Karma Yoga
Chapter 3, Verse 18
naiva tasya kṛtenārtho
nākṛteneha kaścana
na cāsya sarva-bhūteṣu
kaścid artha vyapāśrayaḥ
He has no object here to be gained by action done and none to be gained by action undone; he has no dependence on all these existences for any object to be gained.
The realised one doesn’t look for any personal gratification. There is no obligation for him to do something or not do something! In the scriptures there are many rules about what one has to do, and what one has not to do. The Vedas are full of these rules. But here, Lord Krishna says that the one who is completely surrendered and realises that it is only God, Lord Narayana Himself, who is doing everything, is not bound by what he has or has not to do. He is not bound by his activities. He is not controlled by the senses. Nor is he controlled by the scriptures. The scriptures don’t compel him to do or not to do anything. He doesn’t have anything to abandon nor can he fail by not doing something. Why? Because he is guided. All his actions are guided by the Lord Himself. He is not bound by his own mind.
Here Krishna says to Arjuna, “This is another level now! This is a level where only God exists, where there is no ‘I’. If the mind is focused, one knows that all is God. And it is not just the knowing, it is the Realisation of it.” There is not the thought, “Ah! I am seeing God.” No. God is. This is a neutral state. In that state, there is no creation of anything, there is no karma, there is no ‘good’, there is no ‘bad’! One is liberated, one is a Jivan Mukta. One is not centred in any identity of the mind or the senses. One is in full Love. One is in eternal bliss. One is the embodiment of that bliss. In such a state, the outside doesn’t matter and the inside doesn’t matter.
Bhagavad Gita