Who can prevent a great man from living in the present as per his wish as he knows himself as this whole world.॥4॥
आत्मैवेदं जगत्सर्वं
ज्ञातं येन महात्मना।
यदृच्छया वर्तमानं
तं निषेद्धुं क्षमेत कः॥४- ४॥
जिस महापुरुष ने स्वयं को ही इस समस्त जगत के रूप में जान लिया है, उसके स्वेच्छा से वर्तमान में रहने को रोकने की सामर्थ्य किसमें है॥४॥
Who can prevent a great man from living in the present as per his wish as he knows himself as this whole world.॥4॥
Ashtavakra Gita