It was I who established Parameshthi Brahma at the beginning of the universe and gave him all the Vedas that came out of my mouth.
ब्राह्मणाः क्षत्रिया वैश्या धार्मिका मामुपासते ।
तेषां ददामि तत्स्थानमानन्दं परमं पदम् ॥
~ To those Brahmins, Kshatriyas and religious Vaishyas who worship Me, I confer the supreme position to them, which is Full of bliss.
अन्येऽपि ये विकर्मस्थाः शूद्राद्या नीचजातयः । भक्तिमन्तः प्रमुच्यन्ते कालेन मयि सङ्गताः ॥
~ If others, Shudras etc., engaged in minor works (lower castes), become a devotees of Mine, then they attain Me by Freeing themselves from the Wheel of time.
न मद्भक्ता विनश्यन्ते मद्भक्ता वीतकल्मषाः । आदावेतत्प्रतिज्ञातं मे न भक्त: प्रणश्यति ॥
~ My flawless devotees never perish. I have already taken a vow that my devotee cannot be destroyed.
यो वा निन्दति तं मूढो देवदेवं स निन्दति । यो हि तं पूजयेद्भक्त्या स पूजयति मां सदा ॥
~ The fool who criticizes my devotee is a blasphemer of Me, the Supreme Lord, and the one who worships Him with respect always worships Me.
पत्रं पुष्पं फलं तोयं मदाराधनकारणात् ।
यो मे ददाति नियतः स मे भक्तः प्रियो मतः ॥
~ The devotee who offers me leaf, flowers, fruits or water with the intention of worshiping me, is always my dear devotee.
अहं हि जगतामादौ ब्रह्माणं परमेष्ठिनम् । निधाय दत्तवान् वेदानशेषानास्यनिःसृतान् ॥
~ It was I who established Parameshthi Brahma at the beginning of the universe and gave him all the Vedas that came out of my mouth.
Sri Rama Gita