The aatma is eternal, all-pervading, non-defective and one, all differences arise due to the power of Maya and not because of the inherent nature of the aatma.
पश्यन्ति ऋषयो व्यक्तं नित्यं सदसदात्मकम् । प्रधानं प्रकृतिं बुद्ध्वा कारणं ब्रह्मवादिनः ॥ २० ॥ तेनात्र सङ्गतो ह्यात्मा कूटस्थोऽपि निरञ्जनः । आत्मानमरं
ब्रह्म नावबुद्ध्यन्ति तत्त्वतः ॥
~ The sages definitely experience the atma-tattva, which is a form of both sat and asat. They are unable to know the essence of the Kutastha, Niranjan, Akshar Brahma because they are associated with the brahmvaadi Pradhan Prakriti.
अनात्मन्यात्मविज्ञानं तस्माद्दुःखं तथेतरत् ।रागद्वेषादयो दोषा: सर्वभ्रान्तिनिबन्धनाः ॥ २२ ॥
~ Suffering and happiness occur only because of the intellect of the soul in the anatma-tattva. Doshas like anger, hatred etc. are also associated with the same delusion.
कार्ये ह्यस्य भवेदेषा पुण्यापुण्यमिति श्रुतिः । तद्वशादेव सर्वेषां सर्वदेहसमुद्भवः ॥
~ For this reason, the inclusion of sin and virtue in the work is done according to the scriptures and everyone under its control has to take a body.
नित्यः सर्वत्रगो ह्यात्मा कूटस्थो दोषवर्जितः ।
एकः स भिद्यते शक्त्या मायया न स्वभावतः ॥
~ The aatma is eternal, all-pervading, non-defective and one, all differences arise due to the power of Maya and not because of the inherent nature of the aatma.
तस्मादद्वैतमेवाहुर्मुनयः परमार्थतः |भेदोऽव्यक्तस्वभावेन सा च मायात्मसंश्रया ॥
~ That is why the wise say that the existence of non-dual is the reality, but because of Maya being attached to the atman, that avyakt atman also appears to be divisive by nature.
यथा हि धूमसम्पर्कान्नाकाशो मलिनो भवेत् ।
अन्तःकरणजैर्भावैरात्मा तद्वन्न लिप्यते ॥
~ Just as the sky does not become tainted by the contact of smoke (in nature it remains clean), similarly the soul does not get engrossed by the feelings arising in the inner self.
Sri Rama Gita