The mission in your life is to leave a better world behind than what you inherited. Don’t you want to leave a better world for the coming generations than what you inherited? Look back and see, how the world was ten years ago, or fifty years ago - wasn't it better? If it was better, then we should leave a better world in the future. If you feel today is better than before, then you should strive to give an even better world for the coming generation. This is a broad outline. From this broad vision, you can choose what you want to do – you want to bring peace in society, you want to see a stress-free and violence-free society, you want to see a happy society around you. These are the things we should strive for. According to your tendency or your taste, you should choose the field. Some of you may want to be a doctor, some of you may want to be a social activist, some of you may want to work in the social field, some of you may want to go into politics, some of you want to do business and bring prosperity to society – these are all your own calling. You choose what you want to do, but the one common goal is that we want to make the society a better society – free from violence, stress, mistrust, and misery. Isn’t it so? Anybody has a second opinion on this? I don’t think so! Everyone wants to see a happy society, not a miserable one.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar