Medical terminology
*1. Adeno* - Glandular
*2. An* - Not
*3. Anti* - Against
*4. Aorto* - Aorta
*5. Artho* - joint
*6. Bleph* - Eyelid
*7. Broncho* - Bronchi
*8. Cardio* - Heart
*9. Cephal* - Head
*10. Cerebro* - Brain
*11. Cervico* - Cervix
*12. Cholecysto* - Gall Bladder
*13. Coli* - Bowel
*14. Colpo* - Vagina
*15. Entero* - Intestine
*16. Gastro* - Stomach
*17. Glosso* - Tongue
*18. Haema* - Blood
*19. Hepa* - Liver
*20. Hystero* - Uterus
*21. Laryngo* - Larynx
*22. Leuco* - White
*23. Metro* - Uterus
*24. Myelo* - Spinal cord
*25. Myo* - Muscle
*26. Nephro* - Kidney
*27. Neuro* - Nerve
*28. Odonto* - Tooth
*29. Orchido* - Testis
*30. Osteo* - Bone
*31. Oto* - Ear
*32. Pharyngo* - Pharynx
*33. Pio* - Pus
*34. Pneumo* - Lung
*35. Ren* - Kidney
*36. Rhin* - Nose
*37. Spleno* - Spleen
*38. Thyro* - Thyroid Gland
*39. Urethro* - Urethra
*40. Vesico* – Bladder
*Here are the suffixes used in Medical terminology. Check out! Suffix - Meaning
*1. -aemia* : Blood
*2. -algia* : Pain
*3. -derm* : skin
*4. -dynia* : pain
*5. -ectomy* : removal
*6. -Itis* : inflammation
*7. -lithiasis* : Presence of Stone
*8. -malacia* : softening
*9. -oma* : tumour
*10. -opia* : eye
*11. -osis* : Condition,excess
*12. -otomy* : incision of
*13. -phobia* : fear
*14. -plasty* : surgery
*15. -plegia* : peralysis
*16. -ptosis* : falling
*17. -rhoea* : excessive discharge
*18. -rhage* : to burst forth
*19. -rhythmia* : rhythm.
*20. -stasis* : stoppage of movement
*21. -sthenia* : weakness
*22. -stomy* : outlet
*23. -tomy* : removal
*24. -trophy* : nourishment
*25. -uria* : urine
Compounded Words - Meaning*
*1. Anaemia* - Deficiency of haemoglobin in the blood
*2. Analgesic* - Medicine which alleviates pain
*3. Arthralgia* - Pain in a joint
*4. Cephalalgia* - Headache
*5. Nephralgia* - Pain in the kidney
*6. Neuralgia* - Nerve pain
*7. Myalgia* - Muscle pain
*8. Otalgia* - Ear ache
*9. Gastralgia* - Pain in the stomach
*10. Pyoderma* - Skin infection with pus formation
*11. Leucoderma* - Defective skin pigmentaion
*12. Hysterodynia* - Pain in the uterus
*13. Hysterectomy* - Excision of the uterus
*14. Nephrectomy* - Excision of a kidney
*15. Adenectomy* - Excision of a gland
*16. Cholecystectomy* - Excision of gall bladder
*17. Thyroidectomy* - Excision of thyroid gland
*18. Arthritis* - Inflammation of a joint
*19. Bronchitis* - Inflammation of the bronchi
*20. Carditis* - Inflammation of the heart
*21. Cervicitis* - Inflammation of the cervix
*22. Colitis* - Inflammation of the colon
*23. Colpitis* - Inflammation of the vagina
*24. Cystitis* - Inflammation of the urinary bladder
*25. Enteritis* - Inflammation of the intestines
*26. Gastritis* - Inflammation of the stomach
*27. Glossitis* - Inflammation of the tongue
*28. Hepatitis* - Inflammation of the liver
*29. Laryngitis* - Inflammation of the larynx
*30. Metritis* - Inflammation of the uterus
*31. Myelitis* - Inflammation of the spinal cord
*32. Nephritis* - Inflammation of the kidney
*33. Pharyngitis* - Inflammation of the pharynx
*34. Blepharitis* - Inflammation of the eyelids
*35. Cholelithiasis* - Stone in the gall bladder
*36. Nephrolithiasis* - Stone in the kidney
*37. Osteomalacia* - Softening of bones through deficiency of calcium or D vitamin
*38. Adenoma* -Benign tumour of glandular tissue
*39. Myoma* - Tumour of muscle
*40. Diplopia* - Double vision
*41. Thrombosis* - Formation of a blood clot
*42. Pyloromyotomy* - Incision of pyloric sphincter muscle
*43. Hedrophobia* - Fear of water(Rabies in humans)
*44. Neuroplasty* - Surgical repair of nerves
*45. Pyloraplasty* - Incision of plastic pylorus to widen passage
*46. Hemiplegia* - Paralysis of one side of the body
*47. Nephroptosis* - Downward displacement of the kidney
*48. Amenorrhoea* - Absence of menstrual discharge
*49. Dysmenorrhoea* - Painful menstruation
*50. Leucorrhoea* - Whitish vaginal discharge
*51. Menorrhoea* - Menstrual bleeding