I am that supreme God, omnipresent, peaceful and knowledgeable. There is nothing beyond me. Knowing me the Jeeva becomes free.

मत्स्थानि सर्वभूतानि यस्तं स वेदवित् ।
प्रधानं पुरुषं चैव वेद तत्त्वद्वयमुदाहृतम् ॥

~ All living things are situated in me. He who knows this, is a Vedagya. Principal (Prakriti) and Purusha (Jivatma) - these are called two elements.

तयोरनादिर्निर्दिष्ट: काल: त्रयमेतदनाद्यन्तमव्यक्ते संयोजकः परः । समवस्थितम् ॥

~ The ultimate coordinator of both is said to be eternal. These three are beginningless and eternal elements, reside in the avyakt soul.

तदात्मकं तदन्यत्स्यात्तद्रूपं मामकं विदुः । महदाद्यं विशेषान्तं सम्प्रसूतेऽखिलं जगत् ॥

~ Even though it seems to be separate, know that the form which is different from Him, is mine. From the mahat-tattva to the pradhan, the whole world is created from him.

या सा प्रकृतिरुद्दिष्टा मोहिनी सर्वदेहिनाम् ।
पुरुषः प्रकृतिस्थोऽपि भुङ्क्ते यः प्राकृतान् गुणान् ॥ ११ ॥ अहङ्कारविविक्तत्वात्प्रोच्यते आद्यो विकार: प्रकृतेर्महानात्मेति पञ्चविंशकः । कथ्यते ॥

~ Nature is said to fascinate all the embodied beings. Purusha enjoys the qualities of Prakruti situated in that nature. Being separate from the ego, it is called the twenty-fifth element. The first vikar of nature is called mahattattva

एक एव महानात्मा सोऽहङ्कारोऽभिधीयते ॥

~ From vijnana arises the power of vijnana and from it the ego arises. The mahat soul is one and that is called ego.

स जीवः सोऽन्तरात्मेति गीयते तत्त्वचिन्तकैः ।
तेन वेदयते सर्वं सुखं दुःखं च जन्मसु ॥

~ The same is called soul and the same is called inner soul by the philosophers. Through him all kinds of happiness and sorrow are experienced in birth after birth.

स विज्ञानात्मकस्तस्य मनः स्यादुपकारकम् ।
तेनाविवेकतस्तस्मात्संसार: पुरुषस्य नु ॥

~ He is the form of vijnana, his benefactor is the mind and it is through his indiscretion that purusha attains this world.

स चाविवेकः प्रकृतौ सङ्गात्कालेन सोऽभवत् । काल: सृजति भूतानि कालः संहरते प्रजाः ॥ १६ ॥ सर्वे कालस्य वशगा न कालः कस्यचिद्वशे । सोऽन्तरा सर्वमेवेदं नियच्छति सनातनः ॥

~ He becomes indiscreet (for a long time) due to association with Prakriti. It is Kaal who creates all living beings and it is he who destroys the universe. All remain subjugated by it. Time is not in anyone's control. The same eternal ome enters inside everyone and controls everyone.

प्रोच्यते भगवान् सर्वेन्द्रियेभ्यः परमं मनः
मनसश्चाप्यहङ्कारमहङ्कारान्महान् प्राणः सर्वज्ञः
पुरुषः परः । प्राहुर्मनीषिणः ॥ १८ ॥ परः ।
महतः परमव्यक्तमव्यक्तात्पुरुषः परः ॥

~ He is called bhagvana, Prana, Omniscient and Supreme Person. The mind is said by the scholars to be beyond all the senses. Beyond the mind is the ego and beyond the ego the mahat-tattva, the avyakt beyond the great and beyond that is called purusha.

पुरुषाद्भगवान् प्राणस्तस्य सर्वमिदं जगत् ।प्राणात्परतरं व्योम व्योमातीतोऽग्निरीश्वरः ॥

~ Beyond Purusha, there is Prana. His (extension) is the whole world. Beyond the soul is the sky and beyond the sky, it is I, the agnirupi Parameshwara.

सोऽहं सर्वत्रगः शान्तो ज्ञानात्मा परमेश्वरः ।
नास्ति मत्परमं भूतं मां विज्ञाय विमुच्यते ॥

~ I am that supreme God, omnipresent, peaceful and knowledgeable. There is nothing beyond me. Knowing me the jeeva becomes free

नित्यं हि नास्ति जगति भूतं स्थावरजङ्गमम् ।
ऋते मामेकमव्यक्तं व्योमरूपं महेश्वरम् ॥

~ There is no permanent movable object in this world except me the avyakt Supreme Lord who is like the sky.

सोऽहं सृजामि सकलं संहरामि सदा जगत् ।
मायी मायामयो देवः कालेन सह सङ्गतः ॥

~ I the Mayapati, keeps on creating and destroying this entire world with the help of Kaal, out of my Lila. 

मत्सन्निधावेष काल: करोति सकलं जगत् ।
नियोजयत्यनन्तात्मा ह्येतद्वेदानुशासनम् ॥

~ With my presence, this Kaal creates the whole world and the same eternal soul regulates it - this is the discipline of the Vedas.

॥ इति श्रीअद्भुतरामायणे रामगीतायां द्वितीयोऽध्यायः ॥

Sri Rama Gita


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ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः। सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत। ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः॥
May all sentient beings be at peace, may no one suffer from illness, May all see what is auspicious, may no one suffer. Om peace, peace, peace.

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