Yog of Knowledge and Action
Chapter 4, Verse 23
gata-saṅgasya muktasya
jñānāvasthita cetasaḥ
yajñāyā-carataḥ karma
samagraṁ pravilīyate
When a man who is liberated, free from attachment, with his mind, heart and spirit firmly founded in the knowledge of the Self, does works as sacrifice, all his work is dissolved.
When an action doesn’t create any attachment, it loses its capacity to cause any harm. That’s why Krishna says that the action is ‘dissolved’. Such is the state of a karma yogi. When one is fully dedicated to the Divine, one is liberated. At the moment this knowledge of the Self appears, it embraces all, and reduces to ashes all the effects of karma. In this state, action is burned in the fire of knowledge: when one doesn’t have attachments, sense of possession or any desire for the fruits of the action, even the past karma is burnt away.
When one is practising Atma Kriya Yoga, all the karma is burned. The moment it appears, it immediately disappears, so it doesn’t give ways to delude the mind, it doesn’t give ways for the sadhak to deviate from his path of surrendering.
“... all his work is dissolved.” When one is not attached to any other aim than God, all that one does is for the sake of serving God. In that state of serving the Lord, one doesn’t create any new karma. And when there’s no new karma created, the karma from the past also starts to burn and one is released from past samskaras.
Bhagavad Gita