Our primary responsibility in these times
The second wave of the Coronavirus is a critical challenge for humanity and calls for a heroic response to overcome it.
From availing of vaccinations, which is a must, it is necessary to cultivate hygienic habits and a disciplined lifestyle to stem the spread of this highly contagious virus. Our foremost responsibility is to strictly follow all prescribed protocols to keep ourselves and those we come in contact with, safe.There is no vacation from wisdom. Bringing the pandemic under control requires collective action. Everyone must do their bit.
The escalating global health crisis has reinforced the need for equipping our inner self-defence mechanisms too. Make sure you sleep enough, work out and meditate. Stress and anxiety weaken your immune system. Making asanas, pranayamasand meditation an integral part of daily life can change not just one’s physical chemistry but also make the mind peaceful and resilient. A strong mind can pull a weak body, but a weak mind will mess up even a strong body.
This crisis serves as a reminder that no man is an island unto himself. I urge everyone to strictly follow the protocols enunciated by the medical community including frequent washing and santising of hands, wearing masks and social distancing. Interestingly, our traditional ways such as joining hands in greeting and the emphasis of Patanjali Yoga Sutra on shaucha(purity and cleanliness) show that these practices have been around for thousands of years.
Until we defeat the virus, continue to stay indoors, avoid travelling and going to public gatherings or community feasts. Abstain from congregational prayers and rituals. Do not worry about not being able to visit the temple, masjid, gurudwara or church. Meditation and mental prayers are equally, if not more, effective than rituals.
By being responsible you will protect not only yourself but also many more people and reduce the burden on already overwhelmed medical facilities and frontline workers.
Various epidemics, wars, pandemics and natural disasters have challenged the human race before and they will keep coming, testing our ability to survive. Such times, as the one we are going through now, bring out qualities of the human spirit – its ability to endure and prevail and emerge stronger, kinder, and wiser. This is the time to invoke the valour in us, stand together and overcome once more.
I pray for the safety and good health of all beings.
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji