Karma Sanyasa Yoga
Chapter 5, Verse 12
yuktaḥ karma phalaṁ tyaktvā
śāntim-āpnoti naiṣṭhikīm
ayuktaḥ kāma-kāreṇa
phale sakto nibadhyate
By abandoning attachment to the fruits of action, the soul in union with Brahman attains peace in Brahman. But the soul which is not in union with Brahman is bound by desire and is attached to the fruits.
“By abandoning attachment to the fruits of action, the soul in union with Brahman attains peace in Brahman.” The soul in union with Brahman, the soul which is in constant awareness of God Consciousness, “attains peace in Brahman.” One is aware that the Supersoul, Brahman, who is Narayana, is ever-present.
“But the soul which is not in union with Brahman is bound by desire and is attached to the fruits.” The ones who work selfishly to please themselves, aiming only for self-gratification and self-glory, are completely attached to the fruits of their actions; they are doomed to come back again for many more lifetimes! They will incarnate many, many, many, many more times to attain God Consciousness. They will be born in a lower state of consciousness, due to the bondage that they have created.
The enlightened souls, the Jivan Muktas, are continuously aware of God Consciousness. They dwell in God and God dwells in them at all times. No matter where they are, whatever they do, they are ever free! Like Narada Muni, they are constantly praising the Lord, serving Him and finding Him in all beings. They never come back again to this reality. If they do reincarnate, it is for the higher purpose of helping humanity.
The people whose minds dwell on the outside reality, the people who like to eat meat, will reincarnate in the same state as those poor animals. People who like to gamble and enjoy life outwardly in a very egoistic way, will take birth accordingly. Whereas those who focus on serving God, use everything that has been given to them as a gift to attain God! One in such a state will attain God-Realisation. So learn to serve God! Learn to surrender to Him! Surrender to the Master! Follow the advice of the Master! That’s the best way.
Bhagavad Gita