Yogi becomes the knower of all knowledge.
Verse 3.34
प्रातिभाद्वा सर्वम् ||34||
prātibhād-vā sarvam ॥34॥
Through the faculty of spiritual perception the yogi becomes the knower of all knowledge.
Verse 3.35
ह्र्डये चित्तसंवित् ||35||
hrḍaye citta-saṁvit ॥35॥
By samyama on the region of the heart, the yogi acquires a thorough knowledge of the contents and tendencies of consciousness.
A yogi can intuitively perceive anything and everything. By samyama on the effulgent light, he becomes the knower of all knowledge. All knowledge is mirrored in a yogi.
In short, as day follows the dawn, impulsive nature is transformed into intuitive thought through which the yogi possesses universal knowledge. It is the conquest of nature.
The seat of purusha is the heart. It is anahata cakra, the seat of pure knowledge as well as of consciousness. By samyama, a yogi can become aware of consciousness and of true, pure knowledge. He learns to unfold and tap the source of his being, and identify himself with the Supreme.