Sankhya Yoga
Chapter 2, Verse 49
dūreṇa hyavaraṁ karma
buddhi-yogād dhanañjaya
buddhau śaraṇam anviccha
kṛpaṇāḥ phala-hetavaḥ
Works are far inferior to the yoga of the intelligence, O Dhananjaya. Rather, desire refuge in the intelligence; poor and wretched souls are they who make the fruit of their actions the object of their thoughts and activities.
“Works are far inferior to yoga of the intelligence.” Here Krishna says that when one has selfish motives, when one is doing things in a very selfish way, one is devoid of this knowledge of yoga or equality. But when one doesn’t concentrate on the fruit of the action, one attains the Divine. In this context, Krishna is saying that whatever you do, do it with a selfless motive – because if you do it with a motive of attaining something, “wretched souls are they who make the fruit of their actions the object of their thoughts and activities.” This is the pride. This is the ego. People will always claim that they have done this or they have done that and brag about it saying, “Oh, we have done this”, “We have done that.” Even if this action appears good, it is not good. Then they start comparing, “If I do that much, I will get that much.” They work like normal people who are doing Karma Yoga in the outside world. It will not free them.
Krishna says we should pity people with such minds because they will damn themselves. He says, “O Arjuna, instead of focusing on that, gain the true knowledge of yoga and surrender.” Because when you have the true knowledge of yoga, God reveals Himself; this Love awakens, because you go through this purification. Then you let go of what is ‘mine’ and ‘I’. The ego is not present, saying, “I am doing this”, “I am doing that.” These evil ways of thinking will disappear. He is advising Arjuna, “If you go into this wretched state of mind and hang onto these objects of action, it’s a pity.” He advises Arjuna not to be poor and wretched like these people and says, “You are wise.”
Bhagavad Gita