Meditation Yoga
Chapter 6, Verse 29
sarva-bhūtastham ātmānaṁ
sarva-bhūtāni cātmani
īkṣate yoga-yuktātmā
sarvatra sama-darśanaḥ
The man whose Self is in yoga, sees the Self in all beings and all beings in the Self, is equal-visioned everywhere.
“The man whose Self is in yoga”, in union with the Divine, “sees the Self in all beings”. So the one who is in complete unity with God sees God in all beings and all beings in God, he is equal-visioned everywhere. There is no limitation. The true yogis who have established their identity in the Absolute Brahman, in the form of Satchitananda, have this quality of bliss inside them.
Through meditation, one perceives that what one has inside of oneself is equally present everywhere: there is no difference between the inner and the outer. In the Atma there is no difference between the inner and the outer because Narayana Krishna, the cosmic Self, the true Self, which the yogis perceive, is within themselves and everywhere else. They attain the state of equal-vision. The entire creation, whether it is animate or inanimate, is Narayana. The yogis see no difference anywhere, because there is nothing which is not Him. They see everything within their own Self, so they identify themselves completely with Narayana and see Narayana everywhere. They perceive unity everywhere. That’s why when people sit for meditation, it is said, “See everything inside of you.” In meditation one “sees the Self in all beings and all beings in the Self.” The Self is the connection between all beings. In Chapter 5 we talked about this truth: if we are one with each other, we are constantly in connection, with each other, we are never far away from each other.
Bhagavad Gita