Sankhya Yoga
Chapter 2, Verse 66
nāsti buddhir-ayuktasya
na cāpyuktasya bhāvanā
na cābhāvayataḥ śāntir
aśāntasya kutaḥ sukham
For one who is not in yoga, there is no intelligence, no concentration; for him without concentration, there is no peace; and for the restless, how can there be happiness?
The man lacking self-control can have no peace of mind and can’t think of God. He’s always running to the outside world; so how can he think and concentrate on the ocean of the supreme bliss? How can he become calm and tranquil? He will not be able to concentrate, because he doesn’t even know what peace is. The mind of the worldly man remains ever-distracted and his heart remains constantly burning and agitated under the impulse of love and hate. He can’t concentrate, because he is busy either loving or hating. He is always concentrating always on lust and anger, greed and jealousy.
Krishna says to Arjuna, “Centre yourself in equal-mindedness. Try your best to become equal-minded, so that you can free yourself.” You can control your emotions. An uncontrolled mind has no peace and is always aggressive. Without peace of mind, there can be no true happiness. One can create a certain illusion of happiness and think that one is happy. How many people do that? Many! You ask people, “Why are you happy?” They say, “I don’t know why I’m happy. I’m happy because of this. I’m happy because of that.” Anyone who doesn’t have spiritual knowledge, the knowledge of the Self, who is not on the way to loving God, doesn’t know real happiness.
When people talk about love, they have no clue what love is. What they call love is actually just infatuation. They long for caring or being looked after. When you look at how people love in the outside world, you see that all these relationships are fake! All this happiness which people create in the outside world is not true! It’s only true for the mind, because it’s feeding the mind. It makes one feel happy: “Oh I am happy, if someone is pleasing me to be happy. But if I am alone, I am depressed.” It’s true! “Oh, I am terrible Oh oh…” It’s always about oneself, always about craving for attention! This is what people call happiness. These self-pitying people crave attention. The world revolves around this.
Krishna says to Arjuna, “Don’t feel sorry for yourself! What happiness can come of this? What true joy can come of it? This will reduce you to a very pitiful state, to an animal state! So don’t go into that. Be free from that!” In that state, you will never have peace. You will be restless and unhappy! Even if you create an illusion of being happy, the moment this illusion is removed, you will again be unhappy. Wake up! God is the most important thing! He is the main object of enjoyment. He is the Ultimate – not this illusion that you call happiness. When your heart itself is truly happy, then you will always be happy. But when your mind is happy, you should be careful!
Nāsti buddhir-ayuktasya: here Krishna says “The stupid mind! It is not intelligent!” People call this state of non-intelligence, intelligence.
Bhagavad Gita