Yog of Knowledge and Action
Chapter 4, Verse 41
yoga-saṁnyasta karmāṇaṁ
jñāna saṁcchinna saṁśayam
ātmavantaṁ na karmāṇi
nibadhnanti dhanañjaya
He who has destroyed all doubt by knowledge and has by yoga given up all works and is in possession of the Self, is not bound by his karma, O Dhananjaya.
“He who has destroyed all doubt by knowledge.” Lord Krishna says, “Remove all doubts! Surrender to the Feet of the Master! Do your sadhana, do your Atma Kriya Yoga! Go to prayers in the morning, and in the evening. Don’t be ignorant!”
“He who has destroyed all doubt by knowledge and by yoga.” Here ‘yoga’ means doing the sadhana, doing the spiritual practices, following the advice of the Master.
“... given up all works and is in possession of the Self, is not bound by his karma.” The ones who serve the Master, who do their spiritual practices with an attitude of surrender, aiming to attain the Divine; who do everything thinking of God, chanting His Name all the time, constantly bearing Krishna in their minds, they will be free from karma. They will be free from attachments and desires and will not bind themselves to this world.
When one is surrendered, and one does all one’s work surrendering it to the Divine, to the Master; when God is always in one’s mind, karma doesn’t have any effect. Karma is finished! One becomes wise! One becomes a light in the darkness, a light helping others go out of the darkness. One shines. Jesus says in the Bible that if you have a light, you don’t hide it under a bushel basket, you let it shine. The one who has the knowledge of the Self, shines: they become a lighthouse for others, to bring them on the spiritual path. In that way, all karma is burned. You don’t only burn your own karma, you also burn others’ karma.
Bhagavad Gita