I am the Lord, the inspirer of all, established in ecstasy and eternally situated in the form of yoga - he who knows this understands the essence of the Vedas.
तृतीया महती शक्तिर्निहन्ति सकलं जगत् । तामसी मे समाख्याता कालात्मा रुद्ररूपिणी ॥
~ The Third great superpower of mine Destroys the whole creation. That Sakti of mine, headed by Tamasa, is Rudrarupini, of the form of Kala.
ध्यानेन मां प्रपश्यन्ति केचिज्ज्ञानेन चापरे |अपरे भक्तियोगेन कर्मयोगेन चापरे ॥
~ Some devotees attain Me by meditation, some by the gyanmarga, others by Bhakti-yoga or Karma-yoga.
सर्वेषामेव भक्तानामेष प्रियतरो मम ।
यो विज्ञानेन मां नित्यमाराधयति नान्यथा ॥
~ The most dear to me among all these types of devotees is the one who worships me regularly with the Gyana of self analysis.
अन्ये च ये त्रयो भक्ता मदाराधनकाङ्क्षिणः । तेऽपि मां प्राप्नुवन्त्येव नावर्तन्ते च वै पुनः । मया ततमिदं कृत्स्नमेतद्यो वेद सोऽमृतः ॥
~ The other three types of devotees who are engaged in my worship, they also attain Me and they are also not reborn. I pervade all these- one who knows this attains immortality.
पश्याम्यशेषमेवेदं वर्तमानं स्वभावतः ।
करोति काले भगवान् महायोगेश्वरः स्वयम् ॥
~ I naturally see all this phenomenon in the present. Lord Mahayogeshwar himself regulates it according to time.
योगं सम्प्रोच्यते योगी मायी शास्त्रेषु सूरिभिः ।योगेश्वरोऽसौ भगवान् महादेवो महान् प्रभुः ॥
~ In the scriptures, scholars have described that supreme yogi mayadhish, Lord Mahadev in the form of yoga, he is the Yogeshwar, the lord of all.
महत्त्वात्सर्वसत्त्वानां परत्वात्परमेश्वरः ।
प्रोच्यते भगवान् ब्रह्मा महान् ब्रह्ममयो यतः ॥
~ Being greater and beyond all beings, Lord Brahma is also the Supreme being, because He is the form of Brahman.
यो मामेवं विजानाति महायोगेश्वरेश्वरम् ।
सोऽविकम्पेन योगेन युज्यते नात्र संशयः ॥
~ One who thus knows Me (the creator and destroyer) as Mahayogeshwar as God, surely attains the undivided Yoga.
सोऽहं प्रेरयिता देवः परमानन्दमाश्रितः ।
तिष्ठामि योगी सततं यस्तद्वेद स वेदवित् ॥
~ I am the Lord, the inspirer of all, established in ecstasy and eternally situated in the form of yoga - he who knows this understands the essence of the Vedas.
इति गुह्यतमं ज्ञानं सर्ववेदेषु निश्चितम् ।प्रसन्नचेतसे देयं धार्मिकायाहिताग्नये ॥
~ This supreme mystical knowledge is revered in all the Vedas. Only those with a pure mind (curious) should be told about this.
॥ इति श्रीअद्भुतरामायणे रामगीतायां तृतीयोऽध्यायः ॥
Sri Rama Gita