Having attained Me, the great souls are no longer subject to rebirth, which is the abode of sorrow and non-eternal, as they have achieved the highest perfection.
भगवद्गीता– अध्याय ८, श्लोक १५
मामुपेत्य पुनर्जन्म दु:खालयमशाश्वतम् |
नाप्नुवन्ति महात्मान: संसिद्धिं परमां गता: ||
अनुवाद: मुझे प्राप्त कर महात्माजन दुःखालय और अशाश्वत पुनर्जन्मको प्राप्त नहीं होते; क्योंकि वे परमसिद्धिको प्राप्त हो गये हैं।
Having attained Me, the great souls are no longer subject to rebirth, which is the abode of sorrow and non-eternal, as they have achieved the highest perfection.
Bhagavad Gita