The 8 Limbs of Yoga
1 Yamas: Embracing ethical principles - kindness, truthfulness, non-harming, non-stealing, and moderation.
2 Niyamas: Cultivating self-discipline, contentment, purification, self-study, and devotion.
3 Asanas: Practicing physical postures to strengthen our bodies and improve flexibility.
4 Pranayama: Harnessing the power of breath to calm the mind and energize the spirit.
5 Pratyahara: Turning inward, detaching from external distractions, and finding inner peace.
6 Dharana: Focusing the mind on a single point, enhancing concentration and mental clarity.
7 Dhyana: Delving into deep meditation, experiencing pure awareness and inner connection.
8 Samadhi: The ultimate state of blissful union, where the practitioner merges with the Divine, transcending the self.