Attained the calm of perfect self-mastery

Dyaana Yoga

Chapter 6, Verse 7

jitātmanaḥ praśāntasya
paramātmā samāhitaḥ
śītoṣṇa sukha-duḥkheṣu
tathā mānāpamānayoḥ

When one has conquered the mind and attained the calm of perfect self-mastery; when one has transcended the dualities of cold and heat, pleasure and pain, as well as honour and dishonour; then one is firmly established in the Supreme Self.

Here Lord Krishna explains that when one has realised that all sense objects of this world are an illusion, one runs away from such attachment, finding no happiness in it; in this way one controls the senses. When the mind and the senses are controlled, they don’t run after the sense objects, so one can direct the senses to where one wants; this is ʻself-masteryʼ. If the mind and senses are under control, they can be focused on God, on the image of the Divine, which will lead one towards God-Realisation.

The ones who are completely surrendered to God, the ones who are fully absorbed into Brahman, through the control of the mind, don’t get disturbed by anything. They are not touched by pleasure or pain, honour and dishonour, or anything. These opposites don’t affect them at all, because they see the Divine in everything. This is the quality of someone who has merged into his own Self. He reflects calmness, peace, tranquillity and joy. These qualities emanate from the ones who are not agitated by anything; they are free.

Bhagavad Gita 


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