Who but the upright man without desire knows without knowing, sees without seeing and speaks without speaking?॥90॥
जानन्नपि न जानाति
पश्यन्नपि न पश्यति।
ब्रुवन्न् अपि न च ब्रूते
कोऽन्यो निर्वासनादृते॥१८- ९०॥
कामनारहित धीर के अतिरिक्त ऐसा और कौन है जो जानते हुए भी न जाने, देखते हुए भी न देखे और बोलते हुए भी न बोले॥ ९०॥
Who but the upright man without desire knows without knowing, sees without seeing and speaks without speaking?॥90॥
Ashtavakra Gita