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Once in a physics class, the teacher asked the students, “Why do we have brakes in a car?”

A student got up and answered, "Sir, to help stop the car."
Another student replied, "To reduce and control the speed". 
Yet another said, "To avoid a collision". 

Soon, the answers started repeating. Hence, the teacher decided to answer the question himself. 

With a smile on his face, he said, "I appreciate all of you trying to answer the question. However, I believe it's all a matter of perception! The way I see it, *we have brakes in a car to enable us to drive faster!*". 

There was deep silence in the classroom. No one could have imagined this answer.

The teacher continued, "For a moment, let's assume that we have no brakes in our car. How fast are we willing to drive our car now?" 

He further said, "It is because of the brakes that we can dare to accelerate, dare to go fast and reach the destinations we desire!" 

All the students in the class were left thinking. They had never looked at 'brakes' that way before. 

Let's give it a thought!

In life, we come across so many brakes that frustrate us. Our parents, teachers, mentors and friends question us and our progress, direction or decisions in life.

We see their questions as well as the difficult life situations we go through, as "brakes" hampering our speed. 

But *what if we looked at them, instead, as enablers or catalysts?* As tools that enables us to take risks, while at the same time ensuring that we protect ourselves..

Because, *sometimes we have to pause, or even take a step back so that we can leap several steps forward!*

It’s because of such questions & situations (periodical brakes) that we have managed to reach where we are today. 

Without these 'brakes' in life, we could have skid, lost direction or met with an unfortunate accident.

_Brakes are not meant to hold us back or tie us up in knots. They exist, instead, to help us go faster than before. So that we can reach our destination safely and quickly!_  

*Are we grateful for the brakes in our life, or do we only see them as an obstruction to our work?*


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