Meditation Yoga
Chapter 6, Verse 18
yadā viniyataṁ cittam
niḥspṛhaḥ sarva-kāmebhyo
yukta ity-ucyate sadā
When all the mental consciousness is perfectly controlled and liberated from desire and remains still in the Self, then it is said, “He is verily in yoga.”
“When all the mental consciousness is perfectly controlled...” Then the mind is focused on the Divine and one is free. The mind is not jumping left and right, thinking about what one has to eat; or one is falling down asleep, and so on. The mind is not
running to the outside reality.
When one is “…liberated from desire and remains still in the Self, then it is said, ‘He is verily in Yoga.’” When one is absorbed within one Self, within the Divine Consciousness, one’s vibration is changed and one gets exclusively established in Narayana, who is the supreme peace, supreme bliss. In such a state, one overcomes all outer attractions. One is detached from everything which is perishable and from the worldly enjoyment. Therefore, one is free and longs for only one thing: God. One perceives the unity beyond diversity; in all the worldly diversity, one perceives only the Divine, the Love of God. This is truly yoga. If people have not perceived the Divine within the core of themselves and don’t emanate the divine qualities, they are still on the way towards perfection, towards unification with the Divine. They are not yet established in yoga, they are just practising. But the ones who are always fully absorbed in serving, fully absorbed in the Love of God, automatically start to reflect the divine qualities through them. Verily, this is yoga.
Bhagavad Gita