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Everlasting bliss

Meditation Yoga

Chapter 6, Verse 21

sukham-ātyantikaṁ yat-tad
vetti yatra na caivāyaṁ
sthitaś-calati tattvataḥ

That in which the soul knows its own true and everlasting bliss, which is perceived by the intelligence and is beyond the senses, established therein, the soul can no longer fall away from the spiritual truth of its being.

When through deep meditation, one has perceived the true reality, “which is perceived by the intelligence and is beyond the senses”; when one has perceived and attained this bliss through meditation on God; when God has revealed this supreme aspect of Himself within oneself, “established therein, the soul can no longer fall away from the spiritual truth of its being.” In this state, one perceives this oneness and the everlasting, imperishable joy and bliss emanating from God within oneself. One is God-realised, one is a true yogi and one is never disunited from God. Whatever one does in life, whether it is having children, eating, drinking, or sleeping, if one is centred in that state, nothing can touch that person. One stays ever free. That’s why you see that in ancient times, the sages were all karma yogis, they were all married, even the gurus, and their wives were supporting their work. All those greater mothers also attained the same state of God-Realisation as their husbands, due to their surrender, their service, their bhakti and the dedication that they had to their husbands.

Lord Krishna says that the ones who have attained this supreme state, whatever they do in the outside world, they are completely free, even if it may appear that they are limited. One might ask, “If you are a yogi, why do you need to sleep? If you are a yogi, why do you need to eat?” But as they are established in the Self, they are beyond duality, they are beyond the judgement of right and wrong, they are beyond the judgement of being husband and wife, they are beyond the duality of man and woman, they are beyond heat and cold, they are beyond ‘good’ and ‘bad’ and other opposites.

“That in which the soul knows its own true, and everlasting bliss.” Here Lord Krishna says that the soul perceives within itself Narayana. The soul perceives no difference between itself and Narayana, “I am a little Narayana and You are a big Narayana, and we are both Narayana.”

That’s what Goswami Tulsidas said to his wife, “You are the one who led me to see Sita and Rama everywhere. It was you, the driving force. If you wouldn’t have acted in that way, where would I be? For sure, I would have been doomed somewhere. But due to the Grace by which you acted, I was freed.”

Bhagavad Gita 


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