One cannot feel grateful and lack at the same time
You cannot be grateful and feel lack. The two cannot exist at the same time. When you feel grateful, you feel full. When you feel lack, grumbling begins from some corner. If you feel grateful, gratitude will increase in you and you will be given more. If you keep on grumbling, the negativity in you will increase.
Jesus said, “For those who don't have, whatever little they have will be taken away from them. And to those who have, more will be given.” This is the law of nature. For those who do not have this knowledge, there is no way to get out of their grumbling. It becomes a habit.
This applies to relationships too. If you love someone, know that nothing is lacking. Trust that they also love you very much. If you doubt someone’s love, your doubt grows no matter what you receive from them. If you want to be close to someone, first begin to feel that person is already close to you. When you ask people, “Do you trust me?” you are doubting their trust. When you are in doubt, you grow in doubt — and there is no limit to it.
If you sow a seed, that seed will grow. If the seed itself is lack, then lack is what grows.Today you feel a lack, and tomorrow you will feel some other lack, and then in a year, even if all these things are provided, still you will feel some lack. Observe carefully and see what you have been given. Then you become grateful. In gratefulness, everything that supports life grows.
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji,