Faith is a principal factor which contributes to attaining divine knowledge
Yog of Knowledge and Action
Chapter 4, Verse 39
śraddhāvāṁ llabhate jñānaṁ
tatparaḥ saṁyatendriyaḥ
jñānaṁ labdhvā parāṁ śāntim
He who has faith, who has conquered and controlled the mind and senses, who has fixed his whole conscious being on the supreme reality, he attains knowledge; and having attained knowledge, he goes swiftly to the supreme peace.
Whoever approaches the Guru gains Enlightenment. Here Krishna says that faith is very important. Without faith or humility, you will not approach the Guru. But with faith and humility you will approach the Guru, you will take the instruction, you will serve, you will question, you will show an interest in freeing yourself. In such a state, you will attain the Light of Truth.
“... he attains knowledge; and having attained knowledge, he goes swiftly to the supreme peace.” To attain this knowledge of the Self, it’s important to have faith, shraddha, because if you don’t have faith, everything is of no use. One can’t approach a wise Guru without faith. People can bow to him, serve him and ask him questions, with the aim of proudly showing their knowledge. However, without showing their faith, they will not attain the supreme knowledge. People can be hypocritical and pretend to serve the Master. They can pretend to love the Master, they can pretend everything, but they will not receive true knowledge. If one is not doing everything with full faith, it will be fruitless. Faith is a principal factor which contributes to attaining divine knowledge.
Bhagavad Gita