Only by performing actions like these should one wish to live a full hundred years here. Apart from this, there is no other way in which action doesn't bind.
ईश उपनिषद– मंत्र २
कुर्वन्नेवेह कर्माणि जिजीविषेच्छतं समाः |
एवं त्वयि नान्यथेतोऽस्ति न कर्म लिप्यते नरे ||
तात्पर्य: केवल इन प्रकार के कर्मों को करते हुए यहाँ पूरे सौ वर्ष जीने की इच्छा करनी चाहिए। इसके अतिरिक्त कोई भी ऐसा मार्ग नहीं है जहां कर्म न बांधता हो।
Only by performing actions like these should one wish to live a full hundred years here. Apart from this, there is no other way in which action doesn't bind.
Ishavasya Upanishad