The Knower of vedic truth knows that the Immortal enjoyer of all, is Omnipresent and is the witness of all, which is beyond the Prakriti.
अहं कर्ता सुखी दुःखी कृशः स्थूलेति या मतिः ।
साप्यहङ्कृतिसम्बन्धादात्मन्यारोप्यते जनैः ॥
~ I am the doer, I am In sorrow, I am happy, I am thin, I am Fat - all these thoughts arising due to ego, is imposed on the aatman by the people.
वदन्ति वेदविद्वांसः साक्षिणं प्रकृतेः परम् । भोक्तारमक्षयं बुद्ध्वा सर्वत्र समवस्थितम् ॥
~ The Knower of vedic truth knows that the Immortal enjoyer of all, is Omnipresent and is the witness of all, which is beyond the Prakriti.
तस्मादज्ञानमूलोऽयं संसार: सर्वदेहिनाम् ।
अज्ञानादन्यथा ज्ञातं तच्च प्रकृतिसङ्गतम् ॥
~ That is why this world is the agyan-mula for all embodied beings. It (the world) would seem otherwise due to ignorance caused by prakriti.
नित्योदितः स्वयंज्योतिः सर्वगः पुरुषः परः ।
अहङ्काराविवेकेन कर्ताहमिति मन्यते ॥
~ The aatma is the eternally awake self-light, pervading everywhere, the Supreme Person. Because of the ignorance of the ego, this (Jiva) considers himself to be the doer.
Sri Rama Gita