When and how many times should I meditate?A. To the extent that even if you

Q. Dear Gurudev, when and how many times should I meditate?

A. To the extent that even if you had to forsake food, then do so...but do not leave meditation!!
The more regular you are with meditation, the greater the depths you will achieve.
Meditation is such a subtle phenomenon that... it takes months to become strong, but neglect it and within a few days it will wilt like a delicate flower!
Meditation requires a lot of discipline and consistency. If you sleep a little less for one day, you don't lose much. Anyone can be without sleep for 5 to 7 days. If you miss one meal it is still ok, a human being can survive without food for upto three months. You can survive without food and water for many days. Your important work...???? They cannot be that important that you do not get any time to meditate, but your mind tells you that this work is extremely important. Usually people give importance only to these trivial things. And they think that even I don't meditate for one or two days what's the problem?
But remember this, that in your daily routine even if you postpone the big and small tasks for some time or for a few days, then nothing is going to be lost. You are not going to lose as much as you think. But through meditation you will know such golden heights of consciousness, that are beyond your imagination right now. The dilemma is that till you meditate, you will not realize what it is that you have lost in your life upto now. You will really not know what you have lost. The greatest misfortune that people have is that they do not even come to know what it is that they have lost. Apart from losing this, people never get to know what it is that they wanted from life, they have no awareness of this.
Meditation should be your first priority.


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