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Yogis, attached with their bodies think in terms of doing or avoiding certain actions. This causes bondage. But I exist pleasantly in all situations abandoning the feelings of attachment and detachment.॥4॥

भावा देहस्थयोगिनः।
मासे यथासुखम्॥१३- ४॥

शरीर भाव में स्थित योगियों के लिए कर्म और अकर्म रूपी बंधनकारी भाव होते हैं, पर संयोग और वियोग की प्रवृत्तियों को छोड़कर सभी स्थितियों में, मैं सुखपूर्वक विद्यमान हूँ॥४॥

Yogis, attached with their bodies think in terms of doing or avoiding certain actions. This causes bondage. But I exist pleasantly in all situations abandoning the feelings of attachment and detachment.॥4॥

Ashtavakra Gita


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Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

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