They who look upon well-wishers, friends, foes, the indifferent, mediators, the hateful, and relatives, as well as the virtuous and even the sinful with equanimity, excel.
भगवद्गीता– अध्याय ६, श्लोक ९
सुहृन्मित्रार्युदासीनमध्यस्थद्वेष्यबन्धुषु |
साधुष्वपि च पापेषु समबुद्धिर्विशिष्यते ||
अनुवाद: जो सुहृद्, मित्र, शत्रु, उदासीन, मध्यस्थ, द्वेषी और संबंधियों को तथा धर्मात्माओं और पापियों को भी समभाव से देखते हैं, वे श्रेष्ठ होते हैं।
They who look upon well-wishers, friends, foes, the indifferent, mediators, the hateful, and relatives, as well as the virtuous and even the sinful with equanimity, excel.
Bhagavad Gita