The ātmā is pure, peaceful, subtle and eternal. That (ātmā) is clearly luminous and consciously situated in all. That is the inner Supreme self, that is the soul and that is the Supreme Lord.
आत्मा यः केवल: स्वच्छ शान्तः सूक्ष्मः सनातनः ॥ ५ ॥ अस्ति सर्वान्तरः साक्षाच्चिन्मात्रस्तमसः परः ।सोऽन्तर्यामी स पुरुषः स प्राण: स महेश्वरः ॥
~ The ātmā is pure, peaceful, subtle and eternal. That (ātmā) is clearly luminous and consciously situated in all. That is the inner Supreme self, that is the soul and that is the Supreme Lord.
स कालाग्निस्तदव्यक्तं सद्यो वेदयति श्रुतिः ।अस्माद्विजायते विश्वमत्रैव प्रविलीयते ॥
~ That is Kalagni, that is the unmanifest and Shruti (through word proof) gives its knowledge. The origin and dissolution of the world is in that.
मायावी मायया बद्धः न चाप्ययं संसरति करोति विविधास्तनूः । न च संसारयेत्प्रभुः ॥
~ That omnipotent elusive assumes many forms (bodies) by his illusion. It does not come and go anywhere and is not driven by anyone.
नायं पृथ्वी न सलिलं न तेजः पवनो नभः । न प्राणो न मनो व्यक्तं न शब्दः स्पर्श एव च ॥न रूपरसगन्धाश्च हङ्कर्ता वागपि । न पाणिपादौ नो पायुर्न चोपस्थं प्लवङ्गम ॥
~ O best monkey! It is neither earth, nor water, nor lightning, nor air or sky. Surely it is neither life, nor mind, nor words, touch-form-rasa-smell. It is neither ego, nor speech-hand-feet-feet etc. (karmendriya form)
न कर्ता न च भोक्ता च न प्रकृतिपूरुषौ । न माया नैव च प्राणश्चैतन्यं परमार्थतः ॥
~ It is neither the doer nor the enjoyer, nor is this Prakriti Purush. It is neither Maya nor Prana. It is in reality (pure) consciousness only
Sri Rama Gita