Being an Inspiration…You Already Are
As an individual, we are inspired by many people. Whether through their actions or words, inspiring and helpful figures in our lives guide us. When we are lost or are battling the tough times, these people rekindle our faith and reassure us that everything will be alright. Such inspiring people are precious stones who leave an indelible mark on us.
We, for a moment or more, witness ordinary beings transform into our guides or gurus. Spiritual teacher, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, explains, “A Guru is simply someone who is there with unconditional love and support.”
While we have many such ordinary folks around us who guide us during the trying times of our life, there are also people who guide us to understand life better. These learned people are the ones who know more about life, its mysteries and the unknown realms of consciousness. They are identified as spiritual gurus or sadhgurus, referring to the ancient Indian tradition of paying homage to learned people. A sadhguru helps one find God in oneself and everyone.
Expressing gratitude to the sadhgurus and also those who have guided us in life not only makes us humble but fills our being with happiness.
The day of Guru Purnima is marked for expressing this wonder-filled emotion of gratitude to the gurus in our lives.
A city without streets, a king without a treasury, a merchant without a business, a face without a nose, a life without wisdom, and a life without a Guru are all considered the same.
- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar