A man with tranquil mind does not get distracted by disturbances, in meditation he does not meditate. A blessed man neither gains stupidity by his worldly acts, nor does he gets wisdom.॥97॥
विक्षेपेऽपि न विक्षिप्तः
समाधौ न समाधिमान्।
जाड्येऽपि न जडो धन्यः
पाण्डित्येऽपि न पण्डितः॥१८- ९७॥
धीर पुरुष विक्षेप में विक्षिप्त नहीं होता, समाधि में समाधिस्थ नहीं होता। उसकी लौकिक जड़ता में वह जड़ नहीं है और पांडित्य में पंडित नहीं है॥९७॥
A man with tranquil mind does not get distracted by disturbances, in meditation he does not meditate. A blessed man neither gains stupidity by his worldly acts, nor does he gets wisdom.॥97॥
Ashtavakra Gita