God will manifest Himself in whatever you are doing
Karma Sanyasa Yoga
Chapter 5, Verse 2
śrī bhagavān uvāca
saṁnyāsaḥ karma yogaśca
tayos-tu karma saṁnyāsāt
karma-yogo viśiṣyate
The Lord says: Renunciation and Karma Yoga both bring about the soul’s salvation: but of these two paths, Karma Yoga is held to be above the renunciation of works.
Bhagavan Krishna says, “Renunciation and Karma Yoga both bring about the soul’s salvation.” Here again, you see that one’s attitude is very important. It’s also very interesting to note that both paths will bring one to salvation if one truly renounces!
“But of these two paths, Karma Yoga is held to be above the renunciation of works.” Here Krishna tells Arjuna, “The yoga of knowledge and the yoga of action will both lead you to supreme bliss. However, it is easier for you to accept to do your action, your dharma. This yoga, of accepting to do your action, your dharma, will be your salvation.”
There may have been times in your life when some of you, like Arjuna, had this same doubt playing in your mind and you asked yourself, “What should I do? Should I be in the world or could I run to the Shree Peetha Nilaya ashram and stay there?” For a true renunciate, it doesn’t matter where one is. One will perceive the Lord equally, whether one is in the Centre or in the outside world. One will serve Him wherever one is, in whatever one does.
Here the Lord says that both yogas will bring you to supreme bliss. When you are disciplined in your sadhana and doing it for the sake of attaining God, you will attain salvation. But Krishna gives priority to Karma Yoga saying to Arjuna, “You are a karma yogi, you are married, you have a family, you have children, you are a warrior! It’s not meant for you to go sit and meditate in a cave.” It is interesting to note here that Krishna is talking to everybody in this world saying, “Find Me in whatever you do! I am in your house! The moment you sit to do your sadhana, I am there. I am also in the work that you are doing.”
In general, people who do Karma Yoga believe in the fruits of their actions. Most people usually work in order to get something, so there is always an expectation. But when work is only done to serve God, to please Him, one beholds the Absolute Lord in whatever one does. Then there is a mixture of both yogas, Karma Yoga and Jyaana Yoga, because the karma yogi is acting as a true renunciate. On the other hand, there are many people who pretend to renounce, who appear to renounce, yet they haven’t renounced anything. The renunciation that Lord Krishna is referring to is not a superficial renunciation. It means to renounce very deeply and sincerely. It’s of no use to say, “I have renounced everything! I have renounced the outside world,” and then sit there and think, “Oh, I wish I had this” or “I wish I had that”. When you renounce something, you have to let go of it in the mind itself.
There are many people who are still living in the world outside, yet they are true renunciates; they are free! They are not attached to the fruits of their actions. Krishna says, “That’s the best path!” It’s not because one wears a robe that one becomes a renunciate. One becomes a renunciate when one renounces the expectations, this aggressiveness of the mind; when one has control over the senses; when one perceives that the aim of life is only to serve God in everything. This is true renunciation! The true renunciate can be a karma yogi, someone who is doing his duty in the outside world, yet who is completely surrendered to the Divine. Not all people who have entered monasteries or ashrams are really renunciates. No! They are not. If one has truly renounced, one is free, living only to serve the Lord, nothing else. Some people say, “We love you, Swamiji! We have done all this for you.” But, actually it is all about themselves. You can see this kind of attitude in people. I see it here. Some people appear to have let go of the world outside, yet you see how they do their service. It is motivated by personal interest.
And when their personal expectations are not met, they suffer. If people are truly surrendered, they don’t get tired, they don’t get worried, they have only one aim: to be with the Master and to serve Him full-heartedly. They forget about their own personal interests. When people do their Karma Yoga in a state of complete renunciation of the fruits of action, they are free!
Therefore – do your Karma Yoga! But it is very important how you are doing your action and with what aim. Karma Yoga keeps you busy! It keeps you healthy and fit! Otherwise you become lazy and do not accomplish anything! When you see the yogis sitting in deep meditation, don’t think that they are not doing their work! Energetically, through the vibrations that they are emanating, they help other people; through their sadhana they are helping other people, not themselves. That’s what being a true yogi is about, because there is no personal gain in it! They are not crying during their sadhana saying, “When will I reach Enlightenment? Why am I not seeing that spiritual experience happening in me!” And this and that. You have a whole list of complaints. No, your sadhana has to be done from the heart. When there is no personal interest in what you are doing, when the only deep interest is Him, you will attain Him. If one is a great yogi, one will not have expectations. One will know that everything happens in divine timing. That’s why Krishna says that Karma Yoga is easier! Because the mind can be easily controlled when you are active. The mind always runs towards the outside anyway, doesn’t it? But if you use the mind to attain God, if you let the mind dwell on God Consciousness while you are doing your duty, it’s better than just sitting for meditation and falling asleep.
Do your duty! When you are working, you don’t allow the mind to drag you into illusion. When you place God first in your actions, wherever you are, wherever He has put you, you’ll find Him. Then everything will become easy. However, if you have not trained your mind to calm itself through sadhana, through japa, through reciting the Divine Names and thinking of God, even work will not lead you anywhere. Once you have managed to calm your mind, then everything becomes easy. Then, everything becomes yoga. Whatever you do, wherever you are, is only Him. That’s why it is very important to accept whatever God has given you as your duty in life and surrender it to the Lotus Feet of the Lord. Then you will see that He will reveal Himself to you like He did to Dukhi Krishna. He was given the duty to sweep the road in Vrindavan and he didn’t even question why his Guru had given him that duty. He was just happily doing his duty, and while he was doing his duty, he had the Lotus Feet of the Guru in his mind. He didn’t just sit around and think about the Guru. As he was doing his duty, he was joyfully chanting the Name of the Guru and praising him. His dhyaan, his meditation, was also on the Guru. That’s the dharma. That’s how he got the blessing of Srimati Radharani. Like that, God will also manifest Himself in whatever you are doing. He will give you full protection and will deliver you from the cycle of birth and death.
Bhagavad Gita