting?” They are shaken from all the sides, no? Left and right! Whereas the ones who are completely absorbed in the Self, enjoying the great Leela of the Lord, are unshaken in the face of the greatest trials and tribulations of life. The yogi, the bhakta who realises God, becomes like a rock, firm and unshaken; even if everything is turbulent all around, nothing affects them.
Bhagavad Gita