Love is not a business. Love is not a career. love is not even an act. So there is no success or failure in love. Love is your nature my dear!
Whether you express it or not, it is there. If you realize that love is your very nature, you will not think of it as success or failure.
Some people may understand you and some may not. When someone loves you, you cannot say that they will be in love with you forever. People who have lived together for 20 years, and had said at one point of time that they were made for each other, suddenly find that they were never compatible, and that they never got along.
Suddenly people feel suffocated and want to go their own ways.
Love is not an act, love is not even a situation, it is our very nature. If you are in love with somebody don’t think that it will be forever, unless and until there is knowledge or wisdom in it.
Love with wisdom is eternal bliss. Love with selfishness or love for individual pleasure, sooner or later will bring misery and heart break. If your love is there to help others, nobody can destroy it, but if your love is to get something from the other, sooner or later, it will be broken into pieces.
Find out what you think love is. Is love only a name for getting pleasure from others? If yes, then it is going to bring you pain.
But if your love is there only to care and you cannot be without it, then that is your true nature. That is what is true love.
You should always feel that you are not worthy of the love that you receive. Think that the love you receive is much more than what you deserve. If you come from this space of humility, then you will behave with magnanimity and dignity in all your dealings. You won’t chew on the past, you will live in the present moment, you will honor the other’s opinions, you will understand the other’s predicaments; that magnanimity will come from within.
If you keep this in mind, that I don’t deserve this love, you will not demand love. And when you don’t demand love in your life, it keeps on increasing.
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji